"Then you shouldn't be here anymore"

The answer is clear so far, Long has not lied, Lovett can see it.

He said lightly: "My people didn't tell me they found your trail, Mr. Long, but you showed up here waiting for me?"




Putting the wine glass on the bar, the dragon's eyes were deep, and he said solemnly.

"Also a favor!"


Lowett's wings overlapped and pressed on the cane, tilting his head curiously.

"Carlos Hart, you haven't heard the name?"

"No, I've heard of it."


"An inferior painter who has been exposed to his true colors, who is capable of drawing fruits, was quite famous on the Great Sea Route a few months ago."

With the memory of the mage, even if you just scan the relevant information roughly, you can remember it for a long time.

After being choked, Long smiled bitterly: "The description of a poor painter is very suitable for that guy."

"But unfortunately everything is an illusion."

Long's expression became serious: "His fruit awakening ability allows him to draw the appearance of the target and write down the name of the target without knowing the existence of the other party. For this reason, the world government self-directed and performed a farce to let him The world has evaporated."

Hearing this, Lowett's pupils shrank.

"Very dangerous ability!"

No wonder they have the ability to make things so big, it turned out to be so.

Lowett finally understood where the throbbing in his heart came from, and it was this existence named Carlos Hart.

Because of some of his own intervention, he embarked on a different life trajectory.

"Yes, it's dangerous."

Long sighed, "Because of him, we suffered heavy losses, so after investigating his existence, I sent someone to assassinate him."

I want to come to the day of the fight with Kaido.

Lowett nodded silently.

"However, all this is within his plan."

At this time, the tone of the dragon changed.

"He expected that we would investigate the cause of the information leak afterwards, betting that we could discover his existence."

"He wants to survive?"

"Not really."

Long shook his head: "He wants revenge more than he lives."

"So, he used a portrait of a character read through the ability of the fruit in the torture. He was crushed and pulled out and hid his teeth, and engraved it on the skin of his back. Let us avenge him by killing him. From now on, remember to peel off the skin and take it away."

"A ruthless man!"

Lowett couldn't help but move.

Carlos is very clever, knowing that he alone cannot accomplish revenge, he has to entrust hope to the revolutionary army.

But the chance is equally slim!

He didn't even know whether the revolutionary army could discover his existence, and God knew how much courage it would take in that situation where there was clearly no hope in sight.

"Yeah, that guy"

Long drunk his eyes slightly, his eyes empty.

"Even if I haven't met each other, I can imagine what he was like at the time."

What kind of hatred was it that supported a painter who had never seen blood before torture, and made this step-by-step plan with a clear sense of reason?

Whenever he substitutes himself in, the dragon will inevitably get chills in his back.

After a pause, he continued.

"And this list includes the spies and spies deployed by the world government in various forces, the pirates who have secretly cooperated with them, the internal traitors who have brought trouble to the east and curbed the development of non-participating countries, and even the New World and them. People who are connected, now we all know everything."

In an understatement, he uttered a big news that was enough to make a sensation in the world, and Long smiled: "Of course the most important thing is that we know who is the most threatening to the revolutionary army and we can prepare in advance."

"It sounds like I'm on that list?"

Lowett smiled.

He immediately raised his head and said neither salty nor indifferent.

"That's why you want to force me to show up by stealing that ship of jewels, telling the world government about it with my mouth, and threatening them to stop targeting you, otherwise it is the safest way for everyone to die. It is pure business. The five old stars didn’t have the time to help me out with the incident."

Lowett shook his head: "Relationship debt is uncomfortable, right?"

There is no doubt that Carlos hopes to see that the revolutionary army can overthrow the government.

Unfortunately they can't do it.

But as an enemy, he didn't ask for a living, and as a benefactor, he couldn't justify it without receiving a reward.

Thus, something that the dragon waited for himself to happen.

"Well, I'm not surprised that you can guess this."

Long was taken aback, and said with a smile: "The government knows Carlos better than I do. As long as I learn this, I can naturally tell if I'm lying."


"It should have been this way!"

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