"Combined magic serial corpse burst MKII!"


A giant python was too late to escape, and its scales were suddenly split by the swollen bag of flesh and blood, followed by a "boom", the flesh and blood stained with red and yellow sand.

However this is not the end.

boom! Boom!

Dozens of beasts all around followed closely behind, exploding like an inflated balloon, making noises.

Through the smoke of the gunpowder, it can be seen that after they exploded, a transparent soul that resembled them flew freely in the center of the explosion, and then quickly found a new body, triggering the next explosion.

Waiting for the movement to calm down, this beach has completely changed.


The turbulent tide continued to pour into the gap, wetting the trousers.

In the center of the beach, a grenade crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared, much lower than sea level.

The black knight appeared behind Lowett decisively, holding his master away in the form of a princess, and returned to the warship.


The red-eyed raven with crystal clear eyes like agate flapped its wings and fell. Lovett stretched out his finger to take it, and put it on his shoulder.

"not bad."

Looking back at the movement he made, Lovett smiled in satisfaction.

The vitality floating in the air did not decrease, but increased, proving that the subsequent serial corpse explosion not only did not plunder the vitality of wild boars floating in the air, but exploded the vitality of other animals, forming a chain reaction.

In the past few days, Lowett has been thinking about how to effectively fight against the Department of Nature. After all, the power of the Cone of Blood is too weak, even if the Lida Brick flies to a three-star level, the destructive power is just as good.

To deal with the natural element like Smog, Lowett lacks not only vitality, but also powerful spells!

Now he finally found the trick to use the vitality of the target itself to combine with his spiritual power to form a new spell that restrains the elementalization of the natural element.

The serial corpse explosion change is not the end, it is just an attempt.

It proved that his idea is feasible and has potential.

As long as the development continues, a brand new necromantic genre may be formed.

"Until then"

Lowett is looking forward to the expressions of those natural powers who are accustomed to using large-scale attacks to bully others when they are bullied by themselves with large-scale attacks.


At this time, a tall figure came behind Lowett and cast a large area of ​​shadow.

The visitor is full of muscles and strong posture. Just one finger needs the palm of an ordinary person to hold it. The height of five meters makes him stand up like a door panel, and standing there reveals a kind of innocence. The momentum.

He is also the black knight.

Black Knight II is a combination of evil dragons and other murloc corpses.

If the black knight made by Crowe's corpse is Lowett's loyal steward, then No.2 is Lowett's personal bodyguard.

He just stood there, and most people couldn't raise the urge to shoot Lovett.

"The waters around the upside-down mountain have been eliminated? Are these guys moving faster than I thought."

Lowett gave him a surprised look.

It has only been five days since he released the news. Someone has emptied a sea area?


On the second, he continued to report, making Lovett suddenly realize.

"Since ancient times, Caibo has moved people's hearts. I didn't expect to play the most important role, but it was the nonsense."

"Golden Thief" Unan!

A name that belongs to the legend in the East China Sea, it takes decades to become famous before Roger.

Just look at the legend he created. One third of the world's gold is in his hands, and they are all famous in the new world.

Is the "Golden Emperor" of the last era!

After he disappeared, in order to find the gold, there is a force of treasure hunters wandering around in the East China Sea, and its influence can be seen.

Treasure hunting is also fun for pirates.

Lowett knew that there was such a person, so he added the last sentence casually, but he did not expect to accidentally cut the willow, making the careerist the main force in the search for Zan Gao.

"But anyway, the result is good."

Looking at the boundless sea, Lowett's mouth cocked.

"The East China Sea is vast, and if a person deliberately wants to hide, the navy will use him like myself."

"But if you are caught in the crowds, you will be found wherever you hide."

This is the charm of money!

"Have the flying squirrels been dispatched?"

He continued to ask.

Number Two shook his head and let out a low growl.

"Tsk, old thief!"

Being old and not dying is also a thief.

Lowett's slumped mouth was very upset.

The flying squirrel was right, it was Lovett's plan to kill two birds with one stone.

First, he started to frighten the snake, and forced Zangao out of his hiding place; second, he calculated the flying squirrel, as long as he left Rogue Town, he immediately slipped into the great route.

Lovett knows the pros and cons of being trapped in the East China Sea better than flying squirrels.

Routinely seek collection, seek recommendation.

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