With the help of the Straw Hat Pirates, the half-finished pirate ship on the mountain was completed in less than two days.

And after Chopper's treatment, Qiany did not die three days later due to physical reasons.

Although Chopper's treatment, Qiany's health is still not optimistic.

But even so, Luffy still urged Qiany to go out to sea as a pirate. As for what to do without crew members? The sheep raised by Qiany can be used as crew members.....

Hearing that Luffy actually let Yang become a member of the pirate group, Ace also held his forehead.

Ace remembered when he, Luffy and Sabo were young.

The three of them dreamed of becoming pirates. Although both Sabo and Ace were more mature, they often played some pirate games with Luffy.

At the beginning, Luffy suggested that the three of them go to the forest to catch rhinoceros beetles as their crew, and then have a pirate war.........

Then, Ace told everyone about his childhood.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates found Luffy's childhood very interesting.

Chaney fell into deep thought. He felt that Luffy was right. Becoming a pirate was his dream.....Who says lambs can't become crew members?

Seeing that Qiani actually took Luffy's words seriously, the Straw Hat Pirates felt that this old man was messing around, but they still decided to help him realize his dream.

The next question was how to get the boat down the mountain............

At the same time,

Min Qi was knocked unconscious by his men and taken back to the warship. At this time, Navy Captain Moya received a report that Sergeant Min Qi had secretly sent troops to rob civilians.

The civilians here naturally refer to Qian Ni.

Although Qian Ni was a loan shark in the past, and he lent money to pirates, he has retired after all, so it is not wrong to say that he is a civilian.....

When Moya found Minqi, he saw that Minqi had been tied up by his men.

Seeing this, Moya couldn't help but nodded.

"good....Don't go along with your superiors! You are worthy of being my soldiers!"

Upon hearing this, the sergeant and the others lowered their heads in shame.

Moya didn't pay attention to the looks of the marines but looked at the crazy Minqi and said,"What's wrong with him?"

Hearing Moya's question, the sergeant and the others recounted what had happened before.

When Moya heard the name"Private Navy", he was also stunned.

Now in this naval system, the private navy can be said to be very famous. Some people call the private navy the freest navy.

Moreover, many high-ranking naval officers have a high opinion of the private navy, including his former superior Flying Squirrel.

"asshole....You bastards.....I helped you get rich, and you treated me like this?"

At this moment, Min Qi, who had regained consciousness, began to roar.

"without me....Can you find so much gold and treasure? You ungrateful bastards!"

Minqi was cursing and didn't notice Colonel Moya's dark face. When he saw Colonel Moya, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Mount....Colonel Moore...."

Moya didn't say much nonsense, he just kicked him to the ground, and then said to the sergeant behind him,"Sergeant, set sail and take me to the private navy."

As to why Minqi suddenly became crazy and pointed at the stone and said it was gold,...Moya had some guesses.

He learned from the flying squirrel that the civilian navy members were all upright and righteous, and one of them even became the grandson of the Navy Admiral..... so....As for Min Qi's sudden madness, it is very likely that the civilian navy, who saw through Min Qi's character, secretly did it.....Moya would definitely not stand up for such a scum. If this matter is as he guessed, he should thank the private navy............

At dusk.

After the efforts of the Straw Hat Pirates, they finally built a slide made of logs on the cliff. Now they just need to push the pirate ship onto the log slide to let the pirate ship, which has never touched the sea water, enter the sea.

After the pirate ship was completely completed, everyone returned to Qiani's home.

As soon as they reached the halfway point of the mountain, they met Moya who came over.

"Huh? Why are there more navy soldiers here?"

"Hello, I am Navy Captain Moya!"

Moya stepped forward and gave a standard naval salute.

Seeing Moya being so polite, Ike and the others naturally responded politely.

"Excuse me....Was it you private navy members who made my subordinate Minzi go crazy?"

Seeing Moya speak so directly, Ike stood up and said,"I did it! Minzi came here to rob an old man's treasure, and I just taught him a lesson!"

Just as Ike finished speaking, Zoro, Sanji, and Sabo all looked at Moya with sharp eyes. If Moya made trouble, they would attack without hesitation.

Seeing this, Moya smiled and said,"Then I have to thank you very much for helping our branch produce a scum!"

"You're welcome, this is what we should do!"

Moya nodded and said,"Everyone, I have prepared food on the boat....."

Before Moya finished speaking, Luffy stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said,"Colonel Molar, you are too polite! I wonder if there is any meat?"


""Enough meat."

Luffy was immediately excited when he heard that there was enough meat. He had worked all afternoon and hadn't eaten yet. He was starving now.

What Moya didn't know was that he would regret the three words he said next..........

In this way, under the leadership of Moya, Ike, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Xiao Fengfeng, Usopp, and Sabo boarded his warship together.

The scene of several people leaving with the navy was just seen by Chopper.

Chopper, who was a little confused, saw his companions being taken away by the navy and immediately panicked.

"Oh no....Oh no....Luffy and his crew were captured by the navy!"

At this time, in Chani's house, Nami was playing chess with Chani, Vivi was combing feathers for Psyduck and Kalu, Nico Robin was reading a book, and Ace was using a casserole to help Chani boil medicine.

Hearing Chopper's anxious voice, Ace stood up immediately.

"What? Luffy and his crew were captured by the navy?"

"Yeah! I saw Luffy and the others being taken away by the navy!"

Chopper said with certainty.

Hearing this, Nami immediately turned over the disadvantaged chessboard and said,"Impossible!....We are a civilian navy, how could the navy arrest us?"

Ace shook his head and said,"Can the navy be trusted?"

"The Navy is untrustworthy, so how can the Navy be trusted?"Cheney complained.

"I dare not say anything, I will go and check the situation first!"

After saying that, Ace rushed down the mountain.

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