Seeing that no one continued to comment, the long-bearded five old star nodded and said: "We still publicize that we have repelled Kaido, Earl Black."

"Xiao, you go talk to him."

Xiao: ""

The people underneath have no human rights!

How does the government ensure that Earl Black's business in the New World returns to normal?

Even facing opponents like Kaido.

The answer is actually very simple, isn't it?

Of course it is his "Invincible Owl"!

Chapter 215, the Holy Land is attacked! The action of the revolutionary army!

But the order has come down, what can Xiao Xiao do?

In response, he solemnly nodded his head: "Yes!"

Immediately hung up the phone, and in the distance, he found that the fighting had stopped and the others were running with the soldiers. Owl frowned and decided to discuss the matter with Lowett again when there was no one in private.

"Why are you here?"

The distance was too far apart, and the aftermath of the battle was blowing in the wind and snow, and the cranes far away at Malinfoddo did not know when Lowett arrived on the battlefield.

"The Gate of Justice" is just a title. In fact, neither he nor Xiao passed through the Gate of Justice. This is also the reason Leviathan did not appear on the battlefield.

Otherwise, if you start the old chanting with the Seed of Abomination, the battle may end sooner.

Immediately, He noticed the owl in the distance and stopped asking more questions.

"Medical soldier, come here!"

Lieutenant General Dumiao Bastiou, who stayed behind at the headquarters, saw the scars all over the body of the green pheasant, and couldn't help taking a breath and calling the doctor loudly.

This is a general!

The navy's Dinghai Shenzhen!

Nothing can happen!

Fortunately, after the doctor's examination, it was quickly determined that the green pheasants and the Warring States had suffered skin injuries, except that the wounds were a little bit deeper and looked scary. Their physique was not considered a major problem.

Of course, with the physique of a normal person, I am afraid that he would have died of excessive blood loss a long time ago.

Allowing the doctor to take apart the rags he had wrapped up and clean the wound again, the green pheasant suddenly found that Lowett looked up to the sky in the distance, and asked curiously.

"What are you looking at?"

Hearing this, Lowett blinked.

"No, it's nothing."

He smiled: "Maybe it's me who is careless."

"I always feel that there is a bad breath coming from the direction of the Red Earth Continent. I am afraid that today's riot may not end so easily."

Green Pheasant: "???"

He can understand the individual words apart, but what does it mean to join them together?

Bad breath?

Although Malin Foduo is not far from the red soil continent, it also has a voyage of more than an hour!

Ignoring his awkwardness, Lowett was stunned.

"No wonder the feeling that Kaido left has not dissipated. It has nothing to do with him."

There is a big event that is not a big event that Lowett has always cared about.

That's how the government knows so much information about the revolutionary army?

The butterfly effect that I brought has already been hammered, but what are the specific reasons?

"It has nothing to do with Kaido, and it has nothing to do with the navy. Now, at this point of view, the government can force the government to use a blood curse."

Lowett tilted his head: "He's a ruthless man, Dragon!"

In his perception, there was a large number of unique fluctuations in the direction of the Holy Land that the blood cursed weapon was activated at that moment, and the opponent was definitely not Kaido. How long had it passed since he left.

So there is only one possibility, the revolutionary army!

"Do not hesitate to do it in the Holy Land, it shows that they have found the reason."

"And doing it in the Holy Land shows that this reason only exists in the Holy Land, whether it is a person or a thing."

Blue blue blue blue blue blue

Just thinking about it, suddenly, the phone worm in Owl's arms rang.

The green pheasant couldn't help taking a look at Lowett, did he really find something?

Behind the mask, Xiao Xiao also frowned.

Dove led a large number of members to go out to cooperate with the navy to capture the revolutionary army criminals. CP0 is as empty as Malin Foduo. Fortunately, CP0 is the only real top combat power. As long as he does not go far, there is no dove or dove.

Before leaving this time, he had notified his subordinates that there was no major incident and they were left to take care of themselves, but at this moment these people called.

"Master Chief is not good, our base was bombed!"

"What did you say?!!"


The murderous intent was infiltrating and rushing, Xiao Xiao's pupils tightened and his face was hideous.

"who is it?!"


At the other end, the CP0 member hiding in the ruins swallowed.

"I don't know."

Xiao: ""

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