The truth is, it's not easy to be true.

Gong Gukong himself didn't want to believe it.

But the more he didn't believe it, the more likely it was to be true.

Zhan Guo's shocked emotions had gradually calmed down, and he spoke to comfort him: "Don't worry, if Kasa Yun is really an unprecedented monster, then I'm afraid it won't be long before we have a chance to fight."


"That day had better not come!"

"If the information is true, Kasa Yun is the next Rocks!"

"We must not give him time to grow! The sooner we get rid of him, the better!"

Zhan Guo looked solemn, and his words were murderous.

Kong Kong showed appreciation and nodded in agreement, saying, "What Sengoku said is right. No matter how talented this Yun is, he has now become a cadre of the Rocks Pirates and is a great threat to the navy!"

"And at this pirate banquet, he killed all the competitors, which shows that his brutality is no less than Rocks!"

"I called you here to let you remember this person. Once you meet him, kill him at all costs!"

"There must not be a second Rocks in the sea!"

If Yun knew that he was described like this, he would have to fight with Kong Kong even if he had his arms swung.

Hearing Kong Kong's order, Garp and Zefa looked a little serious.

"I understand. As long as I meet this kid, no matter how long he has practiced, I have practiced my iron fist for decades anyway." Garp said murderously.

But he still didn't take it seriously in his heart.

In his opinion, he was just a genius, with a bounty of tens of millions, so there was no need to mobilize so many troops.

"If I meet him, I will definitely catch him back."

Zeff nodded in response.

"Don't kill" the admiral, "black-armed" Zephyr.

No one could have imagined that Zephyr would become an extreme person who wanted to destroy the world in the future.

"What on earth is Rocks doing? He is still recruiting pirates, and his actions have become more and more frequent recently." Vice Admiral Tsuru sighed helplessly, his delicate face full of worry.

"None of those monsters are easy to deal with." Zephyr snorted, looking unhappy, as if he had suffered a loss.

"Hahahaha, speaking of which, Roger's reputation is getting bigger and bigger." Garp thought of something and laughed while patting his head.

Sengoku complained angrily: "You bastard, you still have the nerve to say that. If you hadn't messed around last time, the Roger Pirates would have been surrounded and might have captured him."

"Hahaha, Sengoku, you underestimate that guy too much. Roger can't be dealt with by a large number of people. If I hadn't taken action in advance, those navy fleets would have suffered heavy casualties." Garp was not angry, and still laughed, but his smile was a little solemn.

The Rocks Pirates are the absolute overlord, and the Roger Pirates are the strongest new star.

These two pirate groups give the navy a headache.

"Okay, why bring up the Roger Pirates when talking about the Rocks Pirates." Steel Bone Kong said in a deep voice: "Xiaohe, go and issue a wanted order for Casa Yune."

"Huh? Issue a wanted order now? Wouldn't it expose the undercover?" Vice Admiral Tsuru was surprised and asked immediately.

Cyborg said confidently: "Don't worry, just issue a wanted order. It's urgent to eliminate this Kasa Yune as soon as possible and prevent him from growing up."

"How much is the bounty?"

"Five hundred million." Cyborg pondered for a moment and blurted out.

"Five hundred million? Isn't that too high?" Zhan Guo said in disbelief.

You know, even Charlotte Linlin, the "natural destroyer", only reached a bounty of five hundred million after several upgrades. The current bounty is already higher, but at least it wasn't very scary at the beginning.

"Five hundred million!" Zefa and Garp looked stern, and finally realized that Cyborg was not joking, and was really afraid of this boy named Kasa Yune.

Kong Kong sighed and said, "Charlotte Linling and Kaido grew up because we didn't pay enough attention to them. There have been many such things in recent years. Even if there is only a possibility, we must kill it!"

"I don't want to see the next Charlotte Linling and Kaido! I don't want to see the next Rocks!"

Moved by Kong Kong's determination, everyone looked solemn.

"Yes! Marshal!"

Yun became the number one target of the navy for a while.

Because others were too difficult to kill, only he was a newcomer and his strength was very weak.

But a reward of 500 million... would definitely make a sensation in the sea.



That day


Beehive Island.

Youen was wrapped in bandages, but his injuries had almost healed.

Cellular phagocytosis strengthens the body at the cellular level, and the self-healing ability is constantly enhanced.

In the future, it may reach a terrifying level, super healing.

Originally, he was drinking and eating meat with Kaido, but when he saw the bounty falling from the sky, Youen couldn't laugh at all.

"Oh, la la la la ~! The bounty is the glory of pirates, why don't you look happy?"

Kaido laughed loudly, not only did he not mean to comfort him, but he was gloating.

It seemed that he was very happy to see Youen being defeated.


Youen held his own wanted order, and the bright red words "500,000,000" made him want to curse.

"What are you laughing at! I attended a pirate banquet last night, and today the Navy's wanted order has spread all over the sea. Don't you think there's something wrong?"

Although the appearance of Youen on the wanted order is a sketch version, it is not much different from the real person.

Kaido's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and he seemed to finally realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Is there a Navy spy on the island?"

Kaido, who realized it late, suddenly woke up.

He had never thought of this possibility.

But what happened now has explained the problem!

"What else? Can the Navy calculate? A damn 500 million bounty for my head! Why don't they go and rob it!"

Youen was furious.

Originally wanted to develop, but in the pirate base, his accurate information was still known to the Navy. What a joke!

Your base is monitored by the Navy.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. It's normal for so many pirates to have two spies."

Kaido hesitated a little and said slowly.

I don't know if he was comforting Youen or comforting himself.

Youen curled his lips, but he had a different opinion in his heart.

Being able to set his bounty at 500 million, it is obvious that the navy knows a lot of things, which is something that ordinary pirates can't touch.

All the cadres on the stage knew the real situation at that time!

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone got the news from the cadres, but the possibility is very low.

It is related to his own safety, and Youen's heart is full of alarm bells.

If there is really an undercover among the cadres, wouldn't it be very convenient to kill him?

Who could it be?

"Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Linlin, Kaido are absolutely impossible."

"The possibility of John and Wang Zhi is also very small, and Silver Axe... It doesn't seem to be very likely."

"Flame Flower, Stuth, Xia Qi and other cadres are also pirates who are set on the table, only those few unfamiliar faces!"

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