Haiyuan calendar year 1521.

East China Sea.

The clear sea reflected the sky, as if the water and the sky were one color.

But on this beautiful sea, there was a listless handsome boy lying on a dilapidated boat, sighing helplessly,"Alas!".....Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck...."

The boy's name is Ike, and he is a time traveler.

Since he is a time traveler, he naturally has a system.....Ike's system is a bit of a bummer.

Normally, you start changing the world after you get the system, but....Ike's system is to change the world first, and then distribute the system according to the degree of change...........

"What a bummer....How can a weakling like me change the world in this vast ocean? By singing, dancing, rap, or playing basketball?"

As soon as Ike finished speaking, a fish jumped onto his small, broken boat.

Ike, who was already a little hungry, saw the fish and started to eat it, regardless of whether it was raw or cooked or had parasites.

As he killed the fish, an option box appeared in front of him.

【Ding! You killed a fish, causing a slight change to the world. Do you want to turn on the system? If you turn it on, you will get the Iron-level system.】

【Yes! No!

Looking at the system panel in front of him, Ike's finger subconsciously pointed towards"Yes".

But soon, his finger stopped in mid-air.

"Damn....How rubbish is the Iron level system?"

If there is an Iron level system, then there will probably be Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and more......

For the sake of your future, you must not get black iron, at least you must get gold or platinum, or even diamond.......

Ike quickly ate all the fish, and then he began to think about how to change the world without any power.

Then, Ike began to nod and shake his head on the boat.

After thinking of a solution, Ike quickly rejected it........

At the same time

, a few miles away from Ike, on a warship with a dog-head bow, a marine holding a telescope spotted Ike's boat in the distance.

"Vice Admiral Garp, there is a small boat in front of us with people on board.

Garp, who was sleeping standing up, woke up immediately after hearing the report from his men, and then ordered,"Pull the boat over and take a look.!"......

Ike also saw the dog-headed warship approaching.

With the iconic dog-headed warship and the tall old man wearing a cloak of justice standing on the bow, Ike recognized the identity of the person at first sight. It was the navy hero Garp.

Seeing the navy hero Garp, Ike immediately had more plans in his mind.

For example, he could become Garp's apprentice and join the navy, then train himself to become stronger in the navy, and finally catch some pirates that appeared in the original work. Isn't this equivalent to changing the original plot of the world?.....

Just as Ike was daydreaming, he was pulled onto the naval ship by a sailor.

"Boy, why are you drifting alone in the sea?"

Seeing that Ike was about the same age as his grandson, Karp asked curiously.

After hearing Karp's question, Ike thought about it for a while and wove a miserable life story in his mind.

"My family and I were on a cruise ship, watching the sea view, eating hot pot, singing and dancing rap, and suddenly the pirates came........"

"My family members were all killed, and I was lucky to escape.

After listening to Ike's explanation, Karp didn't say anything....This is the era of great pirates, even in the weakest East Sea.

"If I meet those pirates, I will help you get revenge!"

Garp patted Ike on the shoulder and said.

Ike was almost knocked to the ground by Garp's pat.

"that....Can I join the navy? I want to become stronger and take revenge myself."

Just as Ike finished speaking, Bogart, who had been standing behind Garp, came behind Garp and whispered,"Vice Admiral Garp, we're already there!"

Hearing this, Garp smiled and said to Ike,"Wait until I get back!" Then he flew towards the island not far away on the moon steps.

Ike was a little confused and didn't know what Garp was doing, but he didn't care too much. Anyway, he got on Garp's ship, and he would definitely make good use of Garp.

If Nami's hometown is still occupied by dragons, Garp can go and solve a wave of dragons first.

The dragon is at least a BOSS in the early stage. After solving it, it should be considered to change the direction of the world.

In addition, there are Buggy the Clown, and the Pirate Click....

Of course, all this is when Luffy doesn't go out to sea. If he goes out to sea, these bosses will be his experience. Thinking of this, Ike asked Bogart, who always had a blank expression,"Mr. Navy, what year is this year in the Sea Circle Calendar?"

"Hmm? This year is 1521 in the Haiyuan calendar."Bogart replied.

Hearing 1521, Ike was also stunned.

He thought to himself,"Then this year is the year when Luffy goes to sea?"

Suddenly....There was a sound of waves. Ike looked over and saw a huge sea beast that looked like a crocodile suddenly appear. Under the sea beast was a small boat. On the boat, a boy wearing a straw hat was raising his fist to punch the sea beast.

At the same time,

Vice Admiral Garp, who had left earlier, returned to the boat.

"Vice Admiral Garp, have you made a decision? Are you really not going to keep Luffy now?"

Bogart asked as he looked at Luffy who had knocked down the King of the Sea with one punch in the distance.

"Hahaha....There is no other way! Even if we keep him, we can't keep his heart. Let him gallop freely on the sea!"

Bogart heard this and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He thought to himself,"It is because of your indulgence that Mr. Long defected from the Navy.....Now even his grandson wants to be a pirate......"

At this time, Ike also reacted.

Luffy had just set out to sea, and he did it in front of Garp.....The most important thing is that Karp did not stop...

But Ike could see that although Garp seemed indifferent,....He still felt a little uncomfortable about his grandson going out to sea as a pirate.

Although he understood Luffy's character and knew that Luffy would never become the kind of pirate who would burn, kill, rob and commit all kinds of evil,....The moment he hoisted the pirate flag, the grandfather and grandson were already on opposite sides.

Ike looked at Luffy in the distance and had a bold idea in his mind.....If Luffy doesn't want to be the Pirate King anymore, he can become the Marine King instead.....Then the world is heading towards....

With this idea in mind, Ike couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing that Luffy had defeated the King of the Sea and was about to leave, Ike immediately shouted to Garp,"Marine master, that's your grandson, right? If you don't want him to be a pirate, I have a way to try!"

Ike's words immediately made Garp, Bogart and the surrounding navy look at him.

Seeing so many people looking at him, Ike scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly, and immediately lost the momentum of what he had just said.

"that....Why not give it a try?..."

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