As soon as Ike finished speaking, a violent explosion was heard from not far away.....A gust of wind came and directly made the Merry fly up.

Just when Ike thought that the matter was about to end, he didn't expect that the speed at which the entrance and exit of the rainbow fog disappeared would increase again.

At the current disappearance speed, the Merry would definitely not be able to catch up with the exit of the rainbow fog.....

""Shit! Are we going to be trapped here?"

Usopp blurted out Ike's catchphrase......

Chopper and Xiao Fengfeng also looked desperate.

"ah....If I was trapped in the rainbow mist, I wouldn't be able to send Doctor Doriel away in person....."

"Yes! I also want to meet the Shemale King....".....

Ike was not panicked because he believed he could draw a space-type treasure and take his friends away from here.....He was still brainstorming, wondering what to do next.

Suddenly....Ike thought of something, that is the rabbit charm! He can use the rabbit charm to speed up the solution to this crisis.....

Ike took out the rabbit charm and pressed it on the deck of the Merry without saying anything.

As the Merry accelerated, Ace jumped off the ship and planned to use his fire power as a propulsion force to allow the Merry and the people on board to leave the rainbow fog.


Ike exclaimed,"Fuck!" and flew thousands of miles without saying anything, trying to catch Ace. But when Ike caught Ace, he found that the Golden Merry behind him had disappeared in the rainbow-colored mist.

"Ike, you.....Why did you get off the boat?"

Hearing Ace's question, Ike replied unhappily,"Why did you get off the boat?"

"Of course, it's to send you off!" Ace replied as a matter of course.

Ike slapped his forehead. He had nothing to say about Ace's behavior. The main reason was that he chose to sacrifice himself for his friends and brother.....

At this moment, Ike caught a glimpse of a faint light at the exit of the rainbow fog. Seeing this, he pulled Ace up and flew towards the faint light without saying a word.........

On the other side, the Merry passed through the rainbow fog and appeared directly on the coast of Lulujia Island. After everyone left the rainbow fog, no one spoke, and everyone was staring at the last ray of light in the rainbow fog.

When this last ray of light disappeared, Wei Wei knelt on the deck with some weakness.

Xiao Fengfeng held the handkerchief tightly with tears in his eyes.

Chopper burst into tears

"them....Are they left in a rainbow mist?...."

Finally, Chopper said what everyone was thinking.

Luffy stretched out his arms without saying anything and wanted to rush to the place where the rainbow mist disappeared.

Seeing this, Sabo quickly stopped Luffy.

"Calm down, Luffy."

"Sabo, let me go, I...I'm looking for Ace and Ike..."

"Believe in Ike! Believe that they have a way to come back. After all, Ike is a man who can create miracles!"

Luffy gradually calmed down after hearing this, and slowly retracted his arm.

He thought of the various magical items that Ike had taken out before....The reason why the Merry was able to speed up and leave the rainbow mist was also thanks to Ike's method.

At this moment, Henzo, who had just come to his senses, came to Luffy and said,"I will continue to study the rainbow mist! I believe that Labney and the others are definitely still alive and waiting for me to take them home."

Seeing that Henzo trusted his companions so much, Luffy looked directly at Sanji,"Sanji...I want to eat meat!"

When everyone heard Luffy say he wanted to eat meat, they knew that Luffy had calmed down.

Just as Sanji brought out plates of meat, several navy warships sailed over.

After the warships stopped next to the Merry, a navy lieutenant wearing sunglasses jumped directly onto the Merry.

"Members of the Civilian Navy....It looks like you have completed the adventure of the rainbow mist!"

Seeing this navy man actually board the Golden Merry so carelessly and greeted him so familiarly, everyone was a little confused.

"Hey? Does anyone know this navy uncle?"

At this moment, Henzo stared at the navy in front of him and said uncertainly,"You...Who are you...Are you Laboni?"

The elderly Laboni took off his sunglasses and smiled."Henzo, long time no see!"

Just as Laboni finished speaking, the elderly Aesop, Longo, Akibi, and Bukao also jumped onto the deck of the Golden Merry.

"Aesop, Goron, Akibi and are all still alive!"

Henzo shed tears of excitement as he watched his companions.

Hearing that the navy officers on the other side were actually the little devils he had seen before, even Luffy widened his eyes in surprise....

"etc......"Since you have come out of the rainbow mist, then Ike and Ace have also come out, right?"

At this moment, Sabo stepped forward and asked in a deep voice. Hearing this, Rabony nodded and said,"I did see them, but it was fifty years ago!"

"We did not die in that explosion, but went back fifty years."

"Because we knew that our capabilities at that time were not enough to defeat Witton, we stayed in the navy, hoping to improve our status and strength, and then return to Lulujia Island to defeat Witton!"

"After we were stranded on the desert island, we did see Ike and Ace....But they seemed to have a way to travel back to this point in time. We didn't stay together for long before they left!"

After listening to Rabni's story, the Straw Hat Pirates fell silent.

"Oh, right..."At this moment, Labney suddenly took out a wrinkled letter from his arms and handed it to Luffy, saying,"This is what Ike asked me to give you ten years ago!"

After Luffy took the letter, he found that there were only ten words written on it.��【Keep sailing, we'll be back.】

"This is indeed Ike's handwriting!"

Nami, who also saw the letter

, said excitedly. The others also showed a look of relief when they heard it.

Since Ike said he could bring Ace back, then he would definitely come back.

"Thank you for the letter!"

After Luffy handed the letter to Nami for safekeeping, he thanked Labney.

"Hahahahahaha....."Rabni laughed heartily and said,"I should be the one thanking you!"

"Without you....I guess we're still stuck in a rainbow-colored fog!"

"besides....Thank you for solving the problem."

"Although I know that this is the responsibility of your civilian navy,...I still want to thank you personally."

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