The dark shadows of the body became more and more solid.

A huge figure like a dark purple incarnation formed around Youen, which was about the same size as the indescribable humanoid monster of Im, and shone with dark purple light.

The Shadow Five Elders, Shadow Rocks, Shadow Azure Dragon, etc. all rushed into the shadow around Youen in an instant.


The shadow like an incarnation became more and more solid.

Two destructive auras raged, and the magnificent and huge figures that did not belong to the human world suddenly collided with each other, the momentum was torn, the thunder and lightning surged, and thousands of strange phenomena burst out in an instant.

The thorough collision of power was stronger than any battle.

But there were no spectators in this battle.

Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others quickly went away in the storm.

Garin Sheng, Garp and others were swept away by the turbulent sea water.

"You will eventually be just like everyone else, an ant in this world."

Imu's incarnation roared indifferently, but he was very surprised in his heart.

Youen's strength was far beyond his expectations.

"Ant? It seems that you are used to being high and mighty. I will kill your incarnation first, and then go to Mary Joa to kill your body!"

Youen was suspended in the shadow, his illusory body was wrapped in domineering, and he attacked crazily.


Imu snorted coldly, and said from a high position:

"Whether I live or not has nothing to do with your ending."

"You devil fruit users are not tolerated by the world! You will all die!"

His weird fist slammed on the shadow, and the dark purple light flickered, as if swallowing his fist, and even the power of domineering was weakened by half.

But this caused Youen to lose hundreds of shadows.

This shows the horror of Im's power.

Even the power of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit and the Dark-Dark Fruit combined could not be completely eliminated.

The next second.

Youen took the lead.

The terrifying power of divine might entangled and filled the entire shadow fist, blasting out a powerful blow like thunder.

The monster figure of Im's incarnation was slammed hard on the ground, hitting the Canyon of God and shaking it even more. ,

Those tumbling boulders were crushed into powder and scattered by the domineering power before they could get close to the two of them.

Im's incarnation fell to the ground, but quickly got up and fought back, and the red outline in his eyes became more intense.

The two figures collided crazily.

The destructive battle lasted for half a day.

The entire island was completely turned into ruins and was being eroded by the sea water bit by bit. It would not be long before the Canyon of God would be completely swallowed by the abyss-like sea.

The entire island was lifeless.

The huge figure of Yimu's incarnation tore the shadows that were like a light curtain in front of him with his hands, and his aura weakened again.

He was hit by another punch from the shadow and fell to the ground.

The whistling shadows around him gradually made it difficult for him to resist.

At this time, Yimu was angry and shocked.

He couldn't believe that someone could be as powerful as himself!

Perhaps because of the incarnation, he believed that his original body would definitely be able to defeat Youen.

But now.

Yimu is at a clear disadvantage.

After half a day of crazy fighting, her eyes that emitted blood-red light outlines were much dimmer.

The aura on her body was weakened even more.

Weakened by the shadow invisibly!


But it's the domain of the Shadow Emperor!

If Yimu's original body was here, he might really be killed by Youen.

But the most regrettable thing is that it's just an incarnation.

In the storm.

Yimu's monster-like figure half-knelt on the ground, raised his head angrily, and said angrily:

"How can you have such strong power? This is not allowed by the world!"

Yun has been in the shadow from beginning to end, commanding the shadow incarnation to fight. Hearing this, he sneered,

"What? You kneel down and beg for mercy when you can't beat me? But this is not the attitude of begging for mercy."

Yim's incarnation slowly stood up, his voice returned to indifference, still maintaining that judgmental attitude: "It seems that you really don't know that your power is not allowed by the world at all! You will be wiped out by the world!"

Yun always felt that she had something to say, and immediately sneered and asked back: "I am not allowed, but you are allowed?"

However, the next answer made Yun stunned.

"Of course!"

"The power we have is the power recognized by the world!"

"And the power you have is the existence of the devil, and you are all the incarnation of the devil!"

"The world will never tolerate your existence!"

Yim's incarnation said coldly, as if

Buddha wants to shake Youen's state of mind from the root.

Youen frowned slightly, his face slightly solemn.

"Your consciousness is... the will of the world to exist?"

He seemed to understand what Im meant. The power she was talking about should refer to the devil fruit ability. Every devil fruit ability user is a devil's existence. This has been circulating in the sea, but there are still people who ignore these and take devil fruits, but gain stronger power, so the devil fruit has advantages and disadvantages.

The weakness is the sea water!

But no one has considered the reason for this weakness.

Is it that it is not tolerated by the sea, or that it is not allowed to exist by the world?

What makes Youen even more awake is that the fantasy beasts controlled by the world government can awaken!

Except for Im, the other Tianlong people have never heard of anyone eating devil fruits. They all dislike devil fruits and only use them as tools for playing slaves.

This is also a reason.

And the animal system circulating in the sea, whether it is the fantasy beast or the ordinary species, has no one who can awaken.

Lucci appeared in the future because he was a member of the World Government.

And at that time, Joy Boy appeared.

"Of course there is a will!"

"We just follow the will of the world and eradicate all demons that are not allowed to exist!"

"And when your existence reaches a certain level, the will of the world will take the initiative to wipe out everything and return everything to zero."

Imu's incarnation said coldly, as if he didn't care about revealing such a big secret.

It seems that this is the reason for the catastrophe of the world.

Youen raised his eyebrows, "The will of the world... is getting more and more interesting."

"Since you are all devil fruits, why are you allowed to exist?"

Imu's incarnation said coldly, "Because you are stealers! You are sinners!"

The hoarse roar became more and more deafening in the storm.

Youen was silent.


The plot doesn't seem right.

The legendary Adam and Eve?

Eve was coaxed by the snake to steal the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and then let Adam eat it too.

The ending is that Adam and Eve were expelled and became the ancestors of the human beings represented later.

Eating the forbidden fruit is the original sin of mankind and the beginning of all sins... But this is precisely the existence of human free will!

Of course, this is just a vague legend.

Youen does not think that Adam and Eve created humans.

It is just this legend that makes him combine with the meaning expressed by Im, and he seems to understand the truth.

So the world wants to destroy the existence of devil fruit ability users because they are regarded as sins!

And the devil fruit abilities possessed by Im are recognized by the world.

Their devil fruit abilities can be awakened even by the animal system!

But the devil fruits that drifted to the sea all have their own will!

Especially the animal system...

The superhuman system and the natural system are not so special.


The sun god Nika has the free will that represents mankind!

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