"My name is Finbudi"

"I was originally just an ordinary marine, but through constant gift giving and hooking up with my boss's daughter, I finally became a captain in a naval branch."

"But now, I am facing the biggest dilemma since I joined the Navy.....The bounty for a single challenge is as high as 17 million Baileys for the pirate Admiral Crick"......

"My name is Crick. I used to be the leader of a large pirate group with 50 pirate ships....I was unlucky. As soon as I entered the Grand Line, forty-nine pirate ships were overturned by some inexplicable guy."

"I was almost starving to death when I met a mentally retarded cook who brought me a bowl of rice. I originally wanted to bring some food back to my men and then seize this restaurant on the sea."

"but....I met the man called Iron Fist. Now I want to fight him in single combat. I am a little panicked without the golden armor......"......

Finbudi and Klick stared at each other, and the spectators around them became more and more nervous.

"Finbuddy, come on! Beat him up!"

Nami, who never thought that trouble was too big, raised her fist to cheer for Finbuddy.

Luffy also cheered,"Beat this despicable guy!"...."

Just when Finbudi was extremely nervous, Ike walked up to him and handed him a candy.

"Eat a candy! Sugar can relieve tension!"

Hearing what Ike said, Finbuddy nodded, and then ate the candy that Ike handed over.

But what he didn't notice was that there were three words written on the candy: [No Pain].

After eating the candy, he didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but Finbuddy was indeed not so nervous in his heart.

Looking at the spectators around him who were cheering for him, Finbuddy finally chose to stand up.

Seeing this, Click showed a despicable smile and said,"Ajin! This guy is up to you!"

Ajin nodded after hearing this.

Ajin didn't dare to disobey the orders of his own captain.

But before Ajin stood up, Sanji stood in front of him.

"Ajin, your opponent is me!"

"Mr. Sanji...."

Seeing Sanji, Ajin was speechless and didn't know what to say.

He felt very sorry for Sanji.....Sanji gave him food and saved his life, but Jin came here with Cleek, and most importantly, attacked his benefactor Sanji.

Seeing Jin being stopped, Cleek twisted his neck and had to do it himself.......

While Fennbuddy was not paying attention, Click rushed to Fennbuddy and kicked him.

The kick was so powerful that Fennbuddy flew out and smashed two tables.

Fennbuddy thought he would be knocked out by this kick, but what he didn't expect was that Click's kick didn't hurt at all.

"It doesn't hurt? Did I overestimate Click?"

Thinking of this, Fenbudi stood up, his expression suddenly became extremely cold.

"Humph! Is this all you have, Pirate Admiral Klick? I've overestimated you!" Seeing

Finbuddy like this, Ike wanted to say,"Brother......Can't you wipe the blood off your mouth before you act cool? This really affects your image....."

Crick didn't expect that his full-strength sneak attack didn't cause much damage to Iron Fist.

"Iron Fist...."

Fennbuddy, who felt that his opponent was not very strong, took the initiative to attack.

Seeing this, Crick also took up his stance, and the following battle between the two was a bloody fight of punches.

Crick was very strong, but Fennbuddy did not dodge at all. While Crick punched him, Fennbuddy could also use his fist with brass knuckles to punch Crick hard.

After a while, both Fennbuddy and Crick had a lot of bruises on their faces.

The people around them also felt their blood boiling after seeing this fist-to-flesh fight.

Especially Luffy, who was already standing on the table and cheering for Fennbuddy.

However, this bloody battle lasted less than ten minutes and it was Fennbuddy who fell in the end.

Fennbuddy was very confused as to why he didn't feel anything in his body, but.......But he didn't have the strength to stand up again.

Seeing that Fennbuddy fell to the ground, the bruised and battered Click naturally would not miss this opportunity. He raised his big foot, intending to give Fennbuddy a headshot.

At this critical moment, Luffy acted decisively, and a rubber rocket launcher hit the stomach of Click, who had no armor defense at all, and directly knocked Click's eyes rolled and lost consciousness.

Fennbuddy also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He was almost scared to death when Click raised his foot just now.

Although Fennbuddy lost the bloody battle, he also received many respectful glances from the people present.

After all, Fennbuddy was facing the pirate admiral Click, who had a bounty of 17 million berries.

It is not shameful to fail to win. The real shame should be the deserter who dares not to face.......

Fenbudi reluctantly sat up, and seeing the people around him looking at him with admiration or respect, he felt so happy. It was also the first time for him to experience being looked at with admiration by so many people.

Just when Fenbudi was secretly happy, a soul-shaking pain came from all over his body, making his breathing stagnate.

Fenbudi wanted to scream, but....He had to keep up his image, so he had to grit his teeth and bear it.

The painful places were the places where he had resisted Click's attack before, which made Fennbuddy realize that it was not because Click was weak before, but because he had no sense of pain.

Thinking of this, Fennbuddy looked at Ike, and the changes in his body might be due to the candy Ike gave him.....

Just as Finbudi was trying to endure the pain all over his body, a group of navy soldiers came over and looked at him with admiration and envy. Then the lieutenant standing in the front saluted and wanted to help Finbudi up from the ground.

They had also seen the fight between Finbudi and Klick before.

They thought their chief was just a sultry man who only knew how to flirt with girls and brag, and pretended to be cool under the banner of Iron Fist, but they didn't expect...He also has such a manly side.

In the end, Finbuddy endured the pain all over his body and was helped by several navy soldiers to leave here.

Just when these navy soldiers were about to take the unconscious Cleek away, Akin got rid of Sanji, knocked the navy to the ground with a few moves, and then carried Cleek to escape.

Seeing this, Ike did not stop him, but Akin, who rushed out of the door carrying Cleek, was stunned.

"Why? Why? We have already fled back to the East China Sea, but this man still won't let us go?"

There was a small boat with one person in front of Jin. A man was sitting on the boat. The man was wearing a black and red coat, with a cross on his chest and a long sword like a cross on his back.

This was the world's number one swordsman, known as Hawkeye [Jorakol Mihawk]

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