The Straw Hat Pirates set out on their journey again.

Before leaving, Chopper left enough medicine for Chani. Although it could not completely cure his illness,...It's no problem to let him live a few more years.....

Ace stood on the deck of the Merry, looking at the calm sea level, feeling a little complicated.

Seeing this, Ike walked up to him and said with a smile,"What? Are you still thinking about hunting down Blackbeard?"

Hearing this, Ace nodded and said,"Yes! After all, the purpose of my leaving the Whitebeard Pirates this time is to capture Teach! And I also promised my dad that I would bring Teach back."

Having said that, Ace turned his head and looked at Ike and asked,"How long will it take to reach Sky Island?"

Hearing this, Ike thought for a while and said,"It probably won't be long, as long as the Merry continues to sail! This route has the Sky Island I mentioned."

Just as Ike finished speaking, bursts of artillery fire came from a distance.

Hearing the sound of artillery, Ike took out a telescope from the space ring and looked into the distance, and saw two navy warships chasing a pirate ship.

Just when Ike was thinking about going to help the navy, the pirate ship exploded inexplicably......

"It looks like there are some pretty strong people on that navy ship!"

Ike couldn't help but think......

Not far away, a navy officer in a naval school uniform was looking at the Golden Merry through a telescope.

The lieutenant commander was sturdy and looked to be in his fifties. Behind him was a female school officer who was also in her fifties.

"Hehehe....Is it finally here? Straw Hat Pirates Private Navy"

"yes....The wheel of fortune begins to turn....".......

The Golden Merry soon came to the side of the two warships. The major holding the telescope saluted Ike and the others. Although he did not speak, he showed a hearty smile.

Seeing this scene, Sabo couldn't help but smile and said,"It seems that the reputation of the private navy has spread among the navy.!"

"hehe...Isn't this great!"At this moment, Vivi stepped forward and handed Sabo a drink and continued,"This way we won't be chased by the navy everywhere!"

In fact, the biggest reason why Vivi chose to board the ship was that the Straw Hat Pirates had the identity of a private navy.

If the Straw Hat Pirates were pirates and were still wanted,....

Vivi's arrival on board may cause a lot of trouble for Alabasta and his father Cobra....A princess goes out to sea as a pirate......That's a big handle.......

The Merry passed by two naval warships, and Ike naturally saw a man and a woman standing in front of the naval warships.

These two people have a lot of roles in the Rainbow Mist chapter.

The man standing in front is called Labney, and the woman behind is called Aesop.

Time is a very magical thing. Seeing them here means that they traveled back to fifty years ago during this trip to the Rainbow Mist.....

"How will the story develop next?"

Ike thought with some anticipation.

With a smile, Ike sat on the deck and planned to draw a few more times.

After several ten-draw streaks, Ike found that there was actually no difference between a single draw and ten-draw streaks.....So compared to ten consecutive draws, Ekko still prefers single draws

【Obtained: Tiger Talisman] Gold-level item, from the world of Jackie Chan Adventures, after use, it can adjust yin and yang, adjust the conflicting forces in the body, or divide the body into yin and yang (Note: The user can eat multiple devil fruits and use multiple abilities at the same time. Without using the Tiger Talisman, only a single ability can be used. If you want to split yin and yang, just use force to break the Tiger Talisman.)

Before Ike was surprised by the effect of the Tiger Talisman, he heard Usopp standing on the watchtower shouting to the bottom,"There is a treasure chest floating on the side of the Merry!"..."

Hearing about the treasure chest, the first person to rush over was none other than Nami.

""Where is it? Where is it?"

As she spoke, Nami began to search for treasure chests, and soon found a treasure chest the size of a football.

Seeing such a small treasure chest, she was very disappointed. Even if such a small treasure chest could hold treasure, how much could it hold?

However, with the attitude that a mosquito leg is still meat, Nami waved her magic wand, and a whirlwind brought the small treasure chest up.

"This treasure chest seems to have fallen out of the pirate ship that was destroyed before....."

Ike looked over and saw the navy ship that was retrieving the pirates from the water and said

"so....Do you want me to return it?" Nami glanced at Ike and said

"no...I want to say...It's best to hide from others when you open the treasure chest, in case it turns out to be a valuable item."

Nami nodded and immediately came to the front deck of the Merry.

Seeing this, everyone gathered around to see what was in the treasure chest.

There was a golden padlock on the treasure chest, but this kind of padlock was naturally no problem for Nami, a little thief. She just took two pieces of wire and poked it open.

After opening the treasure chest, what caught everyone's eyes was not treasure, but a fruit with a spiral pattern.

"This is...Devil Fruit!"

Ace, who had eaten a devil fruit, recognized it at first sight.

Seeing that it was not a valuable gem, Nami lost interest.

Sabo smiled and said,"Nami, do you know that such a devil fruit can be sold for at least 100 million?"

Hearing 100 million.....Nami's eyes suddenly lit up.

No one knew the concept of 100 million better than her....She had saved up 100 million yuan through fraud for several years, but the fruit in front of her could be sold for 100 million yuan.

"I feel...It's more valuable to eat it than to sell it! Once you become a devil fruit, you will have a good fighting power!"

Sabo said, touching his chin

"I just don't know what kind of fruit this is."

Ike picked up the devil fruit in the box and immediately remembered the tiger charm he had just drawn. If this fruit is awesome, he can give it to Luffy, Ace, or even Chopper....A dual fruit ability user is awesome just thinking about it.

Although without the assistance of the tiger spell, only one ability can be used at a time,...That's pretty awesome too.

Ike looked carefully at the fruit in his hand. The whole fruit was oval in shape, with transparent leaves on one side of the oval, and on the surface of the fruit there was a spiral pattern unique to the devil fruit.

Many people say that you can tell what type of fruit it is just by looking at the appearance of the fruit, but the more time passes, the less reliable this guess becomes.

Facts have proved that it is impossible to guess what type of fruit it is from the appearance of the fruit.

Thinking of this, Ike looked at Ace and asked,"Ace, the Whitebeard Pirates should have a devil fruit encyclopedia, right? Can you tell what kind of fruit this is?"

Ace took the fruit in Ike's hand and looked at it, and said,"I have indeed seen the devil fruit encyclopedia, but I didn't remember much. I don't know much about this fruit!"

Ike thought about it for a moment, then smiled and said,"Ace! How about becoming a dual fruit ability user?"

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