After another round of dizziness, Ike and Ace stepped into the space-time turbulence again....Ike did not wait until his physical strength was exhausted before he took the initiative to escape from the space turbulence.

Ike and his companions were lucky. After escaping from the space-time turbulence, they directly came to a small island with people.

"call...."Have we successfully returned to fifty years later this time?"

Ace asked, shaking his dizzy head.

Ike shrugged and said,"There are people on this island. Just ask."

Then, Ike and Ace walked into the nearby town.

The town was not prosperous and had a small population, but the people here seemed very simple and kind, and had no objection to the arrival of Ike and Ace, two strangers.

""Old man, what year is it in the Haiyuan calendar now?"

Ike stopped an old man and asked

"Ah? You asked how much is one pound of oysters? I don't know! It depends on how many oysters we caught today...."


"no....I want to ask, what year is it in the Haiyuan calendar now?"

"What? Are oysters sweet? Yes! The oysters produced in our Bartelila Island are the sweetest."

After asking these two questions, Ike knew that this old man must be hard of hearing.

"Take a rest, old man. We don't buy oysters...."

"okay..."The old man nodded and then smoked a cigarette.

Just as Ike turned to leave, he suddenly felt that the name of Baterila Island sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Then Ike turned to Ace and asked,"Ace, have you heard of Baterila Island?"

Ace was silent when he heard about Baterila Island, but because he was wearing a mask, Ike couldn't see his expression.

"I go...Ace, have you been infected by the old man with hearing loss?"

Ace came to his senses immediately after hearing this, and then said in a low voice,"Baterila Island is the island where I was born....."

Ike was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he thought of where Baterila Island was.

There is not much description of Baterila Island in the original One Piece, but...This island has a deep relationship with the Pirate King and Ace.

After Roger became the Pirate King, he lived on Batirilla Island for a year and married his wife Luju, and had Ace.

A year later, Roger knew that he didn't have much time left, so he took the initiative to surrender to the navy.

In order to prevent the navy who came to investigate from killing the only remaining bloodline of the Pirate King, Luju carried Ace for 20 months and died of exhaustion after giving birth to Ace.......

Thinking of this, Ike finally understood why Ace behaved like this.

At this moment, a newspaper gull hovered in the sky over Batalila Island, and newspapers fell from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Ike was a little curious.

The newspaper gulls were just like his wrestlers, both of them were very demanding.

Every time Nami took a newspaper, she would bargain.

But today, a large number of newspapers were distributed for free, which was simply a money-making behavior.....

""Did something big happen?"

Ike murmured, and took a newspaper. He did not read the content of the newspaper, but looked at the date first.

"Haiyuan calendar 1498....."

After seeing the date, Ike was startled and subconsciously glanced at Ace. Ace also had a newspaper in his hand, but he didn't look at the date. Instead, he stared at the front page headline of the newspaper. His hands holding the newspaper had deformed the sides of the newspaper.

"well...Apparently, the time for time travel is really right....."What a historic moment!"

With a sigh, Ike looked at the front page headlines.

The front page of today's newspaper was the news that the Pirate King Gol Roger was captured and would be executed soon.

In order to spread this big news around the world, the World Government directly distributed money to let everyone in the world know that the Navy had captured the Pirate King, in order to deter all pirates............

After putting down the newspaper, Ike looked at the silent Ace and thought to himself,"Speaking of which, Ace is not going to think about robbing the execution ground, is he?"

But thinking about it carefully, it should be impossible. After all, Ace's hatred for his father is not low!

For Ace, Roger is a heartless man who abandoned his wife and children.

When Roger turned himself in, Lu Jiu was already pregnant.

The moment Ace was born, her mother was already exhausted and passed away soon after. In Ace's eyes, it was Roger who killed his mother and separated the whole family.

It's nonsense to say that he hates the blood of the Pirate King in his body. If he hated his own blood, he would not choose to be a pirate, but to be a navy with Garp............

Ike felt that his analysis made sense, but Ace turned around and slapped him in the face.

"Ike....Take me to Rogue Town."


"no....Are you going to rob the execution ground?"

Hearing Ike's question, Ace frowned."Why do you think so? Do you know my background?"

"Yeah!" Ike nodded and said,"I've heard a little bit about it."

"I'm not going to rob the execution ground, I just want to ask that man why he abandoned his mother.....Abandoning the family! Is this just to start the so-called era of sin?"

"If that's the case, I won't let the executioner kill him, I'll do it myself....."


Just when Ike didn't know how to answer, a pretty figure walked past Ace.

Seeing this person, Ike sighed and said,"Ace..."....Instead of asking Roger, ask your own mother....You can also see what your mother looks like, something you've never seen before."

After saying that, Ike pointed behind Ace.

Ace turned his head subconsciously and saw a girl wearing a light blue dress and pink curly hair.���, a woman in slippers was buying groceries.

The woman had freckles on her face and smiled very gently. When Ace saw that gentle smile, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped.

Although he had never seen his mother since he was born,....Ace was certain that this woman with a gentle smile was his mother, Portgas D Luju.


Muttering something, Ace was about to walk over.

Seeing this, Ike grabbed him.

"" Calm down, Ace, don't scare her!"

After saying that, Ike pointed at Lu Jiu's belly.

At this time, Lu Jiu's belly was already very high, and it looked like she was at least seven or eight months pregnant.

Seeing this, Ace calmed down and said,"Ike...What if I wanted to change all that?"

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