Although I have communicated with the Warring States,....It was also the first time that Ike saw this admiral who was known as a wise general.

Sengoku had the same physique as Garp, both were very strong, with a seagull hat on his head and a cloak on his body. When he saw Ike and others brought in by the flying squirrel, he smiled like an uncle next door.

Sengoku looked at Luffy and said,"You are Garp's grandson Luffy!"

"Yes! I am Luffy! Hello, uncle!"


Sengoku didn't expect that when he met Luffy for the first time, he was a generation lower than Garp. Garp, who was secretly eating Sengoku's senbei, burst out laughing when he heard Luffy addressing his old friend.

He now has a great nephew, Whitebeard, a great nephew, Roger, and now he has another great nephew, Sengoku.

Seeing Garp laughing so arrogantly, Sengoku was a little speechless, and then said to Luffy,"Your grandfather and I are good friends, you can call me Grandpa Sengoku!"

Sengoku ignored Luffy, fearing that Luffy would say something shocking again, and looked at Ike again.

After looking at Ike for a few times, Sengoku showed a satisfied smile, especially when he saw the big words"In the Name of the People" behind Ike, he was even more satisfied.

"Hello Marshal Sengoku, I am Admiral Ike of the Civilian Navy!"

"Yes! Yes, your civilian navy made a great contribution in capturing Crocodile this time! I was right about you!"

""You all know the main reason why I called you here!"

As he spoke, Zhan Guo took out a document. The document was like a book. The first few pages were the appointment letter of the private navy written by the Navy Headquarters Marshal Zhan Guo himself.

The blank pages at the back were responsible for recording names!

After handing the official version of the private navy appointment letter to Ike, Zhan Guo said in a deep voice,"Ike, the private navy has now been included in one of the top plans of the Navy Headquarters. Don't let me down!"

"besides....We are in charge of recruiting personnel for the private navy, but...Don't do anything too sensitive!...The private navy really has the power to overthrow everything!"

After hearing what Sengoku said, everyone present except Luffy looked serious.

What did Sengoku mean by this? Did he want to overthrow the world after the private navy became fully powerful?

"Hahaha....."When everyone was silent, Zhan Guo suddenly laughed and said,"My joke is good, isn't it?"

"well....I saw that you kids were too nervous, so I was just joking!".....

Ike stared into Zhan Guo's eyes. He didn't think Zhan Guo's words were a joke.....Are they nervous? Zoro doesn't care what he's here for. His purpose is to challenge someone!

Conan? Although he's young, his mental quality is definitely not low!

As for Luffy? He's almost asleep. He's nervous......That's nonsense!

However, Ike has his own analysis of what Sengoku meant.

First, as long as the World Government doesn't know, or doesn't touch the World Government's sensitive nerves, Ike can recruit people completely independently, even if it means recruiting people from the Revolutionary Army.

Because Sengoku said"don't do sensitive things" but didn't say not to recruit sensitive people, which means that Sengoku has a way to back up recruiting.

If it is really possible to recruit people so independently, and with Sengoku's backup, those righteous navy who once quit the navy to join pirates or revolutionary dramas can also return to the ranks of justice, which is what Sengoku hopes for.

The second is that Sengoku hopes....This new private navy can be another opportunity to break down and then rebuild.

As a wise general, Sengoku can naturally see the survival status of the navy caught between justice and the world government.

Since the death of Roger, new pirate stars have continued to emerge, but what about the navy? There are too few young people who can take on the responsibility!

Is this because all the powerful people want to be pirates? Of course not, it's just because the navy or the world government is too disappointing.

If justice is no longer just, the navy will slowly become a thug of the world's nobles, which is exactly the current direction and trend of the navy.

So Sengoku also wants to find another way for the navy.

That sentence"Unless...The private navy really has the power to overthrow everything." It is actually a hope, that is, the hope that the private navy in the future will have the power to overthrow everything. The goal of the Warring States is to hope that the world will be a better place!....... nature....This was just Ike's guess, but he believed that his guess was almost right.

After handing the appointment letter to Ike, Zhan Guo said to Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel and Aokiji,"Flying Squirrel, Aokiji, you two go out first. I have something to say to them alone!"

Flying Squirrel and Aokiji heard this and left the office without asking any more questions.

"Do I need to avoid it?"

Karp asked as he came over, picking his nose.

"You don't need it!"

After waving his hand at Garp, Sengoku said to Ike in a deep voice,"Ike, I hope you can do me a favor!"

Ike didn't expect that the reason he sent Flying Squirrel and Aokiji away was to ask for his help....

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help!"

Sengoku nodded, then took out a bounty order and handed it to Ike, saying,"I hope you find this pirate, and then recruit him into your Straw Hat Pirates, and make him a member of the private navy."

Ike was stunned when he took the bounty order.

The person on the bounty order was wearing a black and yellow sweater, a white hat with black spots on his head, and a smiley face on his chest.

This is one of the future supernovas, the captain of the Heart Pirates, Trafalgaro, who has the ability of the surgery fruit.

Law also has a lot of appearances in the original work, especially two years later, and he has a continuous cooperation with Luffy.......

As for the relationship between Zhan Guo and Luo, Ike, who has read the original novel, naturally knows.

In fact, there is no relationship between the two. The main relationship is due to Corazon.

Corazon is Zhan Guo's adopted son, Luo's savior, and the man who changed Luo's life.

So....Sengoku treats Law like his grandson.

If possible, Sengoku naturally hopes that Law will walk on the right path.

Sengoku has always been concerned about Law, just like Garp is concerned about Ace and Luffy.

Law's every move is also under Sengoku's attention.

Although Law is a pirate, he has indeed never done anything that harms the world. Although he is not as nosy as the Straw Hat Pirates, he still does good things everywhere....He also has his own bottom line.

It is precisely because of this that Zhan Guo hopes that Luo can go further, preferably on the right path.

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