Several giant crossbow-like machines rose from the corners of the square. Under the strong pull of the soldiers, huge crossbow arrows, thicker than ordinary people's waist, stood in the center, and then they trembled and locked with a "click".


Ooh! !

The sound of breaking through the air sounded instantaneously, and the sharp crossbow arrows pulled out a black light in the air, whimpering and shooting towards Kaido. But if you look closely, you will find that the real body that made the whistling and howling is not the body of the crossbow bolt, but the thick iron cord behind them.

As for the crossbow arrow body, a sonic boom has already exploded, which is fleeting.


Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Blood was splashing and flying, and the crossbow arrows penetrated the scale armor and stuck the hook on Kaido.

"Hailou Stone!!"

Seeing this, Kaido's eyes erupted with anger.

No matter how powerful the ordinary iron arrow is, it will stagger him at most when it hits him, and then it will break into debris in front of the scales of his body.

And at this moment, these crossbow arrows can tear their own defenses. There is no doubt that only the Hailou Stone, which is known as the "crystal of the sea", has such an exaggerated hardness!


"How does it feel to be hit by a weapon made by yourself? Kaido!"

Muttering to himself in a low voice, before the Warring States period, he took a step and flew out, facing the gunpowder and fire, and fisted down.


Sparks splashed in the sound of gold and iron, and the cyan scales were black and shiny at the moment, and the fingers of the Warring States Period were numb. The first attack on the Warring States could damage Kaido, but Kaido didn't seriously use his arms and domineering.

But now it's different. After the crossbow bolt chain inserted in the body, I don't know what it is connected to. I can't get rid of it in a short time. In addition, the severe pain affects the muscles and it is difficult to exert force.

However, the Warring States Period was not surprised by this result. With the help of the impact, he bounced back to the stone steps on the edge of the bay port, stepped hard, and flew up again.

The ten-meter-long golden giant Buddha looks chubby, giving people a slow sense of sight, but it is really quick to do things that ordinary people can't do.

Millions of crack fists!

Flying in front of him, the Warring States fists pulled back, and the golden Buddha's light condensed into a dazzling ball on his fists, blasting out indiscriminately.

Boom boom boom!

The indiscriminate fight in Pirate World should not be underestimated, especially this trick made by the Warring States Ambassador.

Condensed to the extreme, every punch of Fo Guang has the terrible power of tearing apart the mountain, plus the fighting quality that he once served as a general, the angle is tricky, and he specializes in fighting weakness.

For a time, Kaido was beaten up and cried out in pain.

He couldn't even open his eyes, and the weak spots such as his nose were repeatedly injured.

Scarlet blood accompanies the Buddha's light in the sea below the bay port. The surging air flow dissipated the gunfire and smoke, leaving only a constant roar between the world and the earth, which was deafening.

Can it succeed?

The soldiers controlling the artillery clenched their fists.

This was the plan made during the disaster exercise. Now it seems that everything is developing as estimated by the Warring States period. However, in the original plan, all the three generals and the hero Karp should be shot at this moment, not just the Warring States.

However, as the Warring States fought all the way to press Kaido's huge head into the ground, the soldiers' breathing suddenly increased.

It's a success!

At this moment, Kaiduo's forehead was sprinkled with blood, his eyes closed, and he quietly lay on the ground and let the Warring States attack. Although the armed domineering still existed, there was a faint sign of dissipating.

Boom boom boom!

But the Warring States did not dare to be careless, fell back to the ground and continued to chase, as if he wanted to blow Kaido's head. He knows what secrets are hidden in this guy's body, and this is definitely not the time to relax.

As the attack continued, suddenly, the Crane staff member who was watching the battle in the distance remembered something and looked back.


She sucked in a breath and suddenly shouted: "Stop the Warring States! The pedestal can't hold it!"


Warring States turned his head with red eyes. Sure enough, as he hit hard, Kaido was indeed suppressed, but as he continued to bombard, he also brought the end of the chain stuck on him, and the foundation of Malinfodor. The pedestal where the rock layers are hooked together also gradually shakes.

The most unreasonable thing about the strong in the animal department is not their resilience, but compared with their resilience, the earth appears so fragile.

If this continues, Malinfodor must fall apart before he kills Kaido.

But at the moment

"Finally found it? It's too late!"

Suddenly, Kaido, who closed his eyes and waited for death, opened his dragon's eye: "I'm not a fool, Warring States!"

The brutal and violent breath rushed forward, and the Warring States Period was extremely shocked.

"You unexpectedly"


The answer to him was a violent dragon roar, and the cyan dragon dissipated in the howling sound, leaving Kaido standing on the edge of the coast on the ruins, with crossbow arrows that were horrifying in size and bigger than his head.

Afterwards, Kaido spouted heat waves from his nostrils, protruding his hands from left to right, grabbing the chain to tighten it, and then pulling it hard.

Boom! !

With the cracking sound, Bastille didn't have time to think about it, and roared: "Quickly leave!!"

"What's the meaning?"

Several soldiers were stunned for a second. Then, they saw that the bed crossbows that had fixed Kaido firmly in place rose from the ground. The round stone pillars weighing tens of tons smashed the ground and were pulled out forcibly. During the friction, one by one soldiers got involved.


Amidst the throbbing flesh and blood, a scream stopped abruptly.

With the help of the chain reaction produced by the fierce attack of the Warring States Period, Kaido broke free from the shackles!



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