When the two came to the table surrounded by everyone, they saw the skinny Luffy holding a plate full of food in each hand, and then opened his mouth wide to pour the food into his mouth.

Just after swallowing the food, Luffy's originally skinny appearance returned to its original state.

Ike also felt that Luffy ate really fast, and the chefs couldn't keep up with the cooking speed.

As a last resort, Ike could only start the silver lottery.

The silver lottery can draw a lot of delicious food, including things from the world of gourmet food, and some high-energy food.

The chefs were not idle either. After feeling that their speed could not keep up with Luffy's eating speed, they directly called their colleagues from other stoves to start flipping the wok together for Luffy.

These chefs are completely at odds.

They want to prove that they are definitely stronger than Sanji that Luffy said......

After more than 20 chefs and Ike's continuous lottery, they finally fed Luffy's newly born gourmet cells. This is only the first time to activate the gourmet cells, so it is so troublesome. This will not happen again in the future. Then you just need to eat on time.....Eating delicious food or large amounts of food will activate Luffy's food cells, which can improve Luffy's own strength.......

More than 20 chefs were lying on the ground, and a group of workers were even more miserable, some even fell asleep.

After watching the whole process, Smoker couldn't help but exclaimed,"Luffy...Is he really human? He eats too much!"

"hehe....What an interesting private navy captain and vice-captain!"

At this moment, a somewhat obscene voice sounded behind Smoker and Aokiji.

The officers who heard the voice turned around and saw Admiral Kizaru standing behind them wearing brown sunglasses and a yellow striped suit. Kizaru not only thought Luffy was interesting, but also Ike who kept taking out inexplicable food was interesting........

Luffy, who was full, let out a long sigh and looked at Ike."Ike, did you give me some strange little candy pills again? Why can I eat so much all of a sudden?"

""Oh! I did add some stuff to your food, don't worry, it's good stuff! I'll tell you what it is when we get back!"

Luffy trusted Ike 100%, and after smiling, he stood up and wanted to find Zoro and the others.

This time, it was not Aokiji who led the way, but Smoker and Kizaru.

Smoker wanted to go to the training ground to see how strong Zoro was, while Kizaru simply wanted to take a stroll after eating............

At the same time,

Zhan Guo, who had just finished reviewing the documents, stood up and planned to go to the cafeteria to eat. At this moment, a rear admiral with a horrified face found Zhan Guo.

"Warring States Marshal is not good....Our nearly one month's worth of food storage has been completely consumed!"

"Hmm? Could it be that the navy has been invaded by thieves?"Zhan Guo looked puzzled.

What does it mean to have nearly a month's worth of stored food? That's a month's worth of food for the entire navy headquarters.

All the admirals in the navy are big eaters, not to mention that there are giants among them......

Add to that the monthly food needs of ordinary naval soldiers, and that's a huge number....Stolen, in fact, Zhan Guo didn't believe it、

"It wasn't stolen!"

The major general in charge of logistics swallowed his saliva and continued,"Because someone came into the No. 1 cafeteria, and that person ate all the food!"

"Who is it? How can he eat so much?"

Zhan Guo looked surprised.

"I don't know who that person is, but I know that he was brought there by Admiral Aokiji."

After hearing that he was brought there by Aokiji, Sengoku was stunned for a moment and then he knew who it was. It must be Luffy!

Suddenly, Sengoku thought of what Ike said before he went to the cafeteria.

"Marshal Sengoku, Luffy may eat more than you, you don't mind, right?"

And what did he say?"If you can eat more, eat more, why would I mind!"

Thinking of his own words, Sengoku regretted it very much.

The entire Navy Headquarters' half-month inventory was like digging his flesh with a knife.....How much is this?..........

In fact, Ike was also very happy that he came to the Navy Headquarters. The Navy Headquarters had a lot of food, although the quality was uneven, but....At least it can activate the gourmet cells.

If it were on the Merry, it would probably be devoured by the gourmet cells.......

After eating, under the leadership of Smoker and Aokiji, several people came to the training ground of the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, Zoro was fighting with a navy swordsman with a sinister face.

This naval officer also appeared in the original work. His name is Ship Slayer T. Penn.

T. Penn looks very scary, but he is a man who treats his subordinates very well and gently.

The reason why T. Penn is nicknamed Ship Slayer is because of his indestructible flying slash, which is enough to cut small and medium-sized sailboats in half with one blow.

Originally, Zoro wanted to challenge Vice Admiral Mole, but....After just one encounter, Zoro, who had not yet mastered Haki, was defeated.

Then, the mole found T. Penn, who was about the same strength as Zoro, or a little stronger, as his opponent.......

The battle between T Penn and Zoro was not over in a single encounter like in the original novel, but was a back-and-forth battle.

It seemed that the winner would not be determined for a while.

At this time, Ike also noticed Conan who was communicating with a rear admiral-level instructor.

"Coach, I want to become stronger!"

"You're too young, kid!"

"Then coach, with my physical fitness, do I have the chance to become a strong man?"

Hearing Conan's question, the major general coach stepped forward, looked at Conan carefully, and even touched Conan's body.

Finally, he shook his head and said,"Your body is too soft! If you want to become a strong man, save money, save money to buy a devil fruit that suits you."

Hearing this, Ike finally jumped out.

What kind of coach is this? He actually said that Conan is not qualified?

He is not qualified to kick down a satellite with a football. How powerful is the 100% Conan football? Ike has seen it since he was a child.

Seeing Ike coming over, Conan shook his head helplessly and said,"Ike, it seems that my physical fitness...."

Before Conan could finish his words, Ike interrupted him and said,"You have to know that you are Conan, you have to believe in Conan!"

"Is it scientific? Is there really science in this strange world?"

Ike looked around and soon found a football that the navy had played with before and handed it to Conan.

"Conan, give it a try, and test your leg strength!"

At this moment, the major general coach spoke again.

"He is too young, football is not suitable for him, he should run more to exercise his physical fitness!"

Ike ignored the major general instructor and motioned Conan to continue.

Seeing this, Conan directly opened his foot strength enhancing shoes and kicked the football.

Then everyone saw the football flying in one direction like a meteor, and the place where the football landed happened to be where a sailor was exercising.

After hearing the whistling sound, the sailor did not choose to dodge, but raised his hands to catch the football, but he did not expect the football to be so powerful that it bounced off his hands that wanted to catch the ball. The whole ball hit his chest and then knocked him out with the ball.......

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