Ike looked at Garp with a smile and said,"Mr. Garp, if that's the case, then I'll have to inconvenience you!"

Hearing this, Garp laughed a few times and said,"Don't worry! I have amazing waist strength now, and your little thing can't throw me anymore!"

"Okay! Then you take it!"

After saying that, Ike called the wrestler out and recharged 30 million directly, and wrestled Garp 20 times first.....

The wrestlers were speechless when they saw Karp.

"I said....Why is it that every time you do business, you always throw him down?"

Ike shrugged and said that he didn't know.

Garp was excited when he saw the wrestler. He had been waiting for this moment for many years.

However, because of the wrestler's obsession, Garp's strength is much stronger than in the original book.

In fact, not only was the Golden Lion defeated by him alone, but even Rocks, who he defeated with Roger, Garp was actually confident that he could defeat him alone.

The main reason for cooperating with Roger was that Rocks's men were also very strong...........

After receiving the money, the wrestler started to move.

Garp was covered with Armament Haki, with his legs spread out and his waist, legs and abdomen exerted force at the same time.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Garp's whole body suddenly became larger and sank a few centimeters.

With this momentum, Garp immediately made the navy behind him cheer.

"Come on, Vice Admiral Garp!...."

"Vice Admiral Garp is the strongest navy...."

"Say....What exactly is that little thing? Why did Vice Admiral Garp challenge him?"

"cut....Who cares! No one can defeat Vice Admiral Garp anyway.....".....

The navy had great confidence in Garp.

When the wrestler caught Garp, he immediately felt...The business lost money again this time. The reason is simple. Garp has become stronger again. This time, he has to raise the price to more than 2 million to avoid losses.....

But again, since the money has been collected, the deal must be completed.

With a loud bang, the wrestler threw Garp, who was wearing Armament Haki, to the ground.

The ground of the port was made of concrete, and this throw directly created a big hole in the concrete, and spider-web-like cracks appeared on the entire port.

This scene made the navy officers present stare with their eyes wide open, with an incredible look on their faces.

Garp did not expect that he would still be thrown to the ground by this little thing.....

Garp, who didn't believe in evil, stood up again.

But just as he stood up, he was knocked down again by the wrestler.......

Just as Garp was thrown, Ace came to Ike and asked,"Those marines, why don't we play a trick on them?"?"

"What's the show? The audience is gone, who are you going to perform for?"

Just as Ike finished speaking, Kakashi and Rogers ran over.

"All the men in black have been dealt with! No pregnant woman on Batirila Island was harmed."

Rogers came to Ike and told him the situation directly.

""Yeah!" Ike nodded, and then took out a small cart with all kinds of beer, drinks, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, and eight-treasure porridge on it.

"Want something to eat?"Ike pointed at the cart and smiled.

Kakashi picked up a bag of melon seeds, while Rogers took a can of beer and drank with Ace.

After the three of them finished taking their food, Ike pushed the cart towards the navy.

"Beer, drinks, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, eight-treasure porridge...."

"Sailor brother, don't you want to eat something while watching the fun?"

The sailors had not yet recovered from the scene of Vice Admiral Garp being beaten up. When they heard Ike's question, they subconsciously took a sip of drink or beer to calm down. Naturally,....As a righteous navy, I will definitely not refuse to pay.......

The scene at the port at this time can be said to be very strange.

A group of navy soldiers ate melon seeds and drank beer while laughing while watching Vice Admiral Garp who was constantly being thrown around in the field.

On Ike's side, he set up a high-definition camera to shoot everything.

This harmonious scene did not end until the wrestler completed twenty throws.

These twenty throws did not make Garp give up his obsession with defeating the wrestler. He decided to train hard and wait for the next time he met the wrestler to definitely fight him out.

In fact, what Garp calls victory is that the wrestler cannot throw him down. The wrestler

's damage is not high, and his only ability is to throw the enemy to the ground in various postures.

With Garp's defense, let alone throwing him twenty times, even throwing him two hundred times would not be a problem..........

After leaving the wrestlers, Cap turned around and looked at his men who were drinking beer and eating melon seeds while watching the show!

"It seems like you guys are really in need of practice! How about this, when you go back, everyone runs a hundred kilometers! You are not allowed to eat until you finish running!"

Kapu's words immediately caused chaos in the scene......

After taking revenge on his subordinates who were watching the show, Garp came to Ike, Ace, Rogers and Kakashi and saluted them directly.

"Thank you so much...."

Garp didn't say it explicitly, but Ike knew exactly why he was thanking them.

If it weren't for Ike and his men, all of Garp's soldiers would have given up being marines because their faith in justice had collapsed..... after all....They are the navy that protects the world and the people, but they want to do evil things that harm civilians.....Or watching the CP killing civilians and being powerless to do anything....... at last....Garp and his navy were stationed on Baterila Island for a day.

Garp wrote a mission report and gave it to his deputy, and he decided to stay on Baterila Island temporarily, waiting for Roger's child to be born, and taking a vacation.

Garp stayed on Baterila Island and went straight to Luju.

At this time, Luju was already fifteen months pregnant in order to protect the baby in her belly. Luju was very nervous about Garp coming to her, and she was afraid that Garp was here to destroy Roger's bloodline.

It was not until Garp said that he came here at Roger's request, and told her some things that only Roger and her knew, that Luju believed Garp.

Garp knew that the first wave of CP had been defeated, but...There will definitely be more CP coming next.���Garp's idea was to let Lu Jiu give birth to the baby immediately and then take Lu Jiu and her baby away from Baterila Island.

Most importantly, Lu Jiu had kept the baby in her body for five more months. If she continued, both the baby and she would be in danger.

With Garp's help, Lu Jiu and her baby would definitely be able to change their identities and live in another place.

But if that were the case, Ike and Ace's plan would be ruined.

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