While they were fighting, Ace approached Ike and asked him what was going on.

Then Ike gave his analysis....He certainly wouldn't say that it was because he wanted to kill Momonosuke, but that he collided with other time travelers.

While Ike was talking to Ace, Lu Jiu came over and asked,"So....We didn't come to the original timeline, did we?"

""Yeah!" Ike nodded and said,"This is a parallel world, or you can say it's the future world!"

"Judging from Luffy and the others, this should be the world two years later!"

Ace frowned when he heard this.

"Two years later? And the way Luffy looked when he saw me just now....Could it be that two years later, I..."

Thinking of this, Ace accidentally glanced at Luffy, and saw that Luffy was at a disadvantage in the battle with Shuzo.

In addition, Nami and the others were also discussing how to escape from here.

At this time, many waterspouts had rolled up on the sea surface, and these waterspouts were still swimming wantonly. This sea area could be said to have become very dangerous.

"Ike, is it okay for me to do whatever I want in this world?"

Ace looked at Ike and asked

"Well! It should be fine, after all, we are not in the same timeline! Just make a fuss!"

Ace nodded, and turned into a flame and rushed to the battlefield between Shuzo and Luffy.......

Shuzo is Zephyr's student. He has the outstanding Marine Six-style Taijutsu and two-color Haki. His strength is definitely above the Vice Admiral of the Marine Headquarters. It is indeed difficult for Luffy, who fights with the second gear, to suppress or even defeat him.

"Rubber Rubber.....Armament color hardening....pistol..."

Seeing that the second gear was ineffective, Luffy used the Armament Haki Entanglement.

The Straw Hat Pirates on the ship saw this scene and thought that Luffy was going to win.

After all....Until now, they have not seen a real strong man with Haki.

When Shuzo saw the fist wrapped in Armament Haki coming towards him, he raised his fist calmly. His fist was not wrapped in Armament Haki, but was just a simple iron fist.

It was this simple iron fist that blocked Luffy's fist wrapped in Armament Haki.

Seeing this scene, Ike thought to himself,"This is a real iron block! It is really hard!"

"Humph! This little bit of Haki is useless to me!"

Just as Shuzo finished speaking, a fist with the same Haki color stretched out and wrapped in Armament Haki came towards him.

Compared with Luffy's fist, this fist shadow was also wrapped in blazing flames.

"Fire Slime Pistol...."

Ace imitated Luffy's moves and punched Shuzo in the stomach.

Shuzo felt the power of this punch with his Observation Haki, and he decisively gave up using the iron block and instead covered his stomach with Armament Haki to withstand Ace's punch.

But even if he covered it with Armament Haki, Ace's punch still caused him some damage.

Ace didn't expect that the man who was proficient in the Six Styles wouldn't use iron blocks for defense!

Before the battle with CP, Ike told him a good way to deal with people who were proficient in the Six Styles.

That is, come up and hit hard, there is a high probability that the opponent will use iron blocks to resist, so you can kill the opponent instantly.....

"Looks like...This guy with long arms in front of him is quite smart."

Xiu Zuo rubbed his stomach and then looked at Ace.

When he saw Ace's face, he was also stunned.

Ace appeared in the newspapers every day in the past two years.

After all....Whitebeard died, and he died because of Ace's execution. The deaths of these two protagonists must not be as simple as just reporting one day.

"Fire Fist Ace? Aren't you dead?"

The flying squirrel who was fighting with Zoro on the other side also looked over here after hearing what Shuzo said. When he saw Ace's face, he was also extremely shocked.

"this....How is this possible?"

In order to punish the evil bloodline left by the Pirate King, their navy fought a bloody battle with Whitebeard. Although Whitebeard died, many of their navy members also died, which was very tragic.

If everyone knew that either Whitebeard or Ace of Fire Fist was still alive,...That...Their navy will become the biggest joke.

Thinking of this, he gave up the fight with Zoro, stepped on the moon step and came to a place not far from Shuzo and shouted,"Shuzo!"...Let's join hands to kill this person who looks like Ace of Fire Fist first!"

Hearing this, Shuzo curled his lips and didn't want to pay attention to Flying Squirrel.

Shuzo is different from Flying Squirrel. Flying Squirrel is Zephyr's student, but what about Shuzo? He has been Zephyr's favorite from beginning to end.

How Zephyr was forced out of the Navy by the World Government, Shuzo has always seen it, and naturally he doesn't have any good feelings towards the Navy or the World Government.

This sneak attack, he not only wants to kill the giant pirates that the Navy wants to transport, but also to teach the Navy a profound lesson. As for Flying Squirrel wanting to cooperate? Haha...In his opinion, even he could kill Ace the Fire Fist.....No cooperation is needed at all......

Seeing that Shuzo ignored him, the flying squirrel looked very unhappy.

In fact, the flying squirrel was a little unmotivated when facing Shuzo. He knew very well about Zephyr's affairs and knew that everything was the fault of the World Government, but he also had his own justice and his mission.....

"In this case, I want to kill Fire Fist Ace, so don't mess with me!"

After saying this, the flying squirrel rushed towards Fire Fist Ace.

But before he could get close to Ace, he was stopped by Zoro again.

"hehe....Navy, your battle with me is not over yet!"

"Damn...."The flying squirrel cursed inwardly, and then shouted to the marines behind him,"Notify the headquarters immediately to send a general to support us!"

The signalman on the navy ship heard this and responded, but before he could take out the Den Den Mushi to notify the headquarters, waterspouts suddenly appeared under or on the sides of several navy ships.

The power of the waterspouts was so strong that several navy ships were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Not only did waterspouts appear under the navy ships, but even the Qianyang began to surge under the ship.

"Nami....What should we do?"

Although Usopp has become a true sea warrior after two years of training, he was still panicked when he saw several navy ships destroyed in an instant. He was afraid that the Thousand Sunny would follow suit.

Nami wanted to say,"Leave this sea area immediately."

But Luffy and Zoro are still fighting now, and they absolutely cannot leave like this.....

At this moment, Ike, who had been silent the whole time, patted Nami on the shoulder and said,"Leave it to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ike's wind attribute magic power burst out, and in a blink of an eye, the sea level around the Thousand Sunny began to surge, and then a series of sea tornadoes no smaller than the ones that destroyed the navy warships before appeared around the Thousand Sunny, protecting the Thousand Sunny in the middle.

After doing all this, Ike put down his hand and said,"No problem!"

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at Ike in disbelief.

After all....This is the ability to control the ocean....If a devil fruit encounters a person who can control the sea water, wouldn't it be a miserable death?

At this time, Nami noticed the problem.

"He is not controlling the water, but the wind.....Use the wind to roll up the sea water!"......

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel also saw Ike's power, and he knew....He could withdraw from today's naval battle.

Whether it was the Straw Hat Pirates, Shuzo, Ace the Fire Fist, or even the giant pirate, he couldn't handle them!

At this time, the flying squirrel had already decided to withdraw. He knew what he should do most now, which was to inform the headquarters that Ace the Fire Fist was still alive.........

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