After dealing with Mochi, Ike and the other two naturally chose to directly break into the base camp of the Buggy Pirates.....The navigator of their group is still in their hands!

After arriving at the base camp of the Buggy Pirates, the three of them were already targeted by a cannon.

In the eyes of all the Buggy Pirates, as long as the fuse is lit now, the three ignorant guys below can be blown into slag.

"Nami....Since you have joined our Buggy Pirates, this token of allegiance is now given to you. You should personally send your former companions off on their way!"

After saying this, Buggy signaled his pirates to hand the torch to Nami, and asked Nami to light the fuse herself.

The pirates around him also began to cheer, and kept shouting"Fire!"....."

Nami looked at Ike and the other two, feeling conflicted. Although she hated pirates and the navy,....It was really hard for her to let him kill someone with his own hands.

But if she didn't fire, she would definitely die miserably.

At this moment, Luffy, who was not far away, looked at Nami and said with a smile,"It seems that you don't have the resolution to challenge pirates!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Nami was angry,"Is your so-called resolution to kill people?"

"No..."Luffy shook his head, and then said something very sophisticated,"It's the willingness to risk your life!"

Luffy's words stunned Nami.

At this moment, a little impatient pirate saw that Nami was hesitant to take action, and directly snatched the torch from her hand and said,"A newcomer is a newcomer, and he is so slow to light a fire!" As soon as the pirate finished speaking, he brought the torch close to the fuse of the cannon.

Seeing that the flame was about to touch the fuse, Nami subconsciously took out her nunchaku and knocked the pirate unconscious.

Nami realized that she couldn't bear to subconsciously stop it. She also knew that things were not good, and then she quickly bowed to Buggy and apologized.

Buggy was very angry. He hated people deceiving him the most.

"So Nami...Are you going to be my enemy? You should stop fooling people......."

With a roar, Buggy ordered his men to kill Nami.......

Luffy, who was not far away, would naturally not let his navigator get hurt. When Nami knocked out the pirate who was about to set fire, Luffy knew that she must be his partner, his navigator.

Luffy rushed forward to block Nami, and with a rubber whip, he knocked the pirate who rushed towards him away.

Seeing this, Ike and Zoro also rushed up.

Zoro did not use three swords this time, but only took out the shallow sword he had just obtained from Ike.

Zoro wanted to use the one-sword style to hone in on this new sword.

Even if it was just the one-sword style, these pirate minions were not Zoro's opponents. Zoro basically killed one with one sword.

At this time, a man riding a unicycle and holding a long sword appeared. This was Kabaji, the second in command of the Buggy Pirates.

Kabaji's swordsmanship was completely integrated with his own juggling skills, so it looked a bit out of place.

Facing this swordsman who was not a swordsman, Zoro had no intention of fighting with him at all.

He clenched his hands tightly and then sped up, coming behind Kabaji in an instant.

Kabaji was about to release his spinning top, but at this moment he found that there was a deep blood scar on his chest.

""One sword style, demon slash."

Only then did Kabaji hear the name of the move called out by Zoro, and then he lost consciousness and fell to the ground........

In this way, the only cadre of the Buggy Pirates was Captain Buggy.

Originally, Buggy saw his subordinate Kabaji fighting with Zoro and wanted to launch a sneak attack.

But who would have thought that Kabaji was chopped down by Zoro in just one encounter....

Buggy was very angry, not only because his men were chopped down one by one, but also because the straw hat on Luffy's head reminded him of the man he hated all his life, Red-Haired Shanks.

Many years ago, Shanks and Buggy were both trainee pirates in the Roger Pirates of the Pirate King.

At that time, they obtained a devil fruit while fighting with other pirates, but on Roger's pirate ship, almost no one would eat devil fruits.

However, thinking that the devil fruit could be sold for 100 million berries, the clever Buggy planned to pretend to eat it and then take the devil fruit to sell it on the black market.

The plan went smoothly, but just as Buggy was admiring the devil fruit in his hand and the treasure map he had hidden before, Shanks suddenly appeared, scaring him so much that he stuffed the whole devil fruit into his mouth and swallowed it.

At the same time, the treasure map in his other hand also fell into the sea.

It was also because of this incident that Buggy engraved Shanks' name in his heart and mind........

Looking at the straw hat on Luffy's head, Buggy narrowed his eyes, and then shot out his right hand to attack Luffy.

Just when his hand was a few meters away from Luffy, Ike appeared and stepped on Buggy's hand.

"A sneak attack! Isn't this too embarrassing for the former members of Roger's Pirates?"

Buggy was shocked when he heard what Ike said.

He thought to himself,"How did he know this!"

For Buggy, although he was very proud of being a former member of Roger's Pirates, he really didn't dare to tell anyone about this. If people knew about it, he would definitely be targeted by the navy, and his carefree days in the East China Sea would no longer exist.

Thinking of this, Buggy looked at Ike with murderous intent in his eyes, and then the ability of the Split Fruit was activated. The other hand holding the dagger flew out, aiming directly at Ike's throat. Seeing this,

Ike dodged calmly, and then used the Flowing Rock Crushing Fist, punching the hand he stepped on.

As the saying goes, the ten fingers are connected to the heart, and Ike's punch made Buggy doubt his life.

Other parts of his body also began to twitch in pain, and he couldn't even control the ability of the Split Fruit.

After this punch, Ike also confirmed one thing, that is....Bucky is not a big shot pretending to be a pig but actually eating a tiger as many netizens have analyzed.

He is really weak.

Ike raised his foot and let go of Bucky's hand.

After Bucky's hand returned to his body, Bucky blew air into his hand frantically, hoping to relieve the pain in this way.

After feeling that his arm was not so painful, Bucky was about to say something harsh to Ike, when he heard a"rubber rubber"....Rocket launcher!"

Then he felt a pain in his abdomen and flew out

"Luffy, you can actually launch a sneak attack!"Ike said with a smile

"No!"Luffy shook his head and said,"I think he seems to be ready! So I took action!"

Luffy's current combat power is much stronger than in the original work, mainly because he has initially mastered the ability of Nen, and it is an enhanced Nen ability.

As for why we know that Luffy is an enhanced type? Of course, it is a conclusion drawn after character analysis.

In short, people of the enhanced type have simple minds, to put it bluntly, they are more stupid.

This is in line with Luffy's personality......

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