Yake and Reiju, who were about to leave, heard the movement and looked back suspiciously.

Reiju covered his mouth in surprise!

Yake's eyes were almost blinded by the heat!

There is no normal person in this group, you think you see a beautiful lady, sorry, he is a male transgender, these are all good, at least they look normal, and those ladyboys in women's clothing are more The eyes are hot, anyway, Yake is absolutely unacceptable, not much better than aunt's naked body.

yue... Psychic damage has an outstanding effect on Yake!

"I'm Ivankov, the new monster king! What's your name, this powerful boy?" Ivankov winked at Yake.

Yake suddenly felt cardiac arrest and couldn't breathe.

Bentham next to Luffy was speechless with excitement.

"The person you are looking for is over there, he is Drago's son!" Jacques sold Luffy without hesitation, and never wanted to see Ivankov's face and clothes with hot eyes again, so he changed to normal clothes, Yake can barely accept it.

Yake respects them? aesthetic, but just don't let Yake see it.

Ignoring Ivankov's surprise, Yake took Reiju and moved on, escaping from this place of right and wrong.

The fourth floor is the director's room. It is much easier to find the elevator to the sixth floor here. It didn't take Jake a lot of effort to find the elevator used by the jailer, and went to the sixth basement - Eternal Hell.

The prisoners held here are either death row inmates or life imprisonment until they die. The reason why Marine is imprisoned for life is to prevent the rebirth of the fruit ability after the death of the criminal. What is imprisoned is not the Demon fruit power, but the Devil Fruit ability, so that the vicious ability here will be reborn in the sea later.

"What a beauty~ Are you here to make this old man vent his anger hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Evil government king Pizarro stared straight at Reiju's sexy figure with greedy eyes.

"Thunderbolt torrent!"

Yake stared blankly, and shocked the unrestrained criminal for three minutes. He didn't stop until he was electrocuted alive. Pizarro's painful wailing spread throughout Eternal Hell before he died.

"I don't know how to live or die, dare to speak rudely to my woman!" Yake glanced at the other prisoners, but no one dared to speak.

These prisoners can see that this is definitely not a prisoner, otherwise they will never kill casually, except for a very few who are not afraid of death, such as a red-skinned strong man in the corner, looking at Ya Ke without fear , There is still a trace of disdain in the eyes.

"Crocodile, are you comfortable in it?" Jacques found Lao Sha after walking a few aisles. Crocodile seemed to be in good condition and still looked very imposing.

"What the hell, I see you everywhere! You don't look like you were caught!" Crocodile said angrily, his eyes neither sad nor happy.

"Old Sha, my previous promise is still valid. If you are willing to subvert the world with me, I can release you right away. If you don't want to, I won't force you." Yake never forgot what he said to Crocodile before If not, staying in prison is too wasteful.

"Aren't you afraid that I will go back on my word after I come out?" Crocodile said lightly. The last time Yake invited him, he refused strongly, and now it feels a bit embarrassing to accept it.

Yake saw the entanglement in Crocodile's heart, and directly used Lei Metallurgy to make a key, opened the door of Crocodile's cell, and then made a small key to unlock the seastone handcuffs.

"Come with me if you want..." After all this, Yake left to find another Shichibukai Jinbei.

Crocodile stood still and looked at the backs of Yake and Reiju, gritted his teeth, and followed.

The prisoners in the cell were excited when they saw that Yake had the key. There must be a future with Yake. Only two people broke into Impel down. Can they be weak?

"Hey, I would also like to join your pirate group! Save me!"

"Me too, add me!!!"

"Dad, save me!"

Yake called him a good guy, everyone who recognized his father on the spot, he was a perfect son! But now I don't have time to pay attention to these people, let's get out the people I know first.

"Jinbei, remember me?" Yake walked to Jinbei's cell and knocked on the seastone door, but his ability had been strengthened and he was resistant to seastone and the sea, so this contact had no effect.

"Your Excellency Yake, why are you here!" Jinbei heard the shouts outside the cell just now, but he ignored them. Ace was taken away by Hannyabal long ago, so he had to squat quietly.

"I'm here to find Ace. It seems that he has been taken away! By the way, do you want to go out?" Yake shook the key in his hand and rattled.

"Thank you Yake, Your Majesty. I just want to go out. Your kindness will never be forgotten." Jinbei thanked Yake with effort, and the chains on his body made a crisp sound as they dragged on the ground.

"Jinbei, you have been disqualified from the Seven Warlords of the Sea by the World government. Do you want to join our Ark Pirates? You should know that only by subverting the World government can the residents of The fish men island truly live in the sun. "Yake tried to invite Jinbei to join, but Jinbei seemed to have some concerns.

"I understand what you mean, but the fish men island has always been protected by Father Whitebeard, and Ace is also my friend. Now I must go to Marineford to rescue Ace. After that, I will naturally be willing to join your Ark Pirates." Jinbei thought for a long time , said slowly.

"Haha, I happen to be going to Marineford too! Let's go together when the time comes, this time it must be very lively!" Yake was amused when he heard it, but he didn't expect him to be so slick today, Lao Sha and Jinbei were both told by himself Moved.

With the addition of Jinbei, a professional corpse hunter, the crew no longer have to worry about falling into the sea and no one will save them.

The other prisoners saw that it was okay, and rescued another one. It must be their turn next time! Shouts came and went, and they all promoted themselves.

"Quiet, I don't know you guys, I can let you out, but I just want strong Demon fruit power, you, you, you, okay, that's enough." Yake picked out a few more powerful Demon fruit powers, It was released, but the seastone handcuffs were not released. After all, he was going to be killed later, so bringing the seastone would save some time.

The people chosen by Yake include Dog Dog Fruit, Phantom Beast, Nine Tails Fox form Katrin Diemei, and World Destroyer Byrnndi Waldo who was frozen into ice sculptures. His fruit ability is Momo Fruit, Yake thinks This ability is very suitable for Fan Oka, and all Yake really wants are these two fruits.

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