Seeing this scene, Lowett shook his head dissatisfied.

Fortunately, he also prepared several small spells, but the opponent looked tall and big, with a height of four meters, but he was so courageous.

Fortunately, you still call yourself a "big" pirate.

You fell down before I could help.

Then, he nodded with satisfaction.

"But at least it proves that the actual combat effect is in line with expectations."

The sight that Bruto felt was there, but the tingling sensation was not an illusion.

Crowe, who was transformed into a black knight, disappeared with a spoon under Lowett's order, and then little by little, like the best surgeon, along the lines of the muscles, accurately and accurately, slowly removing his flesh and blood.

The tingling sensation he felt was actually the last signal sent out before the nerve endings detached from the center.

As long as the speed is fast enough, the person whose head is beheaded will not even realize what is happening, and will lose his life without pain.

In the same way, as long as the speed is fast enough, it can be done without letting the flesh and blood fall off.

Take advantage of your head and not pay attention!

The ability to accurately hit the target during the continuous use of silent steps is the greatest achievement of the Black Knight transformation.

Coupled with the natural immortality of undead creatures, nowadays, Crowe will not easily fall into a disadvantage against elite generals from the navy headquarters.

Human physical strength has limits, and human body has limits.

The undead didn't, and the black knight didn't!

As long as Lowett is willing, he can make Crowe disappear in front of the world for a day and night.

That's it, it's just that the current level of the black knight is low, and joint wear must be taken into consideration.

With the spells and combat literacy mastered by Shang Luoweit, there will be battles in the future, which is really a lot easier!



After removing the concealed magic nihility from his body, Lowett appeared directly on the opponent's pirate ship.

He glanced at the pirate who was stunned beside him, and asked, "Where is your navigator?"

"Yes! In the back, in the cabin."

"Really? Thanks."

Dispelling the black vortex in his eyes, Lowe headed towards the cabin.

Halfway through, he suddenly realized that he turned his head back.

"Oh yes, you can't let you see my face. I will pay attention next time!"

After all, continue to turn around and move forward.

next time?

Why is there next time?

What will happen next time?

Who else are you? !

Several pirates came back to their senses and were about to open their mouths. Suddenly, the sound of the wind blew, and the pieces of meat flew.



The small deck instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.

I did not hear the screams, only the sprayed blood turned into a rain of blood and pattered and soaked the deck.

The scarlet bone sculptures with no flesh and blood kept their movements in front of them, still on the deck. At the very center, Pluto kept a satisfied smile on his face, quietly closing his eyes.

"Finally, freed."


Large pieces of flesh and blood smashed into foam slipped from him, starting from the neck and descending, the bones were thick. Only the chubby head remained intact. But with the naked skeleton frame, the scene is indescribably weird.


The rhythm under the blood rain seemed to be chaotic for an instant. Something disappeared at the hatch. He lowered his head and took a closer look. The wet blood-red footprints all the way forward, spreading to the deepest end of darkness.

Thank you book friends for burying yourself with both hands, and the blue flame of fire for 100 rewards. Thank you for your support.

The recommendation ticket is not not to sing, but the recommendation ticket details in the writer's assistant are not known to be wrong. You can get a card at one point, and then you can get a flashback.

Chapter Twenty, the wrongdoer, the debtor

One month later, the East China Sea, the town of Shelters.

In the 153 branch adjacent to the town, the colonel’s office has a dignified atmosphere. Looking at the expressionless Monka on the seat, Lieutenant Colonel Jody whispered.

"Colonel, news just came from the 173 branch."

"Well, did they find it?"

Jody hesitated and shook his head: "No."

"That must be dead!"

Lieutenant Colonel Klimans interjected loudly, and the sound echoed in the small office, making people's eardrums sore.

"It takes only three hours before and after, even if there is a ship, it can't be far away! Now that the forces that have gathered more than 20 branches in the East China Sea have not found it for a month, it can only show that he was killed by a third party, and the body is sunken in the sea."

Lieutenant Colonel Klimans had no scheming, but fortunately, he had no scheming to say what he thought of.

Therefore, Monka never regarded him as a threat, and after hearing this, he seriously considered this possibility.

"It can't be said so absolute."

For a long time, he raised his eyelids and passed it through his iron chin, his voice filled with inexplicable chills.

"Don't forget, how the above warned us about such a big problem in a row."

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