"So what should I do?"

Kaido looked at the past with an ugly expression. Fortunately, Earl Black was invited, otherwise he might not know how he would die in the future.

Hearing this, Lovett smiled.

"Use time, fight time!"

"Use time to fight time?"


That's a fart!


Kaido's eyes twitched.

I admit that I am Shabi, right?

speak English!

Fortunately, Lowett did not sell too much, explaining: "The secret of time is too deep. Even if we find the fruit of time, we will not be able to reach that level in a short time. We can only use our existing weapons to fight against it. "

"Mrs. Shi is from the Tianyue tribe 800 years ago. Although she has traveled for 800 years, she has only 36 years of existence on the extended line of time."

"Do you know what this means?"

Kaido shook his head.

It is no longer easy to keep up with the rhythm and understand the meaning. This is not a question of whether Cong is smart or not, but a shallowness that has not been touched at all.


Lowett sighed, and Kaido wanted to hit someone.

"She herself has the shelter of the power of time. Eight hundred years of traveling across her body has disrupted her timeline. The backward time seems invincible, but she can only retreat in a straight line, but there is a blank space in her body. As long as her existence is involved, it must be confronted with Time Changhe itself."

The power of time is not equal to the long river of time, the latter is something produced on the basis of the former, just like the relationship between the storage principle and the memory bar, the change of the former will inevitably affect the continuation of the latter.

"So I'm pretty sure, don't look at Yim's ability to rewind the world's time, and control the terrible power of time, but at the time of her existence, it will never be possible to use this power."

"The confusion of the two forces of time is enough to trigger a paradox and cause the world to collapse."

"But she is dead!"

Kaido wondered: "Do you know that this shows that he has used that power recently? Even if he can't go back in time when Mrs. Shi existed, more than ten years have passed!"

More than ten years, it is enough for Yim to correct mistakes from the source!

But Lowett grinned at this.

"Yeah, she is already dead."

"But she left a pair of children, didn't she?"

Kaido suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the ruined clearing.

Chapter 526, their conspiracy! (3/3)

Since Madam Shi is the nemesis of Yimu's retrogression of time, why can't she also be the children she gave birth to, Guangyueri and He Guangyue Taosuke?

From the perspective of time, the two of them are indeed no problem, and both have a reasonable one, leaving traces of their own years.

But the mother itself is abnormal, and their existence is based on mistakes.

Not to mention that with the last time the wife used the ability of time fruit to send away Momanosuke and others more than ten years ago, she created five time blank objects at once!

What Lovett has always been unable to figure out is, why didn't Yim jump back to the beginning of his spell and directly prevent the birth of the Void Blood God?

Including later in the Navy headquarters, if he wants to, he can directly use time to reincarnate to force himself back.

What is it that limits his power to use time?

Now the answer is revealed.

Light moon day and day!

Yes, she is the only one.

Momanosuke, Kinemon and others are still in the gap of time, unaffected by real time.

In turn, they can't affect Eim.

Just the light of the moon and the blank traces on a person's body have greatly restricted Yim's performance. If everyone returns, Yim's power of time may be directly scrapped!

Don't forget, he is just a man of fruit power, a slave to the law!

It is impossible to fundamentally change the time rules.

"Unsurprisingly, the reason why Mrs. Shi will leave for eight hundred years is precisely because she found that only her own time fruit can restrain the other's power of time, so she chose to take this risk."

"Abandoning family members, enduring loneliness, and alone for 800 years of long time, just to bring the last glimmer of hope to this world."

While waiting for Kaido to digest this series of information, Lowett took off his hat and pressed it on his chest.

"And eight hundred years is also the time limit for the fall of the gods in the prophecy. Everything seems to be a coincidence, but it is not."

"In the darkest age, there are still people who have not given up on guarding the light and moving forward with heavy burdens."

"Moreover, as the Tianyue clan who has lived overseas for a long time, helping Wazoku to found the country should not have been in her plan. It was the appearance of Mitsuki Mita who changed her mind. She chose to follow her sweetheart to Huangquan and entrust her future to the children. ."

The death of Madam Shi is the most unclear mystery.

If the mission that spanned 800 years cannot be fulfilled, she shouldn't give up her life easily and die by self-immolation.

It can only be said that something more trustworthy must have happened that caused her to unload the burden.

"It's like a will to inherit D!"

"Or, destiny!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Kaido had already finished his contemplation.

He glanced at Lowett with lingering fears, and pointed to his nose: "Are you he or she?"

Lowett: "..."

With a sly smile on his face, Lowett shrugged: "Look at what you are talking about, what do you mean? Am I not calculating you all the time?"

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