On the deck, Zoro saw a flying slash coming towards him. He wanted to dodge, but...At this moment, he realized that he could not move at all, let alone dodge.

He could only watch the slash coming towards him.

At this moment, the sword in his right hand suddenly emitted a ray of light, and an illusory figure suddenly appeared, blocking Zoro.

"What a mess! Zoro.

The figure stretched out a hand to block the flying slash, then turned back and looked at Zoro with a smile.

Zoro looked at this familiar figure in disbelief.

"you....Are you Kuina?"

"So am I really going to die?"


I am sorry, Kuina , I did not fulfill my promise to you.....

"Idiot!" Kuina scolded lightly,"Zoro, you are not the kind of person who will give in easily!"

"If you don't want to lose so easily, then accept my power."

While speaking, Kuina turned into a stream of light and reentered the shallow fight.

"Shout out my name and let’s become number one in the world together!"......

Although Zoro saw Kuina, to outsiders, it looked like Zoro's sword suddenly floated up and blocked Hawkeye's attack.

Hawkeye was also a little shocked when he saw this scene.

"Is there a spiritual knife?"

"It seems that being recognized by a spiritual sword...It's not simple!"

Hawkeye was now somewhat interested in Zoro, and the embarrassment he had felt after being exposed by Crick faded a little.......

At the restaurant entrance, Luffy was excited when he saw Zoro's sword actually took the initiative to help block the attack.

"Zoro is fine!"

Luffy patted Ike on the shoulder and asked,"Is this the backup plan you mentioned? That's awesome!"


Ike wanted to say,"My backup plan is to let Hawkeye kill Zoro and then revive him."

But Ike didn't expect that the Asauchi would recognize Zoro so quickly and help Zoro block the fatal blow.

I don't know if Zoro has communicated with the Zanpakutō, or if he already knows the name of the Zanpakutō, so that the Asauchi can really become a Zanpakutō?

Just as Ike was thinking, Zoro picked up the Asauchi floating in the air again.

"Guina.....Let's fight together!"

Just as Zoro finished speaking, the light of the Asahi shone again.

The originally black Asahi instantly transformed into a Zanpakuto with a white handle and black sheath.

Because of Kuina's soul, the name of this Zanpakuto is also called [Kuina】

"It seems that you are a little different from before!"

While speaking, Hawkeye put away the knife and took down the black knife behind him.

"Boy! Tell me your name."

Hawkeye said solemnly.

When Zoro saw Hawkeye finally drew his weapon, he also put on his strongest stance and said,"Roronoa Zoro!"

"I will remember this long-lost strong man!"

"I will use the strongest black sword in the world to bury you in the sea!"

After hearing Hawkeye's words, Zoro still said expressionlessly,"I am really grateful!"

"Let's go....Kuina! The Secret of the Three Swords Style.....Three Thousand Worlds."

While speaking, Zoro began to rotate the two swords in his hands. At the same time, Hawkeye also rushed over with a black sword in his hand.

The two fought for only a moment, and the blades crossed. Zoro and Hawkeye stood back to back.

Hawkeye's hat brim had a cut, and Zoro's chest was cut by a knife, and the ordinary sword in his left hand was also shattered all over the ground.

"Kuina, the world....It's really big!"

While speaking, Zoro put Kuina and Wado Ichimonji back into the scabbards, and finally spread his arms to signal Hawkeye that he could take action.

Since Zoro has stepped out to challenge the world's strongest, he is prepared to die.

Seeing Zoro's actions, Hawkeye was stunned for a moment.

Then he heard Zoro laugh and say,"The wound on the back is a shame for a swordsman!"

Zoro's words made Hawkeye even more interested.

""What a great boy!"

Hawkeye praised, and then swung his knife.

Blood immediately spurted out from the wounds on Zoro's chest and abdomen. Most people would definitely die from such injuries.

Seeing this, Luffy roared with bloodshot eyes and rushed towards Hawkeye.

And Ike jumped into the sea and fished out Zoro who fell into the sea due to inertia.

Seeing that Luffy was also trying to kill himself and wanted to fight with Hawkeye, Ike hurriedly said,"Luffy, wait a minute, Zoro is still alive!"

Hawkeye saw Zoro being fished out of the sea, and his eyes suddenly became sharper.

"It's too early for you to die."

"My name is Jorakolmighok. See yourself clearly, know the world, and become stronger! No matter how long it takes, I will be waiting for you at the strongest position. Surpass the sword in my hand, surpass me! Roronoa Zoro.

Hawkeye's words proved that he had recognized Zoro's existence.

At this moment, Ike found something wrong, that is....There was no response from Zoro!

According to the plot, he should have raised his knife and said something like"I will never lose again".

Usopp brought the first aid kit. When Usopp and Ike checked on Zoro, he looked very bad.

Zoro was now in a dying state and had lost consciousness.

This made Hawkeye, who had made a long and passionate speech, a little embarrassed. After all,....In Hawkeye's opinion, it is very easy to injure but not kill Zoro with his micromanagement. Zoro will never lose consciousness or die from serious injuries.......

What everyone doesn't know is that Zoro didn't actually lose consciousness, but his soul entered the space of the Zanpakuto.

"Kuina! I...I still lost!"

Inside the Zanpakutō, Zoro turned into his childhood appearance, while Kuina remained as she was before her death.

""Defeat, I remember you haven't defeated me yet!" Kuina said with a smile.

Kuina's words immediately made Zoro blush.

"I told you that I will surpass you sooner or later!"

At this point, Zoro's expression froze, and he smiled bitterly and said,"Forget it, there is no chance anymore!"

"Kuina, what is your current condition?"

"Status...."Kuina looked at her hands and said,"I don't know either. Since you got the knife, I have appeared here."

"Is it really a shallow fight? Looks like I have to ask Ike about it."

Just as Zoro finished speaking, a pulling force was trying to expel him from this Zanpakuto world.

At the same time, a monster with three heads and six arms and a face like Shura appeared behind Kuina.

Seeing this, Kuina pulled out the knife stuck in the ground and started fighting with it.

Zoro, who had been sucked into the air, was a little anxious when he saw this scene.

He wanted to go down to help Kuina, but....The body is completely out of control.....

"woke up....Sure enough, he woke up..."

"Ike, how did you do that?"

"I didn't expect that killing people could also save lives!"......

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