Yake has eliminated two vehicles.

The other contestants didn't dare to think carefully, they just played honestly, and if they find trouble, they are looking for death! But Yake can't move, the others are free, the three cars kill each other, and finally the combination of Benz and Xiashu will compete with Yake!

"Entering the final sprint stage, who will win the championship? Ben Chi and Xia Shu? Or God?"

The passionate voice of the host ignited the entire venue, and everyone stood up and cheered loudly, waiting for the birth of the champion.

"Hey, I won't lose to you! Even a god!" The modified car under the tree began to release nitrogen, and instantly overtook Yake, leaving Yake behind.


Yake increased the current, the muscle turtle twitched wildly, and the speed of the car became faster and faster!

Yake's AE86 and Xiashu's Benz go hand in hand, and Yake's adrenaline rushes!

"Oh oh oh~ The champion is born. Congratulations to Ben Chi and Xia Shu for defeating Lord Yake by 0.02 seconds and winning a prize of 10 million Baileys!"

Yake was silent, didn't expect that no matter how fast the AE86 could catch up with the Benz sitting under the tree? Yake lost his heart.

"It's really enjoyable, congratulations." Yake congratulated the couple from the bottom of his heart. Although he calls himself a god, he is essentially a human being with normal emotions. If he loses, he loses. It's just a small amount of money.

"Allah~ Master Yake is really generous? Besides the bloody turtle shell competition, we have a lot of entertainment here? How about I take you to see it?" Bacala walked towards Yake.

Yake didn't speak, and motioned Bacala to lead the way.

Baccarat twisted her plump figure in front, explaining to Yake all kinds of fun in the entertainment city. Most of the people here had red eyes and panted heavily. Some people are ecstatic, some people lose their minds, without exception, they are all swallowed up by desire and lost themselves.

"Master Yake, what do you want to play?" Baccarat smiled like a flower.

Yake pointed in one direction, and a middle-aged man in a purple robe waited nervously for the answer to be revealed, muttering words in his mouth.

"Just play with this and guess the size."

Yake found a familiar person, and it is not surprising to see Yake here. Fujitora is addicted to gambling when he smiles, and the Golden City is the most beautiful place in the world to play. Fujitora is wrong, he has not yet served as Marine Admiral At this time, there was no title of Fujitora, and the original name was Yixiao.

Bacala looked in the direction Yake was pointing at, and felt a little bit in her heart, thinking something was wrong, why did she choose this bad gambler? Although he is a blind man, he hasn't lost much. Unless he makes a move himself, Yake will definitely not be able to win against that old guy.

"Uh huh huh huh ~ Mr. Yake, there are still a lot of vacancies here, why do you have to squeeze over there? Hey~" Bacala tried to ask Yake to change places, but Yake had already walked to the place where he smiled .

Bacala had no choice but to wink at the security guard and catch up with Yake.

"Old man, how about letting me gamble with you?" Yake sat on an empty seat, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, Yake waved his hand a few times, and Bacala understood what Yake meant.

A group of security teammates dispatched and invited all the idlers aside, leaving only two guests, Yake and Yixiao, on the gaming table.

"I didn't expect to meet such a person here, old man, Yixiao. I don't know what you want to bet on?" Although Yixiao is blind, his knowledge is extremely powerful, and he can even perceive meteorites in space, and use the ability of gravity fruit Pulling it down to attack the enemy is also one of the highest combat powers of the Marine headquarters in the future, titled Fujitora.

"How about betting on big or small? I'll choose big!" Yake snapped his fingers, signaling the croupier to roll the dice quickly.

"It seems that the old man can only choose the young one."

The croupier shook the dice clock, and the dice rattled.


The result was announced, three three two, small. Yake lost.

"Hahahaha, it seems that the old man won, today is really lucky!" Yixiao was very happy, smiling like a child of five hundred catties.

"Goddess of Luck didn't pay attention to me? Mr. Smile, what do you think of this world?" Yake didn't care about winning or losing, Lion Fruit was also left behind, and such a powerful wild combat power appeared in front of him. It is a crime not to try to solicit.

"In this world there are so many dirty and vulgar people that people can't bear to look at. It's a blessing not to see things." Yixiao said without hesitation. He has justice in his heart and has his own ideas, otherwise he would not choose to join in the future. Marine, although you can no longer see the evils in this world, you have to feel this world with your heart. It is a more tragic world than seeing with your eyes.

"In my opinion, the source of evil in this world is the Celestial Dragons. Only by cutting off the source of evil can the world be corrected."

"I see that Mr. Yixiao is also a man of justice. Why don't you join me in questioning the world? Subverting the world? Changing the world?"

Yake said sincerely that a strong person like Yixiao will join Yake willingly only if he understands it with emotion and reason, and has the same concept.

"Your Excellency's words make the old man unable to refute, but the changes in the world will inevitably cause turmoil. What about those innocent people?" A smile was a little moved, but he was not completely convinced by Yake.

"Hehe, Mr. Yixiao, you are so naive. Do you know how many innocent people die every year because of the gold in the sky? You can't figure it out at all... As long as Celestial Dragons exist in this world, the so-called innocent people will only be in vain die."

Yixiao fell into a deep silence and didn't speak for a long time.

"Haha, forget it, let's do this, Mr. Yixiao, let us use the dice to decide whether it is the right choice to follow me? How about it? I still choose the big one!" Yake chose to let fate decide, if he loses Now, he can leave without looking back, but if he wins, with a smiling personality, he will definitely not regret it.

"Ah~ Just follow what you want, I choose to be small." Yixiao sighed and sat upright. This was the biggest bet he had ever made.

Bacala took off her gloves and was about to transfer the illusory luck to Yake. Yake turned and stared at her, expressing her refusal. If she cheated, what's the point?

"Mr. Yixiao, it seems that you are mentally prepared, come on!" Yake snapped his fingers again.

The croupier was in a cold sweat. There was something wrong with the appointment of these two people, but they still had to shake the dice clock dutifully.

"Clatter clatter~"

Yake folded his hands with a calm expression.

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