His hesitation is correct.

It's okay to guard it with domineering, if you don't guard it, look at the gray and white cliffs now and you will know how it will end up.

Only in this way, Lovett has completed the turn and disappeared into the air again.


The crisp sound resounded as if iron was struck underground, with an ugly smile on his face, and he rolled over to the ground.

This time he didn't choose to keep chasing, Lowett's wings spread out and flew in the air, and his arms slammed into the wall.


Bone Magic Bone Prison Needle Mountain!

Even in close combat, Lowett has not forgotten the fact that he is a mage.

In the next second, countless thumb-thick bone spears shot out from the rock wall, making Yi Smile had to give up and leave, and smashed it with a knife.

But no matter how many he smashed, the number of bone spears remained unchanged.

It was like someone holding a ballpoint pen and graffiti on white paper, and soon the whole pothole was covered by bones!

Everyone thinks that "Bone Duke" Akka used to clean up the rebels that day is already very powerful. In fact, with Lowett's magic to control this body, it can truly explode its terrifying potential.

Like the kind of noodles bought in a supermarket, bone spears are densely packed with every inch of land at the bottom of the pits and are airtight.

Feeling there was no movement inside, Lowett tilted his head.


Merry Christmas to all book friends!

But Dashu still wants to ask, if it’s not a girlfriend, how many of you would treat today as a holiday?

Chapter 234, fierce battle! Fight!

The answer, of course, is impossible.

After a pause of less than one second, the next moment, a terrifying force came from below, and densely packed bone spears blasted towards the sky under the influence of gravity, forming a rainstorm-like barrage and attacking Lowett.

"A bit capable!"

If it is Akka, maybe it will be a headache for this kind of hard work.

But in this body, Lowett currently controls everything, and the mere baptism of barrage is not worth mentioning.

Basic spell mana shield!

One of the simplest and most practical defensive spells was used by Lowett, and a transparent egg-like light film was wrapped on the surface of the huge body of the beast.

Those bone spears that are comparable to cannonballs under the weight of gravity slammed into the shield. After gently swaying in a circle, they were thrown off to one side and slowly "up" along the direction of gravity.

"First use a barrage to disrupt my movements, then it's time for me to appear in the next step."

Talking to himself calmly.

When he noticed that the barrage had slowed down, Lovett raised his hands up without even thinking about it.


The black flame lingering around the body like a firefly quickly climbed up the palm of the body along the body at this time, and continued to gather above the palm to form a huge fireball burning.

Dark Yanbi Black Dragon Wave!

The biggest advantage of combined magic is that it can follow the mind and ability of the mage himself.

Evolve at will.

It can be turned into a rain of arrows, a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye, or it can be turned into a map cannon, leaving no dead ends.


Sure enough, the next second, the burly figure of a smile stepped on a cut rock and flew upwards. If Lowett was really messed up by the barrage, he might really be rushed out.

However, it did not.

As a blind man, when Yishen sensed the threat coming from above, Hei Longbo was already brewing and smashed at him.

This is the second time Lovett has used the anti-wave pose since he came to this world.

Last time in Happy Street, the opponent was a ghost spider. It didn't seem to be a big problem, but in order to control the soul torrent of the three-star spell, his mental power was exhausted, leaving a strand of white hair on his forehead.

This time on Telephone Island, his opponent was Fujitora who smiled. It looked like a lot of trouble, but how could it be described in a cool word!

Perceiving a smile to resist the black flame light wave, Lowett sneered, and the wings behind vigorously vibrated, and once again set off the monstrous black flame, and then merged into the front of the palm, making the power of the black dragon wave soar!

Bang! !

The air burst and crackled, and the terrifying flames slammed the smile back into the ground, but the momentum remained unabated, burning the soil and gravel continuously, pushing him to continue to retreat deeper.

The violent roar made the entire telephone island tremble like an earthquake.

The residents of Communication Town have become numb.

No one knows what happened today.

Is it the end?

If so, please be happy, it's a big deal.

However, all this is not under their control, and the vibration continues until suddenly, the sky darkens.



Lowett turned his head suddenly and saw a meteorite as towering as a mountain descending from the sky accompanied by a fierce roar, aggressively.

"Cut, the barrage just now?"

He instantly understood what went wrong.

Mixing the real intention into the barrage attack, he didn't choose to block all of them and was caught by the gap with a smile, and successfully pulled down the meteorite in the space thousands of miles apart.

If he continues to stay in place, the meteor will fall on his head, and the end of the game can be imagined at that time.

Just like the Dragon's Breath Cannon that he had used against Kaido, with a smile, he could ignore the power limit and let 112's devastating killer move!

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