Thinking of Eim's efforts to break the game, Mother of the Abyss couldn't help laughing.

Gleeful smile!

Let you underestimate that bastard, have you been punished now?

As a player who has been pitted by Lowett, it is a joy to see someone being pitted now.

The mere homage is not enough to make Eim give up.

He who masters the power of time has a chance to come back and correct his mistakes one by one.

It's just that Lowett is crazy enough to know that he can perceive the cycle of time instead of a good thing. Faced with endless repeated choices, knowing the cycle of time will cause him to calculate more and more variables, thus making a fatal mistake.

So he set a "trigger" for himself.

As long as Eim appears, he will die immediately, not to say anything!

It was this "rule" that I set for myself that caused Yim to retreat and retreat no matter how he repeated the cycle.

Once in the middle of the journey, Eim even took the initiative to swear to surrender, but Lowett still did not hesitate to destroy the law of space with his backhand, causing the world to collapse, leaving Eim with a dazed expression and almost didn't escape.

Except for the first two times, he will think of ways to break the game, and the remaining 306 times all ended up with the death of a fish and a net, showing the word "crazy" to the fullest!


"I underestimated the enemy, allowing Eim to expose one of his weaknesses."

Mother of the Abyss said with a deep smile and deep eyes: "That is what limits the power of time he has, otherwise he jumps back to the beginning of the ceremony. Without the help of the world's repulsive force, the kid can't escape his palm at all. ."

Does Lowett want to destroy this universe difficult?

It's as hard as it gets to the sky.

This is a world with perfect laws, and even she and Emperor Leshan must use the strongest laws to destroy this world with confidence.

However, this is the difficulty of homicide, not the difficulty of suicide.

Borrowing the exclusivity of the world law to kill itself, the difficulty naturally decreases.

However, before the reincarnation of time, he obviously did not have this plan. This was a judgment he made temporarily afterwards, and he firmly believed in it.

The Mother of the Abyss couldn't help sighing: "What a crazy move!"

"Set the rules for himself and repeat the mechanical choices. He is not afraid to get lost in the turbulence of time and lose his self-awareness?"

Hearing this, the voices of men and women who could not distinguish between men and women suddenly appeared.

"Fear is not necessarily related to what you do, otherwise how do we witness this textbook-like victory over the strong by the weak?"

Emperor Leshan was full of admiration in his tone: "He is more and more like a serious mage."


The Mother of Abyss looked over with an exaggerated expression: "Is it because I have a misunderstanding of the race of mages, or do you have a misunderstanding of the race of mages?"

"Of course it's you, the abyss."

The emperor chuckled softly: "The pursuit of truth is only the purpose, not the essence."

"The first pioneer who wants to surpass the limit of the human body and attack his soul, is it a normal person?"

The Mother of the Abyss is silent.

She had seen that guy, and that was the root of everything.

"Is it a madman who launched a suicide attack, slaughtered all the gods, regardless of good and evil, and opened up the prosperous age of the first Saint Ten?"

"The way forward is cut off, breaking into the world of the undead, forging the body and melting the soul, and snatching a piece of three-dimensional space from your mouth, isn't it a lunatic?"

The three examples shocked people's minds, and the emperor said cheerfully.

"This is the mage, the abyss!"

"A beast in human skin, an unrefined madman, a law-abiding rebel!"

"Crazy is the essence of our mage family."

"It's also the source of your fear."

Rumble! ! !

The black thunder roared wantonly in the small seal, and the suppressed aura made the bone dragons wailed and crawled to the ground.

The Mother of the Abyss was expressionless, her cold killing intent brewing in her eyes.

"You, are you too proud, Emperor Ming?"

"No, it's true!"

Without a trace of energy leaking out, the power of the two masters transpired and exploded in the altar. Even Akka and the others could not bear the terrifying sense of oppression, and looked at the sky with fear.

Hum! !

Above the sky, silver-white cracks continued to appear and healed, and the enchanting and forbidden curse was completely vulnerable to the real strength of the master.

Fortunately, the two did not live or die for such a trivial matter.

The Mother of the Abyss must admit that Ms. Skeleton's words are true, and she is afraid of this emotion. Since the wizards slaughtered the gods, it has been planted in the hearts of their necromantic masters.

The terrifying power of the roar slowly dissipated, and the Mother of the Abyss put away the scarlet blood mist lingering around her, and said lightly: "Then let us wait and see, although there are restrictions, the power of time is not so easy to deal with."

"Not to mention, there is more than one kind of power in him."

"No, I believe him."

"Ha ha!"

Above the Holy Land, among the flowers.


The old man Im, sitting high in the hall between the flowers, suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth to spout a mouthful of blood.

The cycle of time reversed, and Lovett's previous counterattack did not bring him any damage.

It was he himself who abused the power of time, which led to the current listlessness and pale skin.

The wrinkles on the face of the old body are getting deeper and deeper, and the crystal-clear black pupils with circles of red lines appear cracks in their debut, seeming to be about to collapse.

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