Sauron's eyelids twitched: "It's really what a great hero is qualified to say!"

That's the world government!

Even the arrogant pirate "Captain" Kidd who had a fight with Luffy in Chambord land was running away with his tail clipped. Who would dare to stop them from doing what they were doing? !


After thinking about Sauron, he figured it out.

At present, only the Black Beast Federation is left in the new world. The ruler of the sea can only compete among the three parties. At this time, the world government is in a depression that has never been seen in 800 years, and the pirates are powerful. , Naturally will not let go of this good opportunity.

"What to do, Luffy?"

Sauron won't be afraid of fighting, but the decision is in the hands of the captain.

Black Earl killed Shanks, killed Sabo, and executed Ace for Karp in public execution. Do you want to accept the help of this kind of enemy?


The new world, the country of harmony, the capital of flowers.

"Master Heitan Orochi and Master Kaido are back!"

"Master Orochi, look here and see here!"

As soon as I entered the flower capital, the noise filled my ears.

Almost all the prestige of the Black Charcoal Serpent in the Country of Waka is concentrated in the Flower City, and the people here admire him incomparably whether it is out of fear, admiration, or profit.

The tense nerves finally relaxed, and the black charcoal snake laughed and waved to the crowd.

Kuang Si Lang squinted his eyes to watch this scene, and his heart was desolate.

"Ordinary people are stupid. Who can make them live better is a wise leader."

"But they clearly know that this kind of good life is based on the premise that the arsenal squeezes other people, and it has nothing to do with them, and they are indifferent."

"That's why we can't give up hope!"

Holding the white porcelain wine glass, Kuang Si Lang glanced at the oiran Xiao Zi who cheered the most.

There were some things that I couldn't do outside before, but when I returned to the Flower City, the situation was different.

Chapter 530, Kaido: Are you calculating me again? !

The flower has two co-owners, Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi.

But these two are not interested in interfering with the trivial affairs of the country of Wano. One is only to use the population to serve the arsenal, and the other just wants to avenge the country of Wano and twist the country.

But Kaido has a big deal in the end.

Most of the time, the people who manage the various small towns in the country are from the group of beasts and pirates.

The Orochi Yuting Fanzhong under the command of the Black Charcoal Orochi and himself basically only have the right to speak in the flower.

Today, Kaido's big signature, the Three Plagues of Beasts, is no longer there. In other words, their opponents are only loyal to the ninja forces of the Black Charcoal Orochi.

But as a ninja, one cannot exist under the sun.

More often, they only serve the generals and circle around the black charcoal snake.

On the other hand, I have the opportunity to have the ability to flourish inside and outside the Flower City.

"If it is done properly, it may make them truly blind and deaf!"

The narrowed eyes opened slightly, and the cold light inside was heart palpitating.

However, seeing Aka who was looking at him on a tall horse in front of him, Kuang Shi Lang instantly put away his killing intent and raised his glass.

"No, you can't be anxious."

He shook his head.

"On our side, there are only me, Hihe-sama, and a few righteous men. There was no one out of ten partners back then, and the other subordinates are not worthy of trust."

This is indeed a good time to get started.

If you can secretly control the eyes and ears of the general's mansion, the future uprising will be of great benefit.

But no one is available, it's embarrassing.

"Moreover, there is that man's attitude"

Kuang Si Lang glanced at Lowett, lost in thought.

If Kaido doesn't solve it, overthrowing the black charcoal snake will not change the status quo.

Judging from the current intelligence, Earl Black and Kaido have contact and competition. How they will help depends only on whether the benefits are large enough!


Walking along the lively streets, Lowett turned his head and said to Kaido: "It seems that I need to take back what I said before, and there is still a rich place in the country of Wano."

Kaido glanced at him: "Cut, it sounds like you really think I am rich."

Lowett shrugged.

"Seek truth from facts."

"So what do you do next?"

At this time, Kaido asked: "If you make such a big noise, the five old stars might doubt my sincerity."

Lowett smiled at this: "It's fine for a fight."

Kaido squinted his eyes: "Indeed, it's a good way."

By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to find out what qualifications the magic knife has, which is worthy of the man in front of him for many years.

"But don't worry now."

On the sedan chair, the geisha, who had been so frightened from the start, that Lowett took the half-cut apple in her hand, and patted her hand.

"Wu Lao Xing never expected that I would sort out the truth the next day after I arrived, and it was a little bit abrupt when I started."

"You haven't told Jack to stop, right?"

"Now you can notify."

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