One day ago.

Ike and Ace returned to Baterila Island, and Ike summoned Captain America and Kakashi.

The two were naturally confused when they suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment.

Captain America was fine. It was ridiculous that he woke up from the ice, and now he traveled through time again. His adaptability was extraordinary.

But Kakashi was a little difficult to deal with, mainly because he was too vigilant as a ninja.

But Ike didn't care so much, just one sentence"If you want to return to your original world, you can only follow me."

Captain America chose to believe Ike's words temporarily. They felt that Ike and Ace were not bad people, and the people on Baterila Island were also very kind.

As for Kakashi? He found an opportunity to leave Baterila Island directly. As for no boat? Do ninjas need boats? He just stepped on the sea and ran away.

But it only took half a day for him to return to Baterila Island. The reason was that he couldn't find Konoha at all. No one knew about Konoha or even the existence of the five major countries when he asked for directions.

After some investigation, Kakashi realized that he was no longer in his original world, and because of this, he had to return to Batirila Island.......

""Steve, Kakashi, another cargo ship is coming!"

Ike shouted to Captain America and Kakashi who were exercising and reading. Upon hearing this, Captain America immediately stopped what he was doing, while Kakashi made a hand seal and used a shadow clone.

"This shadow clone technique is really convenient!"

Captain America couldn't help but sighed.

"It's just a clone, I can do it too!"

Just then, Ace came over. He didn't make any seals, but his body softened and split into two Aces.

"Yo....Ace, you have even developed a clone."

Ike looked at Ace with some surprise and smiled.

"As long as you understand the characteristics of the Slime Fruit, this kind of thing can be done easily.".......

In this way, the three of them chatted while coming to the warehouse near the port. This is the warehouse where oysters are stored. Whenever a cargo ship comes here to collect oysters, Ike and his friends will come here to help with the transportation.

Selling oysters doesn't make much money. The reason why Ike and his friends still do it is that there is really nothing to do.....

Just as the cargo ship was about to approach the port, Ike discovered something was wrong.....The people standing on the deck were not the merchants he knew, but two people wearing strange masks.

They were wearing white suits, one of them was wearing a top hat like a gentleman, and both were wearing white masks with patterns printed on them.

This image reminded Ike of a notorious organization CP in One Piece.

If Ike could think of it, Ace would naturally think of it too.

"Could it be....Is the massacre of pregnant women about to begin?"

Hearing Ike's words, Ace narrowed his eyes and said,"Ike, we must stop him!"

The pregnant women on Batirila Island were massacred, and the culprit was indeed the World Government, but...This sin is borne by the Pirate King Roger and Ace.

Ace is not yet born and cannot prevent everything from happening, but....Ace can do it in the future.

Hearing Ace's words, Ike nodded and said,"We must stop it!"

As for the timeline issue? It's not a problem. Stopping the pregnant woman from being slaughtered will not affect Ace's birth.

And with Luju's personality, in order to protect Ace and not let people know that he is Roger's offspring and bears that sinful bloodline, she will still choose to endure the pain and let Ace be born a few months later.......

Steve was a little confused about the conversation between Ike and Ace, while Kakashi was staring at the two masked men on the deck of the cargo ship.

He could sense danger from the two masked men.

So far, the only ones who could make Kakashi feel dangerous were Ike and Ace. As for Captain America? Kakashi had an illusion that their fight would definitely be fruitless.

Seeing that Captain America was a little curious, Ike told him what might happen next. It was a pity to learn that someone was going to massacre a large number of pregnant women in order to kill an unborn child.....Captain America's expression suddenly changed.

Captain America is an absolutely upright person and would never allow such a thing to happen.

"We must stop them!"

"Yes! Definitely!"......

As the men watched, the cargo ship finally approached the dock. At the same time, in the distance, a dog-headed warship was slowly approaching.

Seeing the dog-headed warship, Ike knew that Karp was here too.

"Now that Cap is here, it looks like the timeline won't change much....."......

When the two CPs got off the ship, they just glanced at Ike and the others, then moved their eyes away and said to the people behind them,"Action begins!"

Upon hearing the order, a large number of black-clad men rushed out of the cargo ship.

All of them stepped on the moon step and wanted to rush towards Batalila Island.

Seeing this scene, Captain America was the first to move. He turned around, picked up the vibranium shield on the ground, threw it casually, and smashed it directly on the face of one of the black-clad CPs, knocking him down.

But this is not over yet. The vibranium shield did not fly back to Captain America's hands, but bounced to the other two black-clad CPs, and then returned to Captain America's hands.

Shooting down three CPs in one blow also made the two leading CPs focus on Captain America and Ike and the others.

The other black-clad CPs were very well-trained. Even if their companions were attacked, they were still executing the orders of their superiors and flew towards the town of Batalila Island at an unreduced speed.

Seeing this, Ike said to Kakashi,"Kakashi, I'll leave the escaped fish to you!"

As soon as Ike finished speaking, he spread his wings and flew towards the black-clad CP. Seeing this, Ace also moved, and he stretched out his index fingers on both hands. This was his signature skill, the musket.

Although the musket was not very lethal, it was enough to stop these CP.

Flames continued to fly out from Ace's index fingers and shot towards the black-clad CP who were stepping on the moon step in the air, but what made Ace speechless was that his musket did not hit a single shot......

Ike didn't pay attention to this at the moment. If he had seen it, he would have reminded Ace that he couldn't use flying items at all.

Although the musket was also his own ability, as long as it was separated from the main body, it would be considered a flying item.....

Although it was strange that his musket couldn't hit anyone, it was not the time to think too much. Since the musket didn't work, he chose to soar into the sky.

Ace's feet burned with fire as a propulsion force, and he flew directly into the air. A fire dragon's wing attack shot down four black CPs.......

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