
Makar frowned.

"Is the new chief of CP0?"

Suddenly thinking of something, the corners of his mouth curled up: "The Straw Hat Pirates are in trouble."

Patrick smiled slightly at this: "Yes, the subordinates think so too."

After leaving the Baroque headquarters, Becky did not stop, and immediately led Werther to the impossible zone where the Nostra Castro was parked.

"Godfather, the coating is ready."

When he came here, Becky was truly relieved.

Staying in that place, no one knew how frightened he was every day.

This is just a white business, there are so many strong men sitting in town, and there are many generals who have worked well in the navy and have taken refuge in the past.

Earl Black's forces were so huge that it made people fearful, and only the tip of the iceberg made him sigh with excitement.

"Captain, are we really going to do this?"

On the shore, "Strange Gun" Witt hesitated and said: "I heard that Earl Black hates betrayal the most, in case he discovers our little actions"

At that time, it will be the enemy of the huge city of dawn!

No one in the new world dares to protect them!

But Becky patted him on the shoulder and said, "Because of this, we have to take this risk, Witte."

"It's been a long time since this terrifying pressure, this kind of waste in Xihai can't bring me tension!"

There was a sick smile on Becky's face.

"The worst result is death, what if it succeeds?"

Think about it, Witte, too.

As a gangster, it is normal to lick blood on the knife head every day.

From fighting with other families in the West Sea to fighting with the pirates of the Great Sea Route, the days have not changed, just a more threatening opponent.

So smiled.


Soon, the huge Nostra Castro slowly sank to the bottom of the sea amidst a roar and lost its track.

Not long after, a merchant ship flying the flag of a certain chamber of commerce sank to the bottom of the sea from the other side of the island.

Drake, who had obviously been sent to Judicial Island for trial, appeared on the deck at the moment, his mouth twitching, looking at the man behind him who was pulling his cloak and tearing his nose and begging for mercy, and an inexplicable thought emerged in his mind.

"This is the Tianlongren of the world's nobles?"

"Tianlongren, it turns out that they are not all domineering men like Tianyacha!"

The glass hood was unceremoniously removed, and he put on the cheapest linen clothes, the former Charl Rose Saint, and the current Charl Rose howling bitterly.

"Let me go back! I want to see the five old stars, I want to see my father!"


A gun **** hit the head, and an accompanying white suit yelled: "Shut up, you fat pig! Saint Rozvard has determined that you are not his own, so show me respect for adults!"

"Impossible, how could I not be my father's own birth, ah!"

"Didn't you hear me telling you to shut up?"

Ignoring the farce behind him, remembering that when CP0 came to mention the person, Aka Dog announced that he would no longer be a member of the Navy, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of Drake's mouth.

"Everyone has something to do, Marshal."

"I also have my own justice."

When Lowett set off for the country of Wano, the sea was still surging and rushing.

Although I haven't played for many years, I still have to watch the MSIS series in the Spring and Summer Finals. Then Dashu found out that I didn't set up automatic updates? Before the start of the game, I quickly finished the code and panicked at 5:30, vomiting blood three liters.

Please don't take away your monthly pass, don't ask for rankings, just don't be too ugly.

The five hundred and twentieth chapter, arrived in the country of Harmony! (2/3)

Shock! Inadequate supervision of the Judicial Island, "Red Flag" Drake escaped!

The Straw Hat regiment makes a big fuss in the City of Seven Waters and fights the wanted criminal Carter Fram!

Daring! Monkey D Luffy attacks Judicial Island, and the navy launches a killing order!

Sailing is boring. Without Leviathan to add chaos, Lowett found that his best pastime was not practice, but reading the newspaper.

Make bricks without straw.

He embarked on a unique path, causing him to break through more than a hundred times the normal Saint Ten. With his current perception of the law plus the soul net and blood prison knife, he would have broken through long ago when he was replaced. , But even one-tenth of the road has not yet been completed.

Cultivation raises the upper limit, but energy must be drawn from the outside.

In the end, the soul is sublimated.

"It's too slow, is there no other treasure with huge energy in this world?"

Putting the news paper on the table, Lovett took a sip from the wine glass and sighed lazily.

Aka glanced at the newspaper, and then suggested: "The subordinate thinks that we can buy sea king-like living organisms at a high price. It is also troublesome to leave them in the sea to cause chaos. It will kill two birds with one stone."

"I would have done that if I could."

Lowett shook his head at this: "Unfortunately it is not realistic."

"Life energy is also divided into grades, and the Neptunes are only sufficient in quantity, and the quality is not high."

"Lantern Lord's monster that kept its vigor under the protection of pure gold did not know whether it had survived for hundreds or thousands of years. It has only supported me to finish 4%. I am afraid that other sea kings of the same size may not be able to do it."

"With that effort, I might as well wait for the blood prison knife and soul net to slowly replenish."

Then Aka can't do it.

He still couldn't understand Lowett's height at the moment. As a black knight dominated by the body, he had little need for the soul.

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