"There is a natural harbour? What a surprise!"

Looking at the cliffs surrounding the bay in a "concave" shape, the mice that often go back and forth here are also amazed.

He is just greedy and not stupid. From his eyes, he can see that this natural harbor is a perfect habitat with a little modification.

The front exit is narrow and the back is sheltered by mountains and forests, so you can settle down and move in and out freely.

The evil dragon chose Cocoyashi Village instead of this?

The mouse showed disdain.

It really is a stupid beast!

"Captain, look!"

Suddenly, a soldier shouted, pointing his finger at the beach.

"There is a cave!"

At the root of the cliff close to the beach, a dark hole is very eye-catching.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

The mouse was overjoyed in his heart, and then forcibly calmed down, had a look at the accompanying lieutenant colonel, and went to the cabin.

He is going to inform the dragon.

Although I didn't see the enemy, the traces of the artificial excavation should not be faked. Since the dragon is willing to help, it is of course best.

On the other end, upon receiving a call, the evil dragon's eyes were cold.

"So I know, the reinforcements will be here soon."

Then hung up the phone and turned his head.

"Tweet, notify Clooby and let them lean over."

"Big Brother"

Hearing this, frowned.

"If you really want to seal off the sea, I am afraid that there will be insufficient manpower."

The evil dragon will certainly not be sent out. After all, the mice are the pawns they used to visit the thunder. Therefore, it sounds like "army assistance". In fact, only a few people from Kroobi were sent to monitor the situation.

A mouse runs away if it can't beat an enemy, if it can beat it, it can wait for an opportunity to move.

"I know, their task is still to see who the enemy is. For the rest, avoid the limelight."


Chuo stared in shock.

In response, the evil dragon's face was gloomy.

"Do you really trust that idiot mouse?"

They have been arrogant in the East China Sea for a day or two. There are many insiders, and they can rely on mice and flying squirrels to deal with them in a short time, but over time, flying squirrels will not do anything?

The mouse is too high to see his status and the so-called unspoken rules.

These iron-blooded soldiers killed from the great route, except for the franchise, have never seen them give any face.

Otherwise, those naval scum like rats would not have to try every means to conceal the truth.

"I see"

Suddenly, it is not a question of whether they trust the mouse or not, but the question of whether the mouse is worthy of trust.

He is so stupid, nothing more.

"By the way, remember to take Nami away. Her ability to draw charts is an essential part of our conquering the ocean. If she refuses, you know what to do."

The evil dragon added compassionately.

Hearing the words, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.


Although it's a pity, this joke has been around for five years, and there is nothing wrong with ending it early.

In five years, Nami must also know what will happen to the villagers if she doesn't obey them.

What they didn't notice was that behind the wall, Nami squatted on the floor, her eyes looked forward helplessly in horror, her teeth biting into the palm of her hand to prevent herself from making a sound, dripping blood.

Without knowing that he had been sold by the dragon, the mouse returned to the deck refreshedly, and found that the faces of the surrounding soldiers were full of dignity.

Following their line of sight, the mouse's pupils shrank.

"You are"

"Earl Black, Lowett!"

Before he uttered the nickname that disgusted him, Lowett hammered his cane heavily and smiled.

"Don't make a mistake"

Watched by eyes full of chills, the mouse froze for a while, and then felt lost and disdainful.

"Shit black earl! I haven't heard of your noble origin."

He scanned the beach.

Standing at the entrance of the cave was a man with black clothes, a broad gray cloak, and a face mask covering his face. Besides, there was no one else.

Only two?

The mouse smiled confidently.

"God helps me too!"

Such opponents don't even need murlocs to come and help.

He looked at Lowett's eyes shining, as if looking at the military merits of the move: "Our head has ordered us to arrest you, but you have been hiding well and can't find it."

"But today is your death date!"

With hundreds of soldiers on his side, with the help of warships and artillery, he was confident that Lovett could not escape with his wings.

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