At the same time,

Philips returned home and told his father, Witton, about what happened to the civilian navy today.

"Private Navy? What is that?"

After listening to Philip's story, Wilton was also confused.

He had been a pirate for decades and knew a lot about the navy, but he had never heard of the private navy!

"I don't know either, but...I guess those people will be here soon! They should have a lot of gold on them....."

After saying that, Philip looked greedily at the gold on the table.

Witton leaned on his cane and smiled,"Very good, go gather the men and the lightning armor! Since the fat sheep has come to us, there is no reason for us not to eat it."

As for the private navy, Witton didn't care about it at all. If he could take the navy seriously, he wouldn't be a pirate.......

Just as Witton and his son were preparing to deal with Ike and the others, Ike, led by Rick, had already arrived at Witton's manor villa.

Witton's manor villa was very large. As soon as they entered the manor, they saw many servants working inside. The manor hall was even more magnificent.

"hehe....The owner here has really low taste!"

Nico Robin said with a smile.

Vivi also nodded in agreement.

Only Nami's eyes had turned into the shape of Bailey.

She had just heard from Ike that the Straw Hat Pirates would transform into the tax bureau to collect taxes here.

At first she didn't think much of it, but....After seeing this magnificent manor, Nami was moved

"This is a lot of people's money! Collect taxes, we must collect taxes...."

Nami said righteously.

Ike, who was walking behind, asked Luffy, Ace, and Sabo to stay outside the hall. Ike estimated that the old man Witten would definitely cause trouble, so leaving the three outside was to solve the trouble in advance.

The three naturally had no objection to Ike's words.

Just after entering the hall, Witten, who was leaning on a cane, and his son Philip came out.

Seeing his father and grandfather, Rick immediately trotted over and said,"Father, grandfather....These pirates are here to pay taxes and apologize!"

"Say...Pirates nowadays are quite polite. They know they are wrong and they even come to apologize proactively!"

"Unlike the pirates of the past, each of them was extremely rude, so...The new era is also...."

Before Rick could finish his words, Philips covered his mouth.

On the side, Weedon looked at his good grandson with an unpleasant expression.

Although Rick was a playboy, he didn't know that his grandfather was actually a big pirate.....

And Witton had no intention of telling Rick his identity.

Just like in various gangster movies, when the gangster boss gets old, he thinks about how to prevent his descendants from following his old path.

Witton thought so too, he wanted his grandson to inherit his position as mayor.

After being the mayor for so many years, Witton realized that making money as a mayor is faster and more brutal than robbing money as a pirate. More importantly, with a different identity, the navy won't come to cause trouble......

Without looking at his idiot grandson, Witton looked at Ike standing opposite him and said,"You...Is it the private navy?"

Ike nodded and said,"Yes, I am the deputy director of the private navy tax bureau!"

Then, he pointed to the people behind him and continued,"These are my colleagues."

"Taxation Bureau?"

Witten suddenly felt that this title was very noble.....

"Cough cough cough...."Wilton coughed a few times and said,"I don't remember that I have the obligation to pay taxes to your tax bureau!"

"Of course, our civilian navy's duty is to maintain peace and stability on the sea. You live on the sea, so you have to pay taxes!"


"You are clearly trying to steal money!"

Ike shrugged.

"It's OK if you understand it this way! Because the tax list I want to collect is somewhat similar to yours!"

"For example, shit tax, eating tax, walking tax......"

"Another more important point is....Tax pirates!"

"There are also standards for pirates to turn good, such as...Good pirates basically don't have to pay taxes, but people like you...."

At this point, Ike clicked his tongue twice and continued,"I guess you can't afford it even if you sell all your fortune!"

At this time, Wilton's face had become very ugly. He knew that the person in front of him was not collecting taxes, but looking for trouble!

"very good...."

Witton sneered, then picked up the teacup on the table and threw it to the ground without saying a word.

Seeing this, Rick, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, quickly took the cup that was about to be thrown to the ground.

"grandfather....How come you can't even hold a cup steadily!"


Seeing that his stupid son repeatedly didn't give his father face, Philips went up and slapped Rick on the back of the head.


After cursing, Philips snatched the teacup and threw it heavily to the ground.

When the teacup fell to the ground, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Witton's mouth.

There were more than a thousand muskets and ten thunder robots ambushed outside the hall.....It was more than enough to kill the so-called tax bureau in front of us.

At this moment, a chaotic sound of footsteps sounded outside.

Hearing these footsteps, Weiton was even more proud.

But for some reason, more than ten seconds passed and no one came in.....

"cough cough...."Wilton coughed awkwardly twice and said to his son beside him,"Philip, the quality of the soldiers you trained is too poor! Increase the amount of training!"

"Yes, father....."

Philip answered very straightforwardly.

But Philip was also a little confused. It had been more than a minute, but no soldier had entered the hall.....

"I said...You can't use the cup-throwing signal as a signal!"

Ike said with a smile

"Humph!" Wilton snorted coldly,"Maybe my people didn't hear it."

After saying that, Wilton picked up a cup again, but this time before he could throw the cup as a signal, Ike rushed over and snatched the cup away.

""Your signal by breaking the cup is not good enough! Let me show you what it means to break the cup as a signal!"

As he spoke, Ike smashed the cup in his hand and shouted,"Come out! My three invincible brothers!"

The cup fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and then the wooden door of the manor hall was smashed directly, and Ace Sabo and Luffy walked in slowly.

Behind them, there was a group of soldiers lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and more than a dozen scrapped robots.

"See? This is called breaking the cup as a signal!".....

Seeing this, Wilton, who was leaning on a cane, sat down on the ground and pointed at the door with a look of horror.....How is this going?"

"Can't you see that? All of your men were taken care of by our tax bureau in less than three minutes!"

"so....Do you choose to pay taxes? Or pay taxes? Or pay taxes?"

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