After the Straw Hat Crew left, Yake called everyone together.

"Everyone, I'm going to say something straight. Tomorrow we will collectively go to Four Emperors BIG MOM's site to attend her tea party." Yake sat on the main seat and opened a bottle of Sky Island special brew.

"Captain, are you going to start a war? Big Mom is not someone to mess with?" Luo frowned and said, if they had a conflict with Big Mom alone, it would be difficult to end well, even if the captain was as strong as the Four Emperors , but the power is still a lot worse after all.

"No, there are three historical texts from my aunt, and I have to get them. No matter what she thinks, as long as she dares to make a move, I dare to make the territory of all nations disappear from this world." Yake denied Luo's guess, he was very There are tricks, but I think too much.

Now Ark's high-end combat power is not enough, and it is not the time to start a war with Big Mom, but this day is not far away.

"Captain, shall we go together? That's great. It's been a long time since we went on an adventure together. I want to prepare a lot of delicious cats!" Anna said excitedly. She has been in the Sky Kingdom for more than two years. Although every day is happy, how can adventure be fun?

"Get ready, the Straw Hat Pirates will be left alone, and Hancock will take care of the Sky God Kingdom."

"By the way, where's Perona?"

Yake found that there seems to be a missing person, Perona won't be beaten by Usopp, right?

"Haha, Perona said she was ashamed to see you, she hid in the room and dared not come out~"

Reiju smiled, today's incident caused a great blow to Perona.

"Hahahaha, don't care about her, let her be quiet!"


After hearing what Shanks said, Luffy looked forward to going to the New World even more. There were no enemies in the Sky God Kingdom, so she was ready to leave after some shopping.

"Ah~ I didn't expect Yake to be such a good person. This one can never be eaten up. It's great!"

Luffy's mouth was full of chicken legs, and he felt extremely happy. Although he didn't know the reason, Yake must be a good person to give this to him.

"Me too, I can never finish my cotton candy~" Chopper responded excitedly to Luffy, only the gift of the two of them is food, and they can never finish.

"Hey hey hey~ A lot of money, I'm going to become a rich man~ hey hey hey..."

Nami has lost her mind by a mere 300 million Baileys, holding the Baileys box all day long.

"By the way, this is the end of the cloud, right? How are we going to get down?"

This is a good question, because the Kingdom of the Sky doesn’t allow boats to come on board at all, and people can only go to and from the Kingdom of the Sky through the ladder of heaven, so if the boat wants to go down, it can only rely on Sky Island’s specialty balloon octopus, or Yake himself Take it down, but Luffy and the others obviously don't enjoy this kind of treatment, so they can only go down through the balloon.

"Goodbye, Straw Hat."


The Meili fell directly down the current, and Meili's eyes popped out.

Weipa took out a blowpipe, and with a whistle, a pink Madara point octopus burst out of the White Sea and snatched the Merry.

Straw Hat Crew started a new journey...


Yake turned into a dragon form and crossed the Red Line with everyone on the Eternal Truth, so that he could go directly to New World without coating the ship.

"Okay, Bebo, it's up to you to sail." Yake handed the pointer to the world to Beibo. He is a navigator. Although his level is not very good, Yake is enough to deal with most situations.

"Leave it to me, Captain!"

Perona and Anna ran around happily on the deck. They hadn't seen the real sea for a long time. They were as excited as Erha out of the cage.

Yake stood at the bow of the boat, surrounded by Reiju and Robin. The three stood together enjoying the beautiful scenery of the sea, and the warm sea breeze brushed their faces.

"Yake, we've been out at sea for a long time! Time flies so fast~"

Robin said with emotion that she was the first to be with Yake, but she sailed with Yake for less than a year, and stayed together in the station for two years. It has been a long time since I felt the salty sea breeze blowing on my body. up.

"Haha, I've worked hard for you all this time, this time I'm going to Wan Guo, let's treat it as a vacation!"


Wanguo · Totto Land.

"Mum, Mama ~ Garrett, you are the protagonist of this tea party, remember to seduce Yake, I am waiting to eat your engagement cake!" The aunt smiled happily with her mouth open , the plump body trembled uncontrollably.

Charlotte Garrett is the 18th daughter of the Charlotte family. Her status in the family is not high, and her strength is not strong. Influenced by Katakuri, she also cares about her family very much, but she is also very afraid of her mother.

Although the theme of this tea party is not engagement, the aunt has already arranged it clearly for Yake. Charlotte Garrett is specially arranged for Yake. She has arranged for someone to investigate. Yake likes this kind of mature A sister-in-law woman.

Among her children, besides Smoothie, there is only Garrett. But Smoothie is a long-legged family, too tall, and Smoothie is one of the three stars of desserts, belonging to high-end combat power, the aunt is a bit reluctant, so she finally chose Garrett.

As for whether or not Garrett agrees, I'm sorry, no one in Wanguo can refuse your mother's request, otherwise the only thing waiting for you is death.

"Yes, Mom, I will definitely complete the task."

Garrett's voice was a little trembling, and she didn't dare to look directly into her mother's eyes. For the children of the Charlotte family, they were the aunt's tools. Even if they were her own children, the aunt would still kill them.

The will of the mother is the only voice in the world. Every time there are many children who are accidentally injured because of cravings, but still no one dares to resist.

"Mum, Mama, you are such a good boy, prepare well, the tea party will start in a few days, don't be like Lola..." Auntie stared at Garrett viciously, her eyes devoured.

"Understood, mom, don't worry!"

Garrett trembled all over, and left tremblingly.

Charlotte Linlin's terrifying laughter echoed in the castle...

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