The enemy was killed, but the enemy's body was broken.

Not only did he not die, the power of the slash was not weak.


A figure suddenly rushed out from the smoke and dust.

It was Youen wearing shadow armor.

At this time, only his face was exposed, and his eyes were cold and cold, as if reflecting the raging anger.

But the shadow armor on his body was damaged a lot.

Just now, resisting the power of the shock wave consumed most of the shadows.

Youen didn't feel sorry for the shadows, but thought that if there were no shadows, would he really die under the shock wave?

Burning with anger.

Whoever you are!

Kill them first!

"I won't die!"

Yuen slashed out with a knife first to vent his anger.

The big Buddha Zhan Guo raised his arm to block the knife, his body remained unmoved, and his solemn face showed a hint of surprise.

He actually endured the bombardment of the shock wave without any injury?

Zhan Guo's eyes were suddenly full of murderous intent.

The goal of the navy's action is to strangle Yuen.

How could he let Yuen live!

The big Buddha on the side punched out with a strong sense of oppression, and threw Yuen out with one punch.

Yuen quickly rolled twice, stabilized his body and stood up again.

"It seems that it's not that I can't fight..."

Not only did he not think about running away, he also thought about fighting with Zhan Guo!



"John! What are you still doing! Go stop Zhan Guo!"

Kaido yelled at John from a distance.

Among the cadres who were taking action at this time, only John could help Yuen.

"I want to, but these marines are blocking me from going over. I have to kill them all, right?"

John pretended to kill two marines, and he seemed helpless.


Kaido's eyes were blazing.

John obviously didn't want to help Youen, and was stalling for time!

Those few small marines couldn't hurt John even if he stood still!


Kaido was distracted and was hit in the chest by Zefa's heavy punch, and retreated several steps.

He was then hit in the cheek and fell to the ground.

Youen glanced at John coldly, and then immediately shouted to Kaido: "Kaido! Deal with your own enemies! Don't worry about me, I still have a way!"

"Lingling, Kaido, lend me your shadows!"

The voice fell.

Shadow Youen disappeared silently beside Youen.

"Huh? He's still a capable person!" Zhan Guo's eyes condensed, and he finally reacted.

He originally thought that Yune was a manifestation of Armament Haki, but now it seems that it's not that simple.


What does he want Kaido and Linlin's shadows for?

Zhan Guo had a trace of doubt in his heart.

Charlotte Linlin attacked madly, and when she saw that Yune was not dead, her rationality suddenly recovered a lot.

When she heard that Yune wanted to borrow a shadow, she readily agreed.

The same was true for Kaido.

Neither of them refused.

The next second.

The shadow flickered.

Charlotte Linlin and Kaido's shadows were taken away by Shadow Yune and returned to Yune.

Yune took a deep breath, and the luster in his eyes became deeper.

This is a new move he developed from his ability.

If you want to use it, you must not let the shadow host resist.

Because he wants to borrow the power of the host through the shadow!

Shadow Yune returned to Yune.

Next to him, two huge shadows gradually became three-dimensional, which were the shadows of Charlotte Linlin and Kaido.

The next second.

The two huge shadows merged into the shadow of Youen like a stream of water.

The shadow of Youen became visibly larger, and his body gradually enlarged.

When the fusion was complete.

The shadow of Youen was completely bigger than Youen himself!

Youen took a deep breath, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

"Although it will cause great damage to the body, I can't care so much!"

"Magic Shadow Form!"

Accompanied by his low shout.

Shadow Youen merged with himself again!

It's just that Shadow Youen is much larger than himself, which will cause some changes.


Youen clenched his fists and suddenly screamed.

Not only the muscles, but even the bones seemed to be deformed, as if a new body was being built. The pain contained can be imagined.

Ordinary magic shadow forms are not so painful.

But it wouldn't be as strong as it is now.

It's a pity that Youen can't use the awakening form now. His body can't withstand the awakening power. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to endure such great pain.

In the blink of an eye.

Youen merged with the shadow.

The fusion is complete.

But his appearance becomes weird, his muscles bulge high, and there are cracks on the exposed skin like broken ceramics, as if it was burst from the inside.

This move of Yune fused the shadow of others and merged it with his own, which is even crazier than Moria eating the shadow.

But there is only one benefit!

He can gain a strong power!

The power to counter the power of Sengoku!

The big Buddha Sengoku looked at the weird scene that happened in front of him, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

"What kind of move is this!!"

"He actually fused the shadows of Charlotte Linlin and Kaido?"

At this moment.

Yune raised his head slightly, and his murderous eyes shocked Sengoku's heart.


The next second!

Yune's feet exploded.

And his figure has disappeared on the spot.

The blue light flickered in the sky.

The [Blue Flame] wrapped in the Armament Color·Divine Armor slashed at the Buddha's head, and the violent impact force even made Zhan Guo unable to open his eyes.

"This power... has become so much stronger!"

While thinking, Zhan Guo raised his arm again to block the knife.


The big Buddha Zhan Guo's feet collapsed suddenly, burying half of his body!

"What a strong force!"

Zhan Guo's pupils contracted, and his expression was extremely shocked.

Just now, he couldn't shake me at all, but after fusing with the shadow, he could actually repel me?

What kind of trick is this!

Zhan Guo was really shocked.

"What kind of move is this, Yun?"

Kaido was also confused.

He had been practicing with Yun for so many days, but he didn't know that Yun had hidden such a fierce move!

Zeff was stunned and exclaimed: "What kind of monster is this kid?"

The appearance of being neither human nor ghost was actually a bit scary.

"Huh? He actually shook the Great Buddha Warring States!!"

John stared with his eyes wide open, his face full of disbelief.

He didn't want to save Youen, and even hoped that Youen would die.

It was just that Youen's sudden outburst of strange means made him feel something was wrong.

These guys...wouldn't really be able to compete with the Great Buddha Warring States?

"This...weird kid!" Garp was stunned, and was also shocked by Youen's change.

"Mama~~! It's really a surprise for me." Charlotte Linling laughed and rushed towards Garp again.

Since Youen is not powerless to fight back, then I just need to hold Garp back.

Silver Axe on the pirate ship in the distance looked at this scene from a distance, and screamed as if he had seen a ghost:

"What a ghost! Youen can actually fight with Warring States?!"

Oh my God.

Am I still dreaming?

It's only been half a month since the pirate banquet.

How did Youen practice! ?

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