Akagi clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm here to attack, you guys are ready!"

This is the most dangerous task, Earl Black has not revealed his backhands!

But the red dog didn't hesitate at all. After he said he jumped, the magma on his right hand spread out dozens of meters and hundreds of meters wide, pulling out a huge torrent of magma like a waterfall, and smashing it forward.

Awakening skills weeping blood hell!

Next time, who else will go on a business trip and drink, I will tear him up, dare you believe that he ran to the wrong place?

It's hard to say that the other party has only given half an hour's grace, he's almost a lot of stains in his career.

Putting pigeons is very depraved.

Chapter 502, Eim is here! (1/3)

Natural fruits have always been known for range attacks. Although they have more mysterious fusion characteristics after awakening, it is an indisputable fact that they have further strengthened their range and power.

In particular, Aka Inu, as a strong man who developed the lava fruit to the third stage of awakening, he has the strongest attainments in natural fruit. At this moment, this magma torrent is extremely powerful.

Before it fell, the air in Lowett's whole body was dried by the billowing heat.

One by one, the undead and even the bone dragon had no time to escape, and the terrible heat wave burned them to ashes.

"Really stubborn, mortal."

Seeing that the undead army couldn't stand the terrible magma and fell to the ground one by one, clearing an area, Lowett spoke softly.

"But is it too late to organize the storm now?"


When the voice fell, I felt the great threat, and the Blood Prison Knife automatically protected the lord, and a **** sea of ​​illusion appeared in front of everyone, and a monstrous blood wave suddenly surged and collided with the magma.

Bang! ! !

Obviously they were two flowing liquids, but the moment they collided, they produced a steel-like crisp sound.

Large chunks of magma were smashed and scattered, falling into the sea water to evaporate white smoke, but the power of the Void Blood God was too huge. As the weaker party, the blood wave not only withstood the magma slap, but swept upwards, towards The red dog in the sky wrapped it up.


Of course, the red dog didn't dare to let the blood wave catch him, his legs contracted elementally, and then he violently sprayed out two pillars of flames, letting him draw a distance.

But at this time

The torrent of souls disperse the flowers!

Whoops whoops!

A slender beam of light penetrates the sea of ​​blood and shoots to the sky like a rain of lasers. The familiar and unfamiliar ones are drawn from the sea and land by Lovett, whining and spinning around him, and they are compressed into the light of soul-removing. , Boom towards the red dog.

The intense death crisis made the red dog's eyes red, and he tried to dodge his domineering look to the extreme.

Cang! !

Suddenly, the sound of gold and iron cries suddenly appeared, Fujitora rushed forward, and the violent wind rolled up by gravity easily lifted hundreds of howling undeads on the road.

Of course, he would not let Akadog be in danger, so he was decisively supporting him at the moment.

The twisted gravity swallowed up the light, and turned into a gravitational singularity. Approaching Lovett's body, Fujitor violently pushed the stick and knife out.

Gravity knife iron fire brigade!

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi! !

Sparks splattered in the harsh rubbing sound.

The blood **** knives and the staff knives intertwined, and the terrifying power made Lovett lean back and lose his balance.

Head-to-head competition for physical fitness, he is undoubtedly not the opponent of a monster like Fujitora.

But he has spell enhancement!


His right foot slammed down, and hundreds of flesh and blood vines entangled all the debris on the ground, and some even penetrated the floor and penetrated into the soil, allowing Lowett to stabilise his body abruptly.


Snapped! !

The air exploded, and the blood wave rushed into the sword body lingering continuously, and quickly entangled into a **** giant blood knife. Lowett dragged the hilt of the sword with one hand, expressionless, and chopped it forward.

The change of the Blood Prison Sword made Fujitora dare not take it carelessly and waved his sword again and again to block it.

Klang Klang!

Cut left, right, and vertical!

Sparks were flying and splattering. Unsurprisingly, these three swords were so powerful that Fujitora consciously had used all his strength, but he was still smashed back again and again, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

The tremor from the stick and knife shook his mouth cracking, and his blood was flowing like hemorrhage.

But at this time, Huang Yuan finally found the right time.

Hum! !

Rich light particles continuously emerged from his body to the palm of his hand, his hands hugged together in front of him like an eight-foot mirror, and terrifying energy gathered between his palms.

Immediately, aim at Lovett.

Awakening technique concentrating impact!

call out!

Rumble! ! !

Lowett, who had smashed Fujitora to the ground, was cutting out the fourth knife, and suddenly a laser beam with the thickness of his thumb struck from a distance.

The golden brilliance pulled through the entire Malinfoduo in an instant, and the surface of the distant land exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up.

This trick is almost impossible to avoid, because it is almost reaching the limit!

However, Huang Yuan was not happy.

You can't hide after you find out, but what about before you find out?


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