"Kata Kuri, where are you now?"

"On a desert island"

As he was about to tell the truth, Kata Kuri frowned.

"Did something happen, mom?"

He heard the anger and panic in BIGMOM's tone, which made him sober instantly and restored his usual arrogance and coldness.

"Ah, yes."

BIGMOM's tone was filled with unspeakable anger and fear, and said: "Just received the news that Jos Capone is dead."

"The murderer is Mascarpone!"

Suddenly, Kata Kuri's pupils shrank suddenly, and his back became cold.

The cold sea breeze blew by, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on the neck at some unknown time. Kata Kuri breathed rapidly, and couldn't help lowering his head and hugging his head.

The phone worm fell to the ground, and the voice of BIGMOM continued to be heard on the other end.

"Kata Kuri Kata Kuri?"

"Hey, Kata Kuri, are you listening?"

However, at this moment, Kata Kuri ignored her mother, whom she had always feared and admired, and her eyes were full of despair.

The nightmare is not over yet!





In the sea of ​​souls, Lowett's phantom body is quietly suspended in the universe, floating in disorder.

But no matter where he moves to, the psychic ball of light always keeps the same distance from him, representing the seemingly divided soul between the two, but in fact the close and inseparable soul connection.

The light ball vibrated from time to time, and the light shone a few watts, and then a drop of water filled with silver-white stardust particles fell from the void and dripped into the light ball.

After that, the light sphere swelled in an inaudible range.

Even if it is weak, the water becomes a lake.

Half a year has passed since then, and compared to before the retreat, the photosphere has expanded nearly three times as much as visible to the naked eye!

The mighty soul pressure fills the entire universe, and that kind of oppression like the sky collapses, shatters the soul that is enough to hide people in the body to protect it from the outside world.

However, for those mirror fragments floating in the universe, this level of soul pressure is not worth mentioning. They don't even bother to make any response.

Ignore it completely!

These fragments are the remnants of the soul left by Lowett as a titled archmage at his peak. The "quality" and "quantity" of the soul energy contained in each piece completely crushes him today.

That was a high-strength soul that Lovette would have been strenuously devouring even if it was restored to its original strength.

If it weren't for them to be scattered thoroughly enough to see the hope of devouring, Lovett would really not as good as rebuilding his soul.

Of course Lowett is not interested in moving these hard bones now.

He has better ways to become stronger.


The ball of light flashed again, and through the soul, it was discovered that a group of soul energy would be drawn from all directions each time the ball of light flashed, and merged into the thickest silver light belt extending behind Lowett. Immediately submerged into his body.

The incompleteness of the soul makes Lowett's cultivation speed horribly slow under normal circumstances!

The shattered soul has fixed his upper limit, and every bit of progress is breaking through the original limit instead of normal cultivation.

It is like a normal person who wants to rely on eating fat to compare the weight of an elephant.

It sounds like a fantasy.

However, the activating factor extracted from the murderous drug E.S in the evolution potion can increase this upper limit, so that people can really eat like elephants.

However, the effects of the evil drugs are too overbearing, and they are completely using their own vitality to make up for the losses, which Lovett naturally does not need.

So he modified it to weaken the strengthening effect of the evil drug E.S. At the same time, the reduced efficacy of the drug also provided him with more operating space, and the increased upper limit could be supplied with energy support from the outside.

The items produced in this way are called evolution potions.

Although it is the upper limit provided by the medicine, it is still the same root as the user himself. As long as the energy contained in it is swallowed, it can quickly become stronger.

Therefore, even if the weak and the heyday are not the same, what Lowett is doing now is out of the word "recovery" and is becoming stronger from the original.

"It's a pity that after suppressing the activating factor in the evil drug E.S, although it is safe, the strength that can increase is far less than the genuine evil drug."

Slowly opening his eyes from his deep sleep, Lowett thought silently.

"I have already touched the standard spirit of a high-level master, and there is one bottle left, and I don't know if it can succeed."

At this time, the hall door automatically opened without wind.

A vast and boundless soul aura spilled out, letting Wallace at the door know that the master has become stronger again!

Taking a stunned look at Lowett, who had already awakened and waited, he bowed his head respectfully, holding the phone bug in both hands.

"Master, there is CP0 contact."

"Well, take it over."


Chapter 247, the curse broke out! The whole world is boiling!

After answering the phone bug, Lowett chuckled.

"You've never been so concerned about men other than Tianlongren. What's wrong with Lord Xiao calling me today?"

"You did it, right?"

However, ignoring Lowett's joke, Xiao asked seriously.

"What did I do?"

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