The matter of Rainland is over, Crocodile's Baroque Works has been completely eradicated, and all the Baroque Works billionaires and millionaires have been captured by the Alabasta rebels, and are now waiting for the Alabasta King Cobra to deal with them.

As for the more dangerous senior Baroque Works agents, they were detained by Smoker.

What is certain is that Mr. 3, Mr. Golden Week, Mr. 5, and Mr. Valentine have agreed to join the navy.

As for Mr. 1, Mr. Two Fingers, Mr. 4, and Mr. Christmas, Smoker has not yet initiated rebellion.

Originally, with Smoker's personality, these former pirates should have been imprisoned in Impel Down.

But....Ike gave him a new idea, that is to recruit people.

If Smoker wants to return to the Marine Headquarters, he must not only improve his own strength, but also have a group of strong and potential subordinates.

In the original work, even two years later, Smoker's right-hand man is still only Tashigi. The problem is that Tashigi's strength is still not enough after two years. As for the other navy soldiers of the G5 branch who are like pirates? Ike's evaluation is just two words"Haha".

So, if Smoker can recruit senior agents like Baroque Works, his strength and power will be improved.

If in the future, something really happens to him and he can't stay in the navy, then....His subordinates will also become members of the private navy.

Most importantly, there is no psychological burden at all to recruit Smoker, a senior agent of Baroque Works.

The reason is that before knowing that their boss Mr.0 is the boss of Baroque Works, these senior agents have no idea that their true identity is actually a pirate.....They have always considered themselves bounty hunters........

"What did you say? You have already captured Crocodile?"

In the Admiral's office at the Navy Headquarters,

Sengoku was surprised to learn from Den Den Mushi that Smoker had already captured Crocodile.

"Have you found any evidence that Crocodile stole the country?"

Sengoku asked in a serious tone.

Hearing Sengoku's question, Den Den Mushi, who was holding two cigars, took a puff of cigarette and said in a relaxed manner,"Don't worry! We found it. There is evidence that Crocodile used dancing powder without authorization, and evidence that the Baroque Works members controlled by Crocodile instigated war in Alabasta! There are both witnesses and evidence!"

Smoker's report made Sengoku knock on the table and said with a smile,"Not bad! Smoker, I was right about you, you did a good job!"

Just as Sengoku finished speaking, he heard Garp, who was eating senbei on the side, laugh and say,"Hahahahaha!"....Zhan Guo, didn't you say before that Smoker was unreliable and wanted to ask Tina, who was in the same class as him, to keep an eye on him?"

Zhan Guo:.....

Smoker naturally heard what Garp said, but....What can he do? He can only pretend he didn't hear it.

"Cough cough cough....."Sengoku coughed awkwardly a few times and said,"Smoker! Next, you and Tina will escort Crocodile back to the Marine Headquarters for trial!"

"I can do it by myself!" Smoker said unhappily.

"cough cough....The main thing is that Tina has already arrived in Alabasta!"


"In short! You must be careful and bring Crocodile back to the Navy Headquarters. Dealing with the first Shichibukai is just the beginning. There will be a second and a third one. My goal is to abolish the Shichibukai system directly!"

Zhan Guo's words were very firm.

"Well! Don't worry!"

"alright....etc...."Sengoku, who was about to hang up the Den Den Mushi, suddenly seemed to have thought of something and continued,"Bring a few people from the Straw Hat Pirates to the Navy Headquarters. I will give them the appointment letter of the new private navy."

"Brand new? What does that mean?" Smoker was a little curious.

"Previously, Garp had simply given them the name of a private navy, and although it bore the seal of the Navy Headquarters,....That's just his vice admiral seal. I plan to give them a more formal civilian navy appointment letter!"

After listening to Marshal Zhan Guo's explanation, Smoker was also shocked.

If he had received Garp's casual certification before, then.....At most, it is a private army under Garp. Basically, everything is done in Garp's name.

But if the appointment letter is issued by Marshal Sengoku himself, it is completely different. This is equivalent to a new system for the entire navy.....

Thinking of this, Smoker quickly guessed what Marshal Sengoku was thinking.

It was indeed a bit ridiculous that Garp had created a private navy, but Sengoku thought of the benefits of a private navy.

The private navy was not a regular navy, and could have its own code of justice and would not be constrained by the World Government.

In recent years, there have been many navy officers who were dissatisfied with the World Government. Some of them returned to their hometowns, while others simply became navy officers or the Revolutionary Army.....

These....But they are all navy officers with a true sense of justice. It is because these people have left the navy that more and more scum have gradually appeared in the navy. There may not be any in the navy headquarters, but in the four seas or the new world.....There are many bad navies.

If there is a new system, that is, a civilian navy.....Then those navy members who have a sense of justice and do not want to be restricted by the world government will have a new home..........

"I understand. I will take the captain and vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates to the Navy Headquarters!"

After knowing the Marshal's idea, Smoker smiled, because the Marshal's idea coincided with his........

On the other side.

After the matter of Rainland was completely concluded, everyone returned to Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

The first thing King Cobra did when he returned to Albana was to check on the injuries of his confidants, Ikareem, Bell, and Gaga.

Fortunately, although the three were seriously injured, they were not in danger of life.

As for Vivi, he took the Straw Hat Pirates, Ace, and Mr. Sabo 2 into the reception room of the palace.

Smoker took Mr. 1 and the other four to find Dashigi and other marines who were guarding Crocodile in the Alabasta prison.

Although Crocodile's hands and feet were handcuffed with seastone handcuffs, Dashigi still did not dare to let his guard down.........

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