The battle between the Rocks Pirates and the Celestial Dragons had already destroyed most of the valley.

The battle between Youen and Im directly turned the Valley of the Gods into a ruin that was being swallowed by the sea.

Finally, the Celestial King attacked and landed!

The entire Valley of the Gods disappeared without a trace, leaving only a gully in the sea that was gradually filled up by the sea.

Youen had disappeared.



Im sat on the throne of the void, with a cold flash in his eyes.

"At the cost of great loss, activating the Heavenly King is enough to kill that guy!"

"The three ancient weapons... Now that the Heavenly King is in the hands of the Celestial Dragons, the criminals have no hope of reversing the final solution."

The cold voice is full of confidence.

The two have been fighting for half a day, and Yun must have consumed a lot. Yimu doesn't believe that such a sudden attack can't kill Yun!

Little did he know...

Yun didn't need to resist at all.

And the Heavenly King might not be able to kill Yun.

At this time, Yun appeared on an ordinary island thousands of miles away through the marked shadow.

This was the backup he left before. It was originally used for other purposes, but after awakening the Shadow Emperor form, the shadow left in place appeared here as punctuation.

Yun stood on the rocks on the coast, looking at the rolling sea, with a smile flashing in his eyes,

"Do you want to be the enemy of the world... This is more interesting."

"World will! Wait until I find you! I'll kill you with one knife!"

The murmured voice dissipated in the sea breeze, but it was full of certainty.

Yun did not return to Beehive Island, but chose to go alone.

What he wanted to do, only he could do it, others simply did not have the power.

And Yun did not want to form a force to fight the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. It was meaningless to play house. As long as he wanted, he could kill Marijoa now... Again, it was meaningless.

Yun's ultimate goal was the world!

It was this unconquerable sea!

The Lord of Heaven and Earth!

The King of the World!

So far... Yun disappeared.


"Damn it! The Canyon of Gods is gone!!"

Golden Lion, Kaido, Charlotte Linlin and others who returned with difficulty against the wind and waves stared blankly at the gradually calming abyss, their faces completely stagnant.

"Where is Yun?"

Charlotte Linlin said absentmindedly.

"The attack just now... I'm afraid it's not good." Golden Lion Shiki frowned and sighed deeply.

Unexpectedly, Yune's power was enough to crush Rocks, but he still couldn't compete with the World Government.

What terrifying strong man is there among the Celestial Dragons?

At this moment, Shiki the Golden Lion was full of fear of the Celestial Dragons.

"Impossible! Yune! Come out! I don't believe you'll die like this!" Kaido's eyes were red, and he roared at the sea, venting his sadness.

This result was hard for him to accept.

"Damn it! If I stayed, maybe I could take Yune away!" Kaido slapped his head in annoyance.

"Forget it, in that case, you would have died in their battle long ago." Shiki the Golden Lion comforted him with a rough but reasonable words: "Let's split up and search in the nearby sea to see if we can find Yune's trace. That bastard guy won't die so easily."

"Huh~Search separately!"

Charlotte Linling breathed a sigh of relief and rushed out on the fire cloud.

Kaido transformed into a blue dragon, displayed his observation Haki, and plunged into the sea.

Shiki the Golden Lion also went in another direction.

The remnants of the Rocks Pirates had all returned to Beehive Island. They had stayed here because they were worried, but the battle storm made it difficult for them to even get close, and it was meaningless for them to participate in that kind of battle.

But just when the storm subsided and they thought the battle was over.

The might of the world-destroying heaven rolled up thunder and storms, obliterating everything here.

Now the three of them had only a glimmer of hope in their hearts, praying that Yuen was not dead.

But after searching for half a day, no trace was found.

Yuen was dead... as if it had become a fact.

The three returned to Beehive Island, and everyone learned the news. Shocked.

"Yuen just disappeared like that? What kind of power do the Celestial Dragons hold?" Whitebeard murmured with a shocked face, as if he still didn't believe that Yuen would die in battle.

Yuen's terror was beyond cognition, and even Rocks was defeated by him...

And he died like that?

"What an unexpected result." Silver Axe couldn't help but

He sighed.

A series of events happened too suddenly.

Rocks died.

Youen rose and disappeared.

The Valley of Gods no longer existed.

It was as if everything had returned to the starting point.

"In that case, should we...disband?" Xia Qi said suddenly while smoking a cigarette.

The death of Rocks and the disappearance of Youen also made most people feel relieved.

