So since then, Lowett has been trying to deduce a higher state of magic, building more stable, higher mana, six-star, and even seven-star and eight-star spells!


He gave up.

Going up, it's not that he can't build a more stable structure, but that as a mage, his computational power is not enough and mental power is not enough.

During the years when he ruled the One Piece, the reason why he was eager to break through was because of this.

He needs a larger soul to provide computing power, and he needs more knowledge that touches the law to integrate what he has learned in order to apply it.

But now that he has obtained the thorns of the human gods, he has become the master, and the two prerequisites that exceed the standard are met, and the deduction of higher spells will naturally be a matter of course.


Click! !

As Lowett mobilized his soul to release spells, suddenly everything fell into darkness.

It was a deeper darkness than when he used to release the word "Eternal Night" of the talisman. The eyes cannot see, the ears cannot hear, the nose cannot smell, the mouth cannot speak, and the somatosensory skin loses consciousness, even his heartbeat and body temperature. , Also all disappeared.

And not only that, the thunderous sound of thunder in the darkness is majestic and mighty. In the sound of thunder, countless magical powers are built together in a complex and cumbersome but stable order. The effect released is suppression. Energy play.

In other words

This is a rule vacuum zone!

Absolute curse!

The seven-star spells that are truly stable and orderly above the forbidden spell!

Although it still belongs to the stage of Saint Ten under the rule from the level of law, whether a knife can kill people depends on how to use it!

"Damn it!"

"I'm going to kill you, bastard!!" The False Demon Lord roared with a ferocious expression while covering his head.

The pain that reached the soul well caught the moment when he neglected to guard, the vast soul power smashed his soul into a crack. If it hadn't been "hardened" and changed at the moment of attack, he was already dying at this moment.

But soon he was not in the mood to continue thinking about this issue, and a huge sense of oppression spread around him, constantly eroding and stripping his perception.

That weird power, like an empty jade body, suppressed the effect of energy activation, while stripping away his self-consciousness!

The self-awareness of a master!

Noticing that the body was dark, the False Demon snorted coldly.

"Small bugs!"

"With the power of mere darkness, you want me to fall into the abyss of consciousness?"

He sees the law of darkness a lot, and doesn’t need him to deliberately control it. The vain monster quickly transforms into the incompatible source of light. This basic law that constitutes the world can be captured by any ruler. If it is transformed by the vain monster, the power is still Will double!

False Demon Body Great Bright God!

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, glaring white light emerged from the dark center.

The white jade that the demon-like body transformed in an instant was flawless, emitting light.

Rays of light cut through the night, illuminating the body like a hedgehog.

Even if the mighty power contained in the Seven Star Absolute Curse can even suppress the energy of the dominating realm, in front of the light, the dense darkness is still like squeezed silt that is quickly broken by the light, and the black star surface that rises in the universe quickly cracks. Appears, the white light radiates out uncontrollably


The world is gone!

At the moment when the dark vacuum zone was about to be completely burst by the light, a force full of destruction aura attacked outrageously, and the person directly crushed the black star, and even the light inside it was shattered in an instant, and was smashed by the dark giant. Knock and tear!


With another squirt of blood, the False Demon Lord, whose body was transformed into a snake-like form, flew out of the air, and flew out in a hurry.


Yang Shen stunned his eyes and asked the question for the False Demon Lord.

"how did you do that?!"

If the previous sneak attack by soul attack was excusable, then this scene is completely incomprehensible!

As we all know, it is not himself who determines the power attribute of the False Demon Lord, but the object who observes him!

As long as he is observed, his body should be the most restrained form!

Even if the opponent's strength is several times far away from him, he can fight by restraining the opponent's form.


"Your previous power has no destructive power?"


"Or is there a problem with the power of darkness?"

Yang Shen racked his brains, thinking about what went wrong, and the whole person neglected to take precautions.

Fortunately at this moment, Lowett seemed not sure whether he was successful, and did not take the opportunity to make a move.

After confirming that he had successfully hit the False Demon Lord, Yang Shen had already met him.

Huh! !

Extremely hot new star! !

No matter how he did it, he couldn't be careless anyway.

Therefore, in the face of the pure sun flames that erupted, Lovett could only defend with a knife.

Waiting for him to resist the attack of Xiayang God, the False Demon Lord suddenly shot out from the corner.

"Go to hell!!"

However, Lowett calmed down instead, raising his left hand and pushing his palm forward.

There is no dark sun and no black stars!

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