But now

Perceiving that vast breath, the Mother of Abyss swears, if this quality breath is not Saint Ten, then there is nothing called Saint Ten!

Compared with him, those Tianjiao who used to fight against heaven and earth are considered a fart, and the two sides are not at the same level at all!

At the same time, Lowett on the throne slowly opened his eyes, and a surge of soul spontaneously erupted, forming a more terrifying sense of oppression than ever before, causing hundreds of thousands of undead in the city of dawn to kneel and tremble.

It's just that his attention is still silent in the soul sea at this moment.

The human form formed by the light spots floated in the vast void. Lovette raised his finger and snapped his fingers, and immediately, the universe-like deep and dark soul sea was wiped out.

Those soul fragments representing the former titled Archmage "Earl Black" melted like snow, and a melancholy, painful, and happy memory continued to emerge in front of him in the process, but Lovett didn't even remember anything.

The soul sea full of stars soon became nothing but the most central sphere of spiritual power.

Like a supreme god, the stars are dying at the click of a finger!

Seeing this, Lowett retired from the sea of ​​souls, and the burst of computing power slowly faded, the dark spots on the eyeballs faded, and the expressions in his eyes finally showed a humane brilliance.

"The past, let him go."

Lowett muttered to himself: "I am now alive."

He once had the urge to take this power back after a breakthrough. After all, no one knew better than him how terrifying power he possessed in the realm of the titled archmage.

Yongye, the highest level of Rune Language, can easily plunge an entire planet into a state of darkness and turn it into his death domain.

If I get back that power

Four emperors?



It's not Lowett's arrogance, and the mage doesn't have arrogance, he doesn't care about it.

For this reason, he even really thought about what method should he use to get rid of the current Rune Language and restore the power after the conflict between Rune Language.

But now he put it down.

Because he found that things are not that simple.

Going back in time will come at the price of cutting off the road ahead!

"The language of runes is indeed powerful, but it also brings greater obstacles."

Lowett's eyes seemed to contain stars, and slowly summarized: "As a regular force buried in the soul, if the soul is to sublimate again, it cannot be avoided at all."

"And the language of runes, which represents the power of rules, must be sublimated together, which is equivalent to pulling the entire world to evolve together. It is difficult to write about the island. The degree of biqudaofo can be imagined."

Even if he didn't really step into the Saint Ten realm, he just lit a little firefighter, exuding insignificant light in the dark night, Lovett was confident to say this.

The wizards of the wizard world have all gone in the wrong direction!

Too much reliance on the language of runes resulted in being locked up with the soul limit.

That is a double-edged sword!

If you don't hurt the enemy, you hurt yourself.

Saint ten

"I want to come has become a slave to the rules!"

Thinking of this, Lowett's mouth raised slightly.

It is impossible to pull all the rules contained in the language of runes to evolve together. How can the Holy Ten Venerables achieve something that the emperor has not done.

So unsurprisingly, they should be integrated with the rules, and in turn use the power of the world to sublimate their souls, thus stepping into this realm.

After nearly a month of retreat, Lowett had already touched that realm.

It's easy to find that as long as you let the spirit of your heart completely accept the power of the rules to enter your soul, you can easily step into the height that you have never reached before.

"But I don't need it!"

boom! !

The vast soul light beam skyrocketed again, and the soul suddenly darkened above the sky.

But that was not proof that it was about to collapse, but because it had accepted too much energy, it was too much to hold.

Four runes appeared on Lowett's forehead.

The biggest progress of his practice this time is to erase the past fragments left in the depths of his soul and pave the way for the future. It is counted as an experience value, no more than 1. It is long before the official upgrade, and the language of runes still exists.

But today's Rune Language is faltering in front of his golden soul breath, like the teeth of a child in the changing teeth period, which may fall out at any time.

Not only did he not accept that power, but instead relying on the soul's wishes of sentient beings to twist the rules of the power, he wanted to get rid of it in turn!

"The future is infinite, but the past is limited."

Without forcibly removing the Word of Rune, it would cause irreversible damage to the soul, which is a tricky task.

Lowett retracted the radiated soul breath, and his facial muscles pulled out an evil and mad smile.

"You do not deserve!"

Rumble! !

The thunderous muffled sound spread with the soul to every corner of the great route. I don't know how many people looked up at the sky in horror, panicking.

That monster-like Black Earl, the retreat is over?

The four hundred and fifty-fifth chapter, open the door of justice! (2/3)

Great route, Malin Fodor.

Ooh! ! !

Police sirens resounded through the sky, and under the leadership of the captains, the navy soldiers rushed to the playground to assemble, facing the bay and harbor, waiting in full battle.

"What about the enemy? Where is the enemy?!"

"Report, the enemy is ahead!"


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