Seeing Caesar trying to run away, Ike shouted to Ace's body

""Ace! Go after Caesar! I'll take care of Vergo!"

Hearing this, Ace nodded, and without saying a word, he chased in the direction where Caesar and Monet fled.

Vergo naturally wouldn't let Ace catch up, and just when he was holding a bamboo to stop Ace, Ike appeared in front of him and punched their front door.

Vergo covered his entire body with Armament Haki, and took Ike's punch, then stabbed the black bamboo in his hand directly into Ace's back.

The bamboo was wrapped in Armament Haki, and even Ace, who was a natural fruit ability user, had no way to defend against it.

But what about Ace? He didn't even think about defending, and the ghost bamboo pierced his body directly, but Ace's body recovered quickly like mud.

"How is this possible!"

Virgo was also shocked by Ace's ability that was like the Phoenix Fruit.

But before they could finish being shocked, Ike's attack arrived.

Although Vergo's two-color domineering power was strong, it was not as good as CP0 who was killed by Ike with a white phosphorus bomb before.

Although Ike did not master domineering power, his current means were more than enough to deal with a domineering powerhouse of Vergo's level.

At this time, Vergo was thinking that he would go all out to kill the person blocking the road in the shortest time, and then catch up with Ace to protect Caesar.

The idea was good, but he underestimated Ike's ability.

Seeing that Vergo was about to use the finger gun to point at himself, Ike flashed and came to Vergo's side with the help of the rabbit spell, and then the Toya Lake wrapped with the wind blade chopped Vergo's wrist again without hesitation.

This knife was still cut on the previous wound. Vergo did not expect Ike's speed to be so fast. He wanted to shave, but it was too late. A burst of white light flashed, and one of Vergo's hands was chopped off by Ike.

"Damn...."Cursing silently, Vergo began to burst out his fastest speed, trying to quickly kill Ike.

Ike's eyes were three magatama, and he could clearly see Vergo's movement trajectory.

Although facing Garp, Ike's three magatama were useless, but...Not everyone is Garp's!

Just when Vergo confidently came to Ike's side, Ike disappeared again. Vergo seemed to have expected it and used shave again.

Vergo knew that the easiest place to sneak attack after using shave was the side of his body, so he burst into speed again and came behind his original side, wanting to give Ike a surprise.

But little did he know....Ike's combat experience was not strong, and he did not have the ability to analyze Vergo's weaknesses in a short time, so the position he flashed just now was not to the side of Vergo, but behind Vergo.

In this way, Ike and Vergo collided.

The faster the speed, the harder the collision, but at this time, when the strength is basically equal, if one party's strength can crush the other, it will be different.

Just after the two collided at a very fast speed, Vergo flew out.

This is all thanks to the bull talisman hidden on Ike.

Under the power of the bull talisman, Vergo was hit and vomited blood, and instantly he could not maintain his whole body Armament Haki.

But even though he was seriously injured and lost a hand, Vergo still stood up.

Just at this time, Luo walked over slowly.

After seeing Vergo in such an embarrassed state, he looked at Ike.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Ike didn't say anything, but returned the heart in the storage ring to Luo.

After Luo took the heart, he put it in his chest and said,"Can you let me deal with Vergo?"

"Whatever you want!"

Ike did not refuse.

As for Vergo, he was seriously injured, so Law easily captured Vergo and killed him directly.

Law did this because he wanted to cut off his retreat. He knew that Doflamingo was most ruthless to his men.

Although in Law's opinion, this was completely Doflamingo's false feelings. After all, Doflamingo was a cold-blooded man who could kill his own father and brother......

Just as Vergo was killed by Law, Luffy and Smoker ran in.

Seeing Vergo's body, Smoker's face was gloomy. If

Vergo really appeared here, it means that what Ike said before was not nonsense, and Vergo was really an undercover.

"Pulu Pulu....Pulu Pulu...."

Suddenly, the sound of a Den Den Mushi rang out from the pocket of Vergo's corpse.

Hearing this sound, Ike subconsciously searched for the Den Den Mushi and answered it directly.

"Vergo, have you arrived at Punk Hazard yet?"

The caller was none other than Vergo's boss, Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

""Oh! He's here, but he's cold now!" Ike said with a smile.

The smiling Den Den Mushi suddenly stopped smiling after hearing Ike's words, and veins appeared on his forehead.

"who are you?"

"You bastard Shichibukai, you actually planted an undercover agent in the navy!" Without waiting for Ike to rap and introduce himself, Smoker grabbed the microphone and yelled

"" Hey! I haven't introduced myself yet!" As he spoke, Ike was about to grab the microphone.

At this moment, Luffy saw the two of them fighting for the microphone, so he came over to join in the fun, snatched the microphone directly from Smoker, and shouted into the microphone,"I am Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will become the Pirate King!"


The most speechless person at the moment was Law.

He had just been preparing to answer the phone and threaten Doflamingo.....Now the emotions are gone....

Without emotion, the threat continued, he snatched the microphone from Luffy's hand

"Doflamingo, Caesar has been captured by me. If you don't want him to get into trouble, resign from the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Law had already learned Doflamingo's identity from Ike, and the reason he continued with his original plan was to find out whether Ike's intelligence was accurate.....It concerns his future cooperation with Ace and the Straw Hats, as well as his dominance.....When Law found Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates, he no longer had the so-called dominant power!

"Hehehe......It's you! Luo....Coming from a family, you should know my temper and character. Now that you say this is just a joke, I can let you go!"

"Doflamingo! You are still so self-righteous! I have killed Vergo! The next ones are Monet and Caesar, you should think about my proposal carefully!"

After saying that, Luo hung up the phone directly.

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