fifty thousand! !

As far as they saw, there were 50,000 officers advancing towards Malinfoudo.

These powerhouses on the great sea route and even in all corners of the world hurriedly assembled under the order of a piece of paper and rushed to Malin Foduo to help out.

Countless people are terrified.

You must know that they didn't use so many elites in the war against Earl Black last time.

Most of the main forces on the battlefield are still elite soldiers selected from the headquarters of Malinfoudo, and only at some key command levels are officers selected by the branch to take the seat.

The number is less than eleven.

But this time, in order to deal with the "world's strongest" man, "White Beard" Edward Newgate, the Navy actually gave up its plan to put ordinary soldiers on the battlefield.

Officers who are not captains and above cannot participate in this battle at all.


Surprisingly, it is necessary to form a steel army composed entirely of general-level officers and sit on the scene of the execution in public!

Faced with such an amazing feat, all the pirates felt their scalp numb and wanted to ask White Beard, are you moved?

Kaido also contacted Earl Black for the first time and asked him if he had any thoughts about the navy's territory.

Last time they didn't do this, except that Earl Black still didn't think it would be too dangerous to the 100,000 army, and there was also the consideration that once the army was dispatched, it would be difficult to prevent people from taking advantage of the empty defense.

But this time is different. With the pacifists, even if most of the elite officers are removed, the branches still have spare capacity to protect the peace.

Knowing this result, Kaido slapped his lips and gave up his plan.

Their forces are concentrated in the new world, and to consider the navy's territory in the first half, there is even a naval headquarters separated by a holy land, which is somewhat taken for granted.

However, he still said that when necessary, he would not let go of this good time.

Lowett certainly agreed.


"I'm afraid the red hair is not so honest!"

Looking at the sea calmly, Lowett touched his cane, his tone calm.

As the man behind it all, Lowett knows very well that even if he loses badly in Kaido's hands, the red hair might still jump out to stop him.

Among them, it was determined by the special positioning of the red-haired pirates in the sea, not by Shanks himself.

There are only three options for those who seek to live in the new world.

Either be an enemy of the four emperors, or surrender to the four emperors, or go and walk outside, don't think about participating in any major battles.

Give me freedom or give me death.

In the face of the terrifying strength of the Four Emperors, among them the third type is undoubtedly the most.

The Black Beast Federation aggressively invaded and forced the New World Nation to join, also in order to eliminate the possible adverse effects of these people.

The rise of red hair back then depended on the support of this group of people.

BIGMOM, Kaido, and White Beard are all remnants of the old era. They have the first-mover advantage accumulated over the years of hard work. In the end, no one can easily help each other, and it is only natural that they can sit on the throne of the Four Emperors.

Only red hair is the latecomer.

What was his situation when he faced the three emperors of the new world, and what was the situation of those pirates facing the four emperors now.

In that case, Shanks, who neither wanted to surrender nor was able to go to war, had no choice but to use his own detached personality charm to win over most of the wandering forces and form a large red-haired ship group centered on the Redforth. Contend with the white beard and others.

Well, to put it simply, the Red Hair of the Four Emperors is actually a "discrete alliance".

This can be seen from their consistent behavior.

He welcomes those who break into the red-haired field and are willing to join the red-haired pirate group; he does not take the initiative to eliminate those who do not want to join.

In his territory, as long as he abides by his rules, most of the time foreign pirates can also be in peace, which is a completely different kind of four emperors.

Back then, he was able to rise by the power of scattered people, so he had to fight for the interests of scattered people over the years.

When you come out, you have to be moral.

Otherwise, who would help you?

Today, the Black Beast Federation has become the strongest power in the sea, and even the world government has to look at their faces and act. If the white beard falls, the land he left behind will also know that it will not become a blank land for the scattered people and pirates to recuperate.

He knew that he could not prevent White Beard from rescuing Ace, but he could prevent the situation from getting worse and help the Navy tide over the difficulties.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the character of the red hair itself.

If he doesn't want to be the big brother of this mixed society, no one can force him to gather the power of scattered people.

In summary

"Will you come at me?"

The corner of Lowett's mouth raised slightly, as if seeing the Redforth in the sky heading towards the City of Dawn.

In the original book, he stands in this position. BIGMOM is not interested in participating in the war on the top. Kaido is the only target for the red hair.

But now, even if he says he will not make a move, who will believe it?

Comparing the two, I am more threatening.

Besides, there is still a blood debt to be settled between the two.

At this time, Akka walked in and reported: "Master, just received the news that the White Beard Pirates Group has begun to gather and is currently heading towards the Red Earth Continent."

It was more than enough to rush to the navy headquarters in a month, but the pirates could not sit and eat the mountains and the sky.

Conversely, the navy is the same. Even if it is prepared in advance, it is not easy to gather a large army. It is not forced by him, and the war may not break out until the end of the year.

After a pause, Aka's eyes flashed a fierce light: "The Dead Sea troops have been reformed, do you want?"

"No, let him pass."

Lowett shook his head and smiled: "After the death of the white beard and the red hair, Kaido and I have only one goal left. The real goal of provoking this war is to test him and see how he faces his fate. , What kind of counterattack will it make."

"There is no need to do extra things."

White beard

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