"Human, don't push your luck!"

As the dragon spoke, it opened its mouth and bit towards Luffy's neck. Luffy dodged nimbly, and then kicked the dragon's chin.

At this time, Luffy's strength was much stronger than in the original book because he had awakened his telekinesis.

This kick smashed the dragon's steel teeth and kicked him out directly.

The dragon crashed into the house with a loud bang.

Although the kick was powerful, it was not enough to knock out the dragon directly.

When the dragon walked out of the ruins again, not only did his mouth full of steel teeth recover, but he also had a huge serrated sword in his hand......

Usopp, who was watching the battle, felt his legs go weak when he saw such a large sawtooth sword.

"that....."Aren't we going to help Luffy?"

Usopp asked.

Hearing Usopp's words, Sanji lit a cigarette and said,"Soldiers vs. soldiers, generals vs. generals, our battle is over, and the next one is the outcome of the generals!"

Ike also nodded and smiled,"Have some confidence in Luffy, he can win!"

Hearing what Ike said, Usopp stopped talking.

Zoro took out the wine gourd and drank while watching Luffy's battle with the dragon.......

The dragon took out his weapon, and Luffy was indeed somewhat passive at first......That was only temporary. After adapting to the attack rhythm of the dragon, Luffy began to fight back.

Luffy concentrated all his mental energy on his fists and feet to increase his attack power.

Just as the dragon slashed again, Luffy put his hands together to catch the serrated sword, and then he exerted force with his arms, and with a"click", he broke the serrated sword directly.

Seeing this scene, the dragon was also incredible.

The serrated sword in his hand was made of high-quality fine iron, and it was definitely not a rubbish weapon that could be easily broken.

Just when the dragon was surprised, Luffy moved again.

Luffy stretched his arms backwards, and then pushed out suddenly.

"Rubber Bazooka....."

The rubber rocket hit the dragon's abdomen, causing it to crash into the building of Dragon Paradise again.

Luffy had already seen the dragon's strong defense, so after knocking the dragon away, he chased after it.

The dragon that was knocked away struggled to get up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and was about to go out again.

But at this moment, Luffy rushed to the dragon and shouted"Rubber Machine Gun!"...."

His rubber fists kept hitting the dragon's body like countless afterimages.

The sound of bones breaking came from all over the dragon's body, and blood kept spitting out of the dragon's mouth.

Soon....The entire Dragon Park began to collapse due to Luffy's violent attack.

When Luffy stopped punching, the dragon had completely lost consciousness.

The buildings of the entire Dragon Park also collapsed one after another.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and the long-lost sunshine shone on the entire Dragon Park.

""Eh? Who won?" Usopp asked in confusion.

"Of course, Luffy wins!" As he spoke, Ike ran forward and dug Luffy, who was basically uninjured, out of the rubble.........

At the same time, in the village of Kokosia, the navy led by Finbudi was going door to door to inform everyone why they were here.

The people of Kokosia did not trust the navy, as they all knew that the navy was in cahoots with the Arlong Pirates. But after Finbudi's constant persuasion, they finally believed that the navy came here to destroy the Arlong Pirates....There are strong men from the private navy fighting with the Dragon Pirates.

Nami naturally noticed the movement here. She was very surprised that Luffy and his men actually caught up here.

"You idiots, why are you chasing me?..."

Nami covered her head helplessly. She really regarded the Straw Hat Pirates as her partners.

She didn't want her partners to be killed by the dragon.

Thinking of this, she picked up her weapon and rushed out of the house, intending to find the dragon.

Just as she rushed out of the door, she ran into Colonel Mouse who had just arrived.

Colonel Mouse naturally saw Finbuddy and his men, but he didn't care at all.

Finbuddy was just a captain, and the number of marines under his command was pitifully small compared to Colonel Mouse.

As for Finbuddy's saying that someone could defeat the Dragon Pirates? It was even more nonsense.

He ignored Finbuddy at all and walked straight towards Nami's orange orchard, aiming directly at the 100 million Baileys in the orange orchard.

Nami wanted to stop it, but was forced back by a group of marines with guns.

Nami saw that these marines actually walked directly towards the orange orchard with shovels, and she knew it must be the method of the dragon.

Just when Nami was about to fight, Finbuddy in a wheelchair also brought people over.

Not only Fenbudi and his marines, but also a group of villagers from Kokosia Village were behind them.

This huge crowd directly surrounded the mouse who was trying to dig for treasure.

Seeing this, the mouse's face changed drastically.

"Do you want to rebel?"

Hearing Colonel Mouse's words, Ah Jian, with a windmill on his head and scars all over his body, walked out of the crowd.

"Nami carries the hopes of our entire village, and we all see her pain!"

"I will never allow you to bully Nami again!"

After hearing Ajian's words, the villagers behind him also raised their hoes, shovels and other farm tools and echoed him.

"That's right....Our Nami will never let you bully her again!"

"Kokosia Village belongs not only to Nami, but also to us!"

"Nami...You have suffered a lot over the years!"

"Nami, you've done enough for us!"......

Hearing the villagers' words, Nami flowed out of the heart. The mouse was even more panicked. Fenbudi is very dish, but that is also aimed at the strong of Aike Luffy Sauron. In the face of ordinary sea soldiers, he is still very brave or not to serve the public. The soldiers said ,"Everyone puts down the weapon, otherwise I will make this mouse a dead mouse." His boss was controlled, and the sea soldiers under the mouse also put down the weapon.

"hehe.....Colonel Mouse, you have the skills to be a colonel. It seems like you have received a lot of gifts, right?"

"You're a captain....If you dare to commit treason, you are done.....I will report you and kick you out of the navy!"

Finbudi smiled coldly and said,"I think you don't know who you are facing!"

In Finbudi's opinion, a naval officer like Mouse who relied on gifts and various nepotism to get to the top would be scared to death after knowing that Vice Admiral Garp was behind the private navy.

And Finbudi completely forgot that he also relied on gifts, various flattery and nepotism to get to the top.

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