"It goes out again!"

As the firelight swallowed the reward order completely, all light disappeared in the dark hall.

At the same time, Lowett, who felt an infiltrating malice, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the Holy Land.

After a moment of silence, he quietly said: "You want to tell me, are you ready to fight back?"

Everything was suppressed and dumb, and there was no answer.

Lowett wiped away the cold sweat that appeared on his forehead with his fingers, and smiled happily.

"But isn't it too late?!"

This malice was terrifyingly terrifying, it came from a clear direction, and it was obviously a wise decision not to act recklessly on the Holy Land.

But, as Lowett said, it seems a little too late.

He has opened the door to the Saint Ten realm, and even confidently walks out of the exaggerated combat power of Emperor Mule Mountain that slings the entire era.

"I would like to see what kind of fate it is that will make you afraid of it!"

Getting up and dragging the cane beside him, Lovett walked out of the room.


Aka, who was closing his eyes and rested in the lobby on the first floor, heard the movement and quickly turned to salute.

"The world government seems to have been preparing for too long."

The cold and merciless words made Aka tighten his muscles.

"Let Markal contact Morgans, the five old stars will understand what I mean."

The Chambordian Islands are Tianlongren, once a back garden, now a private plot.

The government's eyes are no longer in the minority.

Makar's actions represent his Black Earl's attitude. As long as the five old stars are not stupid, they know that the emperor is a little impatient.

In the face of the murderous plot that Earl Black had thrown over, there is no doubt that the best way is to procrastinate!

It's best to drag the white beard until he gets old and die. If it doesn't help, the Navy must be fully prepared.

But apparently Lowett didn't have the skill to make them old. This is a game of chess he played, and it still hasn't moved. He doesn't have any advantage of half a dime.

The navy will fight if it dares to fight. It cannot fight, but it must fight!

It is more in his interest to lose both sides!

Cold murderous intent lingered in the hall, Aka placed his right hand in front of him when he heard the words, and his body bowed slightly.


Watching Aka push the door open and leave the hall, Lowett stretched out his index finger to catch the Scarlet Raven, with a cold expression.

"Fate is used to break!"

"How do I like this trick?"


Soon, the president of the Baroque News Agency "Evolution" Makar contacted "Big News" Morgans to conduct a round of interest negotiation on the current market share of the two parties.

This is just a trivial matter in the eyes of the insider.

Anyway, they won't let the news report increase in price, won't they?

The interests involved cannot be shared among them.

That being the case, why consider those unrealistic issues.

But the five old stars immediately convened an emergency meeting after learning about it, and the Marshal Red Dog hurried back to the Holy Land, causing everyone to smell a dangerous breath.

as predicted.

As the red dog came down from the holy place with an iron face, just ten hours later, the Navy issued a statement facing the sea using the channels of the World Economic News and the Baroque News Agency.

they said

"One Piece" Roger's posthumous son, a bloodline of sin that was not severed 20 years ago, Gore D Ace, has now been arrested by the Navy.

One month later, the navy headquarters will be publicly executed, as an example! !

Suddenly, the whole world!

The New World, the waters of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick.

The atmosphere of the huge whale boat is depressed, holding a freshly-baked newspaper with a smell of ink, and the white beard with a respirator on his nose rises and falls, and he does not know whether it is anger or sorrow.

Bang! !

"Diamond" Joz smashed the cabin wall with hatred, and under the horrified gaze of the surrounding pirates, his palms turned into shiny diamonds.

"Ace this idiot!!"

Hearing that, Marco sighed, walked over and patted his waist to signal him to calm down.

This is the worst result they have long expected, isn't it?

For this reason, they even stood still, attracting most of the attention and buying time for Ace.

Watching Joz quietly disperse the diamonds and harden, Marco said: "Titch is still missing. There are rumors that someone saw him passing by the shampoo and then disappeared."

"Father, if I'm not mistaken, it should be Titch who used Ace as a nomination to induce the Navy to take action."

If Tiqi, who was **** by Zheng Wuhua and hung in the prison of the Navy Headquarters, knew his conclusion, he would surely vomit three liters of blood.

I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

But it is impossible for the government to let the door of justice be pushed open, and no one will know the existence of bodyguards. This scapegoat is backed.

"But that was more than half a month ago."

"The Navy is only issuing a statement now"

Before the words were finished, a domineering look rose into the sky.

"Then, shall we give up Ace, Marco?"

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