The news was so shocking that the old man was so angry.

Katakuri was extremely shocked by the news!

Because he was one of the few people who knew about the existence of Eun!

That person... personally took action? ?

Charlotte had no emotion and nodded calmly, "Well, he said the time has come."

Katakuri suddenly felt that the world was about to change.

He knew Eun's terrifying strength...

What happened?

That person actually took action personally!

Katakuri was extremely shocked.

Cracker and Brulee were confused, not knowing why Katakuri's reaction was so big.

Aokiji and Van Oka frowned.

It seems that this young man has an extraordinary origin, and is a force they don't know about!

Uncle Shiki...

Uncle Kaido...

Charlotte Linlin's son?

This network of relationships instantly made Aokiji realize that something was wrong.

This background seems a bit too big.

And that guy Shiki the Golden Lion... hasn't been on the sea for many years!

"Shiki the Golden Lion? That guy is still alive, brother, I am more and more curious about your identity, how did you get in touch with these pirates?"

Aokiji frowned and asked in a low voice.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart.

I always felt that the sudden appearance of this young man was not that simple.

It seemed that some unknown things were surfacing.

"I am my mother's son."

"Casa Charlotte."

Charlotte's voice contained a unique domineering aura.

"Casa Charlotte? Weird name."

Van Oka murmured, his eyes slightly puzzled.

As we all know, the Ten Thousand Kingdoms was founded by Big Mom, and all the ministers are her children, and all the children have Big Mom's surname - Charlotte.

And this guy in front of him...

He is actually named Charlotte?

The surname Kasa is not very famous.

Van Oka expressed his confusion.

"Kasa... Charlotte..."

Aokiji narrowed his eyes and muttered softly.

Some things he heard from Garp emerged in his mind.

The surname Kasa suddenly became clear!


The ice under Aokiji's feet suddenly shattered, and his heart was shaken!


His eyes were slightly absent-minded, and suddenly he connected some things.

And that name that belonged to the legend, the name that was not allowed to be mentioned, made Aokiji wake up and said in a lost voice:

"Kasa Yune? What is your relationship with him?"

Charlotte's strength and this special network of relationships made Aokiji inevitably connect him with the legend he heard from Garp.

Although he thought it was absurd, even impossible.

But he couldn't help asking.

Katakuri raised his eyebrows and his eyes darkened.

He didn't expect Aokiji to know the existence of that person!

"I would think you are very rude if you call my father by his name."

Charlotte's eyes condensed, and she suddenly swung her sword. The powerful slash instantly flew into the air and fell. The strong edge directly impacted the ice on the ground, leaving a gully-like mark.

Charlotte's words caused a storm in Aokiji's heart.

He was completely stunned.

Kasa Yune and Big Mom's son? ?

Kasa Yune is still alive? !

This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Aokiji stunned in place, and even forgot to defend against the slash in front of him.

Van Oka didn't understand, and shouted: "Kuzan! Do you want to die!"

The teleportation fruit ability was urgently activated, and Aokiji dodged the fierce slash.


The slash fell behind them, as if it had penetrated the island, causing a strong sensation.

"Kuzan! What are you staring at? You almost died just now!"

"What's wrong with his identity?"

"Who is Kasa Yune?"

Van Oka shouted angrily.

Aokiji slowly clenched his fists, his voice suppressed.

"A bigger storm is coming."



Wano Country.

On Onigashima.

The Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, the Kidd Pirates and others, who were originally relieved for their victory, suddenly looked at the figure slowly floating up in the air with a dazed look.

"BIG-MOM? She's still alive?"

Exhausted, Kidd's eyes widened instantly, in disbelief and despair.

Big Mom's figure floated in the air without any warning.

Kaido, who beat Luffy to his pre-awakening state in the distance, rushed over with a big laugh.

"You finally gave up...

must show up! !”

“Oh la la la la!”

“Wait for me to clean up the situation, I’ll treat you to a good drink!”

Kaido laughed happily, not caring about his injuries at all.

The people below only then noticed that there was a strange figure who looked very young in front of Big Mom, but they didn’t know him.

It was just that Kaido showed up, but Luffy didn’t show up, which made the Straw Hat Pirates feel bad.

“Hahahaha! You bastard, have you forgotten me?”

Another figure floated in the sky, with arms folded, biting a cigar, and a wild and unruly golden mane.

“Shiki, you are not as important as him.”

Kaido grinned and didn’t give Shiki face at all.

“Shiki the Golden Lion? The legendary pirate Golden Lion? ? How could he appear here? "

Law supported himself to stand up, whispering in surprise.

The rest of the people were also confused.

Shiki the Golden Lion was a powerful man of the same generation as Roger, one of the three legendary pirates.

He suddenly appeared on Onigashima... and he had a special relationship with Kaido.

What is going on.

"They have reinforcements..." Nami covered her mouth and said in despair.

"Shiki the Golden Lion hasn't appeared for a long time." Jinbei murmured with a solemn expression.

Shiki the Golden Lion followed Yun, and had no conflict with the Straw Hat Pirates before, so there was no East China Sea incident.

So most people are very unfamiliar with Shiki the Golden Lion.

But fortunately, I have heard of his name.

As for the figure standing between Shiki, Kaido, and Big Mom, it is completely unfamiliar.

"Who is that guy?" Zoro raised his head, his tone gradually becoming heavy.

Sanji squinted his eyes and lit a cigarette, "It seems... the battle is far from over. "

They instinctively felt that the figure was not that simple...

It might even be a guy more powerful than Kaido and Big Mom!

Yamato, who was guarding the armory, jumped up and looked at the figures gathering in the air. He frowned, but suddenly stared at the figure in the middle, as if he thought of something. His face suddenly turned pale, bloodless, and his lips trembled slightly.

She had met him once when she was a child, and had heard about this person from Kaido.

He is so powerful that he is invincible.

He is here...


The flames of the Phoenix converged, revealing the figure of Marco.

If anyone really knows about Yun's deeds, Marco is the only one among these people!

He had heard Whitebeard talk about Yun's power and madness during casual chats, and he had also seen the portrait of Yun collected by Whitebeard!

The strongest pirate of the last era!

A man as powerful as a god!

Isn't he dead?

The man in front of him perfectly overlaps with the portrait in his memory...

Marco's eyes suddenly froze.

"Casa Yun! ! ! "

"He's still alive!!! "



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