Just as Momonosuke finished speaking, a woman with a gentle smile appeared in front of him.

The woman was wearing a kimono, with long green hair draped behind her. When she saw Momonosuke, she took the initiative to hug him.

This woman was none other than the Moonlight Toki that Momonosuke imagined, that is, his mother.......

The gentle smile in the moonlight immediately soothed Momonosuke's frightened heart. His original fear of the opposite sex gradually recovered, and his LSP nature slowly reappeared.

"really.....Mother is the most gentle person in the world....".....

Ike, who was not far away, frowned when he saw this scene.

Momonosuke was timid and cowardly, and it might be because of this character that he was very dependent on his parents.

Especially in his dreams, when he was afraid, his father Kozuki Oden would protect him like a guardian angel, and when he was confused, his mother Kozuki would come out to comfort him.

Naturally....Ike definitely can't let this imaginary Kotsuki Toki of Momonosuke calm him down.....

Ike has already planned to treat Momonosuke's illness.

Momonosuke's love for beautiful older sisters is an illness and must be treated....

Thinking of this, Ike began to control Kozuki......

Moonlight touched Momonosuke's head and said with a smile,"Momonosuke, don't be a crybaby. You have to be a man who can be a general!"

Hearing his mother's words, Momonosuke wiped away his tears and nodded,"Okay, mother, I will be a great general like my father."

"If you want to become a general, it is not enough to just talk about it! You also need to work hard, both physically and mentally."

"Uh-huh...."Momonosuke kept nodding.

"My father also taught me that in order to make me strong, he took me to the women's bathhouse......."

Before Momonosuke could finish his words, Kotsuki Toki had already taken out a wooden stick from somewhere and smashed it towards Momonosuke. The originally gentle and lovely Kotsuki Toki suddenly turned into a devil instructor,"Momonosuke, you are going to be a general, you must not keep crying like this!"

"If you keep going, how can I go to see your deep-fried dead father?..."

The sudden change in tone made Momonosuke stunned....The pain told him that his mother really beat him up.

"My gentle mother who never loses her temper with me...."

"ah...It hurts....Mother, you...Why did you hit me?"

"Why? Of course it is to train you into a real man!"

Just as the moonlight finished speaking, the environment around Momonosuke changed. The original white and tender ocean disappeared, and instead, beautiful big sisters stood up from the ground. The most important thing is that each of these big sisters held a torture instrument in their hands.

These big sisters were very beautiful, and they all looked at Momonosuke with a gentle smile. If they didn't have those torture instruments that looked so scary, Momonosuke would definitely think this was heaven.

"Don't worry! As long as you can complete the test here, you can become a real man!".....

Next, under the leadership of Moonlight Toki, a group of older sisters tortured Momonosuke inhumanely. And every time they tortured him for a while, an older sister dancing erotically would appear. If Momonosuke had any sexual thoughts, Moonlight Toki would beat her up directly. This continued until Momonosuke could no longer react to any of the older sisters......I watched the whole process with the help of others.

"well....I just don't know what will happen to Momonosuke after he leaves the dream!"

After muttering, Ike snapped his fingers. Momonosuke, who had been tortured to death, lost consciousness immediately after hearing the crisp snap.

When he regained consciousness, he was back to the underground garbage dump.

Momonosuke opened his eyes in confusion, and when he saw the surrounding environment, he realized that everything he had experienced before seemed to be a dream.... but....Although it was a dream, every time he closed his eyes he could still recall what happened before.

"The woman is terrible....The woman is terrible...."

After leaving Momonosuke's dream, Ike saw Momonosuke muttering"Women are so scary."

Seeing this, Ike guessed that this guy would never dare to touch a woman again, and he probably wouldn't be able to stand up again. This was a purely psychological problem, and even injections and medicine wouldn't work.

After completing the psychological castration of Momonosuke, Ike's soul left here.........

After returning to his body, Ike no longer planned to look for Momonosuke.

After giving Momonosuke some psychological treatment, Ike felt that this naughty boy was not so hateful.

When there is time, I will give him a stabilizer, which will definitely cure his problem of liking girls.

""Hey? You're awake."

Seeing Ike wake up, Captain America and Kakashi, who were playing chess, looked over.

"Nothing happened here before, right?" Ike asked

"Ace just called and said that a group of strange people appeared on the Thousand Sunny, but he dealt with them all!"

Ike heard that it must be Caesar's men who went to the Thousand Sunny to arrest people.

Ike touched his chin and thought for a while,"Then let's go directly to Caesar! Solve the things here as soon as possible and then go find Ace's soul."

Caesar is a character that Ike likes very much. Although this person is a villain, he is also a funny guy.

Also, this guy's voice actor is the same person as King Frieza.

At the beginning of the Punk Hazard chapter, Caesar's style was still very high, but...Ever since he was defeated by Luffy, he has lost his so-called status and has become a complete idiot.

I still remember that many fans speculated that Caesar might become a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

After all, Luffy once said that he wanted to find a scientist as a partner, but unfortunately, Caesar's personality was too bad at the beginning, and he did a lot of bad things. It would be good if he could be whitewashed. As for getting on the ship? Don't dream about it, he is not destined to be the protagonist.

However, it would be difficult for Ike to take Captain America and Kakashi to find Caesar, mainly because the three of them do not have domineering power, and it would be troublesome to face Caesar, a user of the natural fruit ability.

So it would be more reliable to go back and call Ace to act together.

Thinking of this, Ike made up his mind that after solving the problems here, he must go to Teacher Kaido to give him a good lesson.

In this way, the three of them walked in the direction they came from......

On the other side.

On the Thousand Sunny, after dealing with a group of enemies in chemical protective suits, Chopper said worriedly,"We were attacked just after we got here. Will Luffy and the others be okay?"

Nami waved her hand and smiled,"How could they be in trouble? The ones who are really in trouble must be those who are causing trouble for them!"

Just as Nami finished her words, a warship came from the other side of the island. On the sail of the warship was written [G5].

This is really the G5 branch of the navy where Smoker is.

Smoker, who was standing at the bow, also saw the Straw Hat Pirate Flag. Seeing this pirate flag, Smoker took a deep puff of his cigar and said,"It's been a long time! Straw Hat Pirate Flag....."

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