The air resounded like a real tiger, and Sauron came to Perona in a dress in the forest battlefield in the distance.

boom! !

The air wave swept across the forest like a violent wind behind the opponent, crushing countless gravel tree trunks.

Three cold beams stopped at the left and right of Perona's neck and above the forehead. The next second Sauron took a step back, took out the word Hedao in his mouth and inserted it back into the scabbard.


"I said that I can beat you without cutting a woman, do you believe it now?"


When the voice fell, Perona fell back to the ground, her eyes white.

There were no scars on her body, but she was shocked and fainted by the strong murderous aura.

"Nice Sauron!"

The cheerleader trio just jumped out of hiding at this moment, causing Sauron's mouth to twitch.


Touching the dark new knife in his hand, Sauron shook his head helplessly.

It is precisely to protect them that I have the opportunity to obtain this legendary "Dragon Swordsman" Longma Sabre, Black Sword·Qiu Shui!

Putting Qiu Shui back into the scabbard, Sauron asked.

"Where's that **** Sanji? Why didn't you stay with you?"

"He chased the monster man, saying that he was going to make him repent, and he didn't know how he provoke that guy...but with his strength, there should be no problem."

Usopp replied suspiciously while propping his head, and then asked: "By the way, how is Luffy and that skeleton?"

"That's the former Qiwu Sea!"

"Escaped from Baibeard's men, escaped from the general's men, even government officials dared to become evil pirates enslaved by zombies!"

Although Luffy is their captain, he is just a newcomer who offers less than 50 million rewards, and the other party, even if he has not moved the bounty in the ten years of becoming Qiwuhai, is still offering a reward of 320 million Baileys. thief.

Usopp's worries are not without reason.

Sauron also frowned secretly when he heard this.

The pressure caused by the gap between the rewards of the two parties cannot be ignored. In addition, when everyone was accidentally taken away from the shadows when they went to the island to explore, success or failure depends on this, otherwise they will be like disappearing shadows when the sun continues to deflect the forest and cannot hide. The same disappeared.

The Dead Island is not the Devil’s Triangle, the sun here still rises as usual every day.

But at this moment...

Through the treetops in the forest, Sauron saw the mighty and huge soles of his feet, and the corners of his mouth cocked.

"No, I think our worries are superfluous."

Under the staring gaze of a few people, the soles of their feet stepped on them, and the terrifying impact swept all over the place. Through the smoke-filled battlefield and the distant sea, a ray of sunlight sprinkled from the broken forest.

Sauron, who should have disappeared in the sun, smiled, and a dark shadow appeared out of thin air under his feet.


"Hey, Sauron!"

Sauron slapped Sauron on the shoulder again, and Nami's eyes were "golden". When he looked over, she asked, "I remember, Moria's bounty is 300 million, right?"

Sauron, Chopper, Usopp: "..."

Are you the devil? !

How can a pirate go to claim a reward from a pirate?

Uh, it's not right.

Several people looked at each other, why not?

You know, there are only four people wanted by the navy on their ship...

Thinking of the current financial constraints on the ship, different but similar smiles appeared at the corners of everyone's lips.

The red light in the sky has attracted the attention of the entire great route, and the most concerned ones are the Eleven Supernovas of this year in the original book.

Most of them, like Kidd and Luffy, have already stepped into the coverage of Skynet and are within walking distance of the shampoo.

The noise made by Earl Black not only made them feel terrified and jealous, but also made them more and more looking forward to their adventures in the new world.

Except for one guy.

"If you want to disintegrate the Black Beast Federation from within and destroy the City of Dawn, and you don't want Kaido to raise the tiger, you really dare to say, Marshal."

Sitting alone in a quiet room, the leader of the Drake Pirate Group "Red Flag" Drake retracted his gaze out of the window and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Those monsters, will they really give us a chance?"


Well, when I got up this morning, my fingers felt painful with my heartbeat. It didn’t matter, but I felt it through the gauze. There was a kind of tingling sensation after I tore the cocked skin around my nails. , The inflammation has not subsided.

The doctor took it apart and re-examined it. He put on anesthetic and cut off the hanging half of the nail because it was stuck in the flesh before. The right corner of the wound with the word "concave" became inflamed and shiny, and then told Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and prescribe antibiotics... It's not a big problem, but it hurts!

Ten fingers connected to the heart, after the anaesthetic stress in the afternoon, it was really painful.

At that time, the incision hadn't been so painful. Have you ever seen a macho cry?

Today, the two are still slower. Let’s take a look at tomorrow. Yesterday, you can still press the code word, but if the code is wrong, you can’t touch the keyboard today.

Chapter 486, Melting Blood and Forging Sword!

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor.

Rumble! !

As the Moby Dick broke through a large hole in the artillery fire and fell sideways on the ruins of the port, the Whitebeard and his party managed to get a firm foothold on the edge of the square.

As the saying goes, weak soldiers will win.

The old man's order to abandon the ship not only shocked the navy, but also made the members of the grief-stricken White-Beard Pirate Group exert a tremendous explosive force in the face of this last battle.

The white beard and the captains led to Fujitora and Taotu, and the others rushed forward without fear of life and death. Even if the morale of a hundred thousand officers was like a rainbow, they couldn't stop them at all.

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