Doflamingo didn't expect Jack to be defeated so quickly....

However, Jack's defeat made him happy in his heart.

Because Doflamingo knew that the Four Emperors Kaido was on the way, and he would be even more angry if he saw his men defeated.

The angry Kaido would definitely let the Straw Hat Pirates know what despair is.

In order to delay time, Doflamingo once again used the awakening power of the fruit to start fighting with Ike.

Doflamingo who did not fight head-on was indeed very troublesome, because Ike's current attack power was not enough to break everything with one force.

Maybe because he knew that the underground port could not be saved now, Doflamingo directly chose to turn everything in the underground port into a sea of silk threads, with the purpose of delaying time and waiting for Kaido's arrival......

While fighting here, the remaining two senior officers of the Don Quixote family, Pica and Diamante, were also defeated by the two brothers Luffy and Ace.

After defeating the two, the ground where they were located began to sink and collapse, and then countless silk threads formed an ocean and rushed into the sky, and the target of pursuit was Ike holding Thor's hammer.

Thor's hammer in Ike's hand continuously released lightning, splitting the silk threads controlled by Doflamingo into dust.

Seeing Doflamingo, Ace and Luffy also shot without hesitation.

With the addition of the two of them, Doflamingo once again experienced the pleasure of circle kicking.

Just when Doflamingo felt that he was about to be kicked to death by the circle kick, the sky suddenly began to be covered with dark clouds, and then a huge dragon head poked out from the dark clouds.

This scene directly scared the chaotic crowd.

There was a middle-aged man holding a blind stick in the crowd. Feeling the huge pressure from the sky, he couldn't help but raise the blind stick and pull out the long sword hidden in the blind stick.

This man was Fujitora, the newly appointed admiral of the navy.

When Sucrose was knocked unconscious, Fujitora's observation Haki could sense the breath of hatred constantly spreading in the country.

When he first arrived in Dressrosa, Fujitora felt sadness mixed with joy.

This feeling was like a person dancing and laughing but shedding sad tears, which made Fujitora feel that something was wrong with this country.

Fujitora knew that if he wanted to make this country no longer sad, he needed to get rid of the root cause. As for what was the root cause of the sadness in this country? Of course it was the Shichibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo!

Just when Fujitora wanted to join the battle, a man who looked nonchalant and had an arrogant expression came over with a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

"Marshal! We are in Dressrosa now. Hmm! We have found the man who looks like Ace the Fire Fist!"

"But I think I should retreat....."

"What did you say?"Akainu's voice came from Den Den Mushi,"Since you have found him, then follow me and kill him at all costs! Otherwise, don't come back!"

Hearing Akainu's order, the man looked at the dragon head sticking out of the dark clouds with fear.

The man was none other than the admiral of the navy, Aramaki Green Bull, who was sent by Akainu to find Ace.

Hearing the marshal's death order, Green Bull was a little helpless, but after careful consideration, he thought that the Fire Fist Ai Ai had nothing to do with Kaido, and it should be no problem for him to kill Ace by himself!

After thinking about it, he said to the Den Den Mushi,"Okay, Marshal, I will bring back the head of Fire Fist Ace!" As soon as he finished speaking, Green Bull hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the man looked at Fujitora,"Big brother, we will work together to kill Ace, and then retreat immediately!"

Hearing Green Bull's words, Fujitora did not respond immediately, but asked back

"Lord Aramaki, as navy officers, shouldn't we do something when we see the tragic situation of this country?"

This is Fujitora's justice. As an admiral of the navy, what he has to do is to minimize the riots and the harm to people. The only way to solve the riots now is to capture Doflamingo and give the people an explanation.

"Hello.....I said Fujitora, you don't want to capture Doflamingo, do you? He is Kaido's collaborator. If you attack Doflamingo now, wouldn't it be the same as slapping Kaido in the face?"

Fujitora smiled and didn't reply!

Seeing this, Green Bull cursed in his heart,"Madman".

After knowing Fujitora's idea, Green Bull didn't intend to go crazy with him. If he really attacked Doflamingo, he would have to face the Four Emperors.....

If he were facing the Emperor's Vice-President, Green Bull would definitely attack without hesitation, but....Facing the Four Emperors, he didn't even think twice and was determined to run away.

After thinking everything through, Green Bull hid himself, ready to attack Ace wearing the mask at any time.

Fujitora had already rushed to the battlefield, and he planned to take down Doflamingo first as the admiral of the navy!......

As for Doflamingo, when he saw the huge dragon head, he was also delighted.

"Hahaha...."Doflamingo laughed wildly and temporarily lifted the bird cage above so Kaido could enter the bird cage.

Seeing this, Kaido also rushed down directly, and while rushing down, his body turned back into a human form.

At this time, Jack, who had recovered almost completely, also ran over. When

Luffy saw Kaido, there was a bit of joy in his eyes as if he had seen his teacher. He was about to step forward to say hello when he was stopped by Ace.

"Luffy, don't go over there yet."

Ace knew that he had only seen Kaido in his dreams before, and that was too unreal.....If we go over now, Kaido might hit us with a stick.

At the same time, Zoro, Sanji, and Law, who noticed the fighting, also ran over.

After seeing Kaido, Law felt terrible.....

"Damn....Why did Kaido come here in person?"

Sanji and Zoro looked at each other.

"That is....Teacher Kai?"

"It seems so! But he is much taller than Teacher Kai!"

After hearing the conversation between the two, Luo was a little puzzled.

"Who is Teacher Dekai you are talking about?"

"Oh! Teacher Kai is the teacher who taught us to be domineering. Although he has a bad temper, I have to say that he is a good teacher!"


Although I don't know who Mr. Kai is, he must be a good teacher to be respected by the two strongest fighters of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But the one in front of me is not Mr. Kai, but the top fighter in the sea, the Four Emperors Kaido!......

After Kaido landed, he saw Ike at first sight

"Huh? You are the worst!"

Kaido's words stunned everyone present.

"Worst? What do you mean?"

"Is he saying that Ekko is the weakest here?"


And Ike was very speechless. He knew that he had poor talent, but he wouldn't call himself the worst when they met!

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