What kind of curse is the most terrible?

Ignore the endless spread of blood? Life and death cannot escape eternal reincarnation?

No, that's just the degree of threat.

Not terrible.

The truly terrible curse is fear!

At the moment when his fist was about to hit Lowett's head, suddenly, a subtle, spring breeze tingling sensation emerged in Kaido's consciousness.

Just like going home to take a hot bath after a tiring day, the faint pain and relaxation brought by the hot water makes people refreshing.

But then something strange happened.


According to the truth, the solid ground that had been rammed by the impact suddenly collapsed, Kaido's unbelievable eyes were rounded, and under the brute force burst, his right foot directly stepped into the air and plunged deeply into it.

And this is not the end.

Even if the body is out of balance, the power of the fist slammed with inertia remains the same.

It's just that suddenly, Kaido was choked by his own saliva. The sudden change made him forget to swallow and just inhaled in the trachea.

Then, this staggering just formed a subtle range, so that only the epidermis healed, the blood smashed into the waist that needed the scales to jam the muscles, and the pain swept through the whole body.

The ground sinks, the mouth chokes, and the waist flashes.

Under the triple blow, the fist that exploded with all his strength finally began to lose its strength, and its power plummeted.

Boom! !

The remaining power hit Lowett's head with a punch, and apart from causing a crack in the skull, the rest of the power was dispersed.

Bang! !

Between casting the spell, Lowett was beaten and flew out hundreds of meters horizontally, and finally stopped until he hit the wall of the Flower City.

But he smiled at the corner of his mouth, not at all nervous about the wound on his head, stuck his head on the wall and looked at Kaido in the distance.

"Now, Kaido."

"Did you not eat breakfast today?"

Still update automatically

I forgot to mention that in order to avoid the untimely update due to broken roads and broken cars, this time Dashu is smart and save a few drafts to avoid breaking changes.

Chapter 548, Nature’s Wrath!

The pain came like a tide, and the choked breath made his face clear and purple.

But he had no time to think about it. Looking down at his right foot that was deep into the mud and reaching his knees, Kaido was full of incomprehensible horror.

"Just now, what happened?!"

That is no coincidence!

He felt a substantive malice!

Airtight in all directions!

Suddenly he thought of something and looked up at Lowett in horror: "You changed my luck?"

There are so many coincidences that happened together, except for this Kaido can't think of other reasons.

Lowett: ""

"No, I just don't have the ability to make the world hostile to you, change luck or something."

Can children understand the industrial knowledge and manufacturing difficulty of a pistol?

can not.

But can children pull the trigger?


This is the reality faced by the guy who has the ability to control his popularity in the general world.

No matter what the root cause is, they don't understand, but they can use it.

Unfortunately, the "general world" here does not include the wizarding world.

It was a world that even the gods were unwilling to fall, and the stability of the law was so terrible that it was beyond words.

There, every rule has its own physical evolution. It either merges with the rule to become the Holy Ten, or establishes its own rules and embarks on the path of dominance. A person’s luck cannot change at all unless it is the enemy of other rules. .

Fortunately, the mages are a group of freaks who are not comfortable with the status quo.

Especially the necromantic school.

Under the research of unknown number of people, they found an alternative way to achieve a similar effect.

The result of the research on this path is to curse the magic of abandoning both men and gods!

Luck is almost impossible to reverse, but they can impose the malice of the world on the target and enhance his bad luck.

Just like that network joke, you don't need to run faster than the bear when you meet a bear, you just need to run faster than your partner.

The Son of Destiny with great luck, if bad luck overwhelms good luck, then he is also a bad luck.

Well, of course.

This trick has a lot of limitations. Not only is the mana level listed as a big spell, the difficulty of learning is also the highest of all the big spells, and the power is still difficult to guarantee.

But this time, the effect is remarkable!

Lowett used the Blood Prison Knife to strengthen the casting effect, and Kaido's luck fell to the bottom under the force of the bricks.

If there is a panel, his current luck column is not "e", but "sss"!

"Soul magic can be broken by the soul, physical attacks can be blown away with brute force, and space and curse spells can be found by learning to find loopholes, but the abandonment of man and **** is different."

The flesh and bones of his hands continued to grow, and Lovett's eyes were gleaming.

"It's the malice of the whole world, and it is the enemy of the whole world!"

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