However, at the moment when Yunwu's palm was about to shatter, Lovett suddenly looked in a trance.

When he came back to his senses, an idea came to his mind.

"Sure enough, I want to talk about Devil Fruit and huh?!!!"

The whole body's hairs stood up again, and Lovett looked incredulous in his eyes.

"Impossible! The foundation of the world, the power of time!!!"

The blood chakra is still spinning slowly, and the big hands in the sky are still slowly falling, except that his counterattack just disappeared.

A chill rushed into my heart, and Lowett's expression was grim.

"Time is distorted?!!!"

No, after trying it, my fingers still can’t exert force. It’s impossible for my **** to touch the keyboard when typing on the keyboard. When I slow down, it hurts too much.

Chapter 488, a simple fight, a world of destruction

In the eyes of the master, the world is as simple as a sand sculpture piled up by a child on the beach, or a castle made of building blocks, or a complete puzzle.

Not condescending, but simple.

Those substances and laws that make up the foundation of the world are grains of sand, building blocks, and puzzle pieces to form the world.

The more perfect, the more unshakable the foundation!

This is a matter determined by the nature of the world, and the reason is not complicated.

Among them, the three most basic concepts of time, space, and matter, even Lowett dare not touch them easily, because in this world of perfect laws, there are too many perfect laws on top of them. , Just like the area at the bottom of the 10,000-meter tower, it is important and irreplaceable.

Distorting one of them will have to bear the weight of the entire world!

Not to mention distorting the chain reaction they may cause, and a little carelessness will ruin the world.

But what happened now?

Time, has been returned?

It's not that Ai Yin acts on individuals to look back in time, that kind of thing the arcane school of arcane masters often do, but to reverse the time of the entire world.

Under the observation of the soul network, Lowett clearly saw that the islands that were destroyed in the aftermath of the battle between the two in the future have also reappeared at this moment, and everything seems to have never happened.

Let the time of the whole world go backwards, only the most basic time law can do it!

But where does his power come from?

Where did he get that qualification?

If he hadn't reached the level of the law and opened the Saint Ten Gate, I'm afraid I wouldn't even notice the time being returned.

But without waiting for him to think carefully, the change happened.

Since the other party chooses to do this, it can prove that what happened in the future successfully disrupted his offense, and secondly, it shows that he still has a back hand.


The big hands of the clouds and mist in the sky continued to fall, but at this moment, another big hand stretched out.

Both hands went hand in hand, and under the pressure of the terrifying sky, all the creatures in the ocean trembled and couldn't move.

Obviously he had made "two-handed" preparations from the beginning, but because he was restrained by Hai Lou Shi just now, he lost the match. Now he no longer keeps his hands and completely prevents Wallace from forming.

"Oh, it's the same again!"

In the confused eyes of Leviathan and the Scarlet Raven, Lowett no longer kept his hands.

Hum! !

The torn soul web quickly healed and spread, and thick black smoke haze like handcuffs, directly wrapped around the elbows of the two big hands in the void.

You are ready to have a second hand, don't I have it?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lowett drew out the vast soul energy, and two pitch-black beast claws emerged again, so the technique was repeated to grab the opponent's wrist.

One advantage of time going backwards is that the energy he had just consumed was also returned.

But it is precisely because of this that we can see how heavy a burden is to be borne by the time of reversing the entire world!

This is a bad sign.

Before the two sides had come to see the dagger, the other side had used such a big move, which can only show that this is not a desperate trump card for him.

Knowing that the black beast claw hides the sea-building stone that restrains him, Yunwu twists his hands to break free, the vast energy in the soul web is continuously filled in by Lowett, but it only stops him for less than three seconds. .


Click! !

The beast claw grabbed his wrist again and stripped off his coat directly, causing the sea tower to shatter the clouds and mist.

"So that's it, is this the turning point?"

He seemed to have discovered something and groaned softly.

Without waiting for Lowett to ask questions, time, back again! !

"Sure enough, I want to talk about Devil Fruit"

Suddenly stopping his thoughts, Lovett looked at the palm of his hand that was slowly falling from the sky, and took a deep breath.

"You and he are endless!"

However, at this moment, the falling palm suddenly retracted, and then under Lowett's eyelid gaze, the other palm hugged it.

Then smash it hard!

Puff! !

It was the soul net that prevented his attack just now, if so, then destroy it first!

The soul web is something like ocean currents. Another kind of air mixed in the air can't be touched by ordinary attacks. Even when Eim's palm falls, it only torn apart.

However, it is such a existence, but it bursts apart at this moment.

The diamond-shaped soul net spreading across the sky shattered like glass, and Leviathan screamed, each eyeball oozing blood, looking towards the sky.

The highest authority of the blood curse version of the soul network server is in Lowett's hands, but the server is composed of Leviathan.

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