Can't be ten-edged

Bang! !

Before he could launch an attack, suddenly seven or eight attacks fell on him. He had the talent and insight from a mage background, and Lowett hadn't noticed the attack beforehand.

"False Demon Lord, Mogu?" After being blown up with blood, Lowett looked calm and looked down while flying upside down.

"Unexpectedly, your Excellency would choose to stay and fight."

I saw a tall and sturdy black-purple demon entangled in the fire of fel, slowly retracting his arm. The demon clan had been molested by a mage to die and alive, and finally it was thrown into a ruler to preserve the continuity of the race.

That master is the Mogu Demon Lord!

Of course, the latter did not feel at ease, enslaved them, and used the talent of the Demon Clan to invade the wizard world from a distance or even across planes to conquer and devour other small planes. During this time, he ate a lot.

Although the Minor Plane is not a world with perfect laws like this, it is also a great tonic.

Therefore, there is no need for him to stay desperately.

Unlike the masters who want to fight the dead sea, he has already occupied the "trash can". Unless someone can find a new way to fight for the small planes, the unorthodox planes connected to the dead sea are lighted. It will be enough for him to eat for millions of years.

Hearing this, the False Demon Lord smiled gloomily: "Indeed, I have no need to stay."

"I just have a contradiction with Wushan in another direction, so I can't let you succeed."

Chapter 132, I used to be afraid of snakes until... I ate snake soup once

"Another contradiction?"

Lowett frowned, knowingly: "Well, I can almost guess what it is if you don't say it."

This is the reason why Yang Shen and others thought that the emperor would definitely take them.

Because there are too many dishonest guys in Domination.

On the contrary, it is because in the sea of ​​dead souls, there is basically no place to keep oneself safe.

"Be careful, you also participated in the input of the source before."

Although he didn't like this guy, Yang Shen quickly reminded him.

Unexpectedly, the False Demon grinned at this: "Well, of course."

"If the false origin is also considered the origin."


"Unlike you idiots, I don't trust anyone, even for profit, I would not choose to cooperate." The false demon's eyes turned into evil spirits with vertical pupils, and the muscles on his body were suddenly reduced, turning from muscular recklessness to streamlined. Body.

"However, knowing that there is a problem with the energy I input, I didn't say anything about it, which made me have to doubt the motives of Skeleton Mountain."

"Is he unwilling or dare not?"

"Facts have proved that he neither dared nor willing!"

False demons are ever-changing!

The voice fell, and before the Yang God came back from his astonishment, the False Demon Lord turned into a young snake-like youth with two wings and long black horns on his back, and rushed towards Lowett.

boom! !

Obviously it was just a simple punch, but Lowett flew out like a cannonball again.

That was just a hello, I'm going to make a move.

This time, it was the real attack!

Since there is no law to fight against it, a weird energy instantly entered Lowett's body, and the body of the unreasonable weird person who had broken away from the concept of flesh and blood creatures was forcibly drilled and riddled by that energy. The blood blossoms blasted wildly, dripping with blood.

Puff! !

I don't know how far it went, until Lowett finally stopped moving until he hit the surface of a broken planet.

The body of the evil and hateful weird man was fragmented, his eyes burst like grapes, and blood and tears were shed.

"Is it ever changing?"

Raised his head stiffly like a rusty robot. Although he was beaten badly, Lovett had only peace in his eyes.

"It's really tricky!"

There is no law of origin to contend, and Lowett can also use the analytical ability to replicate the attributes of restraint.

Confronting other masters, it saves time and effort than the power of breaking the law.

But this one is different!

His original law is ever-changing!

In addition, with the behavior of "being observed", a corresponding flip occurs, which is truly illusory, irrelevant and unpredictable.

Take the simplest five elements as an analogy.

He has no attributes, but he can transform attacks into any kind of attributes.

So the point came.

If you observe that the attribute he transformed into is "fire" and you want to use "water" to restrain it, then you will find at the moment of contact that his attribute has been transformed into "earth" at some point, and earth overcomes water.

In other words, his attributes are not determined by him, but by the "observer".

And, reality is more complicated than that.

No prior "fire" bottoming is required, and it is not limited to energy, but also includes twisting the body, strengthening a certain aspect, and so on.

Let yourself be born the most restrained form of opponents from the moment you are observed, while keeping fit.

It can be said to be the most annoying lord of the Dead Sea, no one!

So unless you want to be restrained by the opponent in more ways, Lowett can't use any law of origin, only relying on energy to resist.

"It really left me a big trouble!" Lowett sighed and looked at the crack above his eyes.

Although the emperor got the key, he was able to build a stable bridge between the sea of ​​dead souls. The stability of the "door" can be imagined, and it won't be opened for a while.

In this way, the emperor has no time to be distracted.

And he had not obtained the original law of the False Demon Lord, and the power of breaking the law plummeted.

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