"Hehehe, I also think that there is no point in us being together." Wang Zhi smiled in a low voice, revealing his ambition.

For a moment, everyone looked at Whitebeard and Golden Lion Shiki.

They are the two strongest guys.

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and looked at everyone, "I won't be here, you guys can do whatever you want, I won't interfere in your affairs."

He has always wanted to build a big family, and this is the best time.

"Hahahaha, let's see who will win when we meet in the future!" Golden Lion Shiki laughed arrogantly.

Although Youen's disappearance affected his mood, it would not affect his ambition.

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin looked at each other, and neither of them had any intention of staying here any longer.

Flame Flower returned directly to Daughter Island on the way back.

Stussy's eyes flickered, and after everyone left, she went straight to the laboratory... where she still had a bottle of Eun's blood!

"If I can get Eun's secret from it... then they will not be my opponents!"

Stussy thought excitedly.

But when she arrived at the laboratory, she found that the bottle of blood she left behind was gone!

"Damn it! Where is my blood factor! Who stole my things!!"

There was an angry and crazy scream in the laboratory.

Stussy's calculations were completely in vain.

Not long after, the Rocks Pirates were officially disbanded.

Wang Zhi continued to occupy the Beehive Island for development, and the other cadres all chose to develop their own forces.

Whitebeard Pirates.

Flying Pirates.

BIG-MOM Pirates.

Beast Pirates.

Appeared one after another...

People who appeared in the past did not affect the future trajectory.


The World Government sent forces to search the area around the Valley of Gods, but also did not find any trace of that figure.

This further confirmed the fact that Yun was dead!

Especially after a long time.

There is still no news about Yun. It seems that this person has never appeared and has completely disappeared in the long river of history.

It is easier to erase the traces of Yun than Rocks.

After all, it took no more than two months from Yun's appearance to the last battle.

It even makes people feel like this is a fabricated character.

The Valley of Gods disappeared.

Rocks' existence was erased.

Yun... has no trace.

But in the eyes of Im and the Five Elders, there is a high probability of death.

Half a year later.

"We haven't found any news about Casa Yune for such a long time, and those guys from the Rocks Pirates have also disbanded, but there is no trace of Casa Yune around any of them." Nasu Shoulang Sheng said coldly while holding the demon sword.

Satan Sheng's injuries have recovered a lot, all thanks to the recovery ability and strong health bar of the mythical beast species, which saved his life.

He put down the information in his hand at this time and said lightly: "Even Kaido and Charlotte Linlin didn't have any abnormal reactions, and they didn't find any trace of Casa Yune."

"If he is not dead, it is impossible that there is no movement for such a long time. With his strength, he will definitely retaliate against us, but so far, the World Government and the Navy have not received any news from him... It seems that Casa Yune is really dead." Pitt Sheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, always feeling that this result makes him feel much more at ease.

Even if there were some guesses before, it is now basically certain.

"I think we are overthinking. Lord Im personally took action and even used the terrifying power of the ancient weapon. The entire Canyon of God was flattened. Even if Youn was alive at that time, could he still survive after falling into the sea?" Saint Vochuli said confidently.

He was convinced from the beginning that Youn was dead.

No one could survive the combination of Im and the ancient weapon.

Moreover, Youn was a devil fruit user. At that time, there was sea water all around him. Even if Youn could float in the air for a short time, he would definitely die as long as he came into contact with the sea water.

The Five Elders were killed instantly by Youn's Conqueror Color Kamui as soon as they met. Of course, they didn't know about Youn's other abilities. Even Im didn't realize that Youn had the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and the Floating Fruit, but only thought that they were the shadows of the mythical beasts created by the Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

No one even knew that Youn was not afraid of sea water.

But in the final analysis, these speculations of the Five Elders were extremely naive.

Because Yun left directly!

A punch on cotton?

Sorry, there is no cotton.

Saint Maz whispered: "Even if Yun can't survive, this is what Lord Yimu told him. At that time, the attack of the king was not resisted, and the master was concerned about it."

Perhaps because of the urging of the king, or perhaps for other reasons, Yimu fell into a deep sleep.

The Five Elders sit at the center of power and control the world.

Manipulate the navy and eliminate pirates.

"Don't worry, all the facts show that the guy is dead." Saint Wouchuri nodded.

The other four also nodded.

They didn't believe that Yun would survive in that situation.


It seems that everyone has forgotten the existence of the monster boy.

The wheel of time rolls forward.

Everything is moving in the established direction.



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