"Hello? Vice Admiral Garp?"

Garp knew who it was when he heard the voice.

"Ike! Who did you beat up again?"

"I didn't beat anyone up. I want to ask why Luffy is wanted."

When Garp heard that his grandson was wanted, he was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Sengoku.

Sengoku naturally heard it too. He shrugged and said that he didn't know either. After all, such things were done by the subordinates.

Especially the wanted orders of the four seas, it is basically up to the four seas to decide who to want and who not to want.

Then the information of the wanted person and what illegal things he has done will be notified to the headquarters, and the headquarters will be responsible for printing the wanted orders and sending them to all parts of the world.

Without waiting for Sengoku to get the latest wanted order, Crane had already taken out Luffy's wanted order from the freshly-released wanted order.

Seeing that his grandson was indeed wanted, Garp became even more curious.

""What did you do before?" Garp asked.

Hearing Garp's question, Ike told him about the years of dragon's rule over Cocosia Village and his collusion with Colonel Mouse to exploit the people.

After hearing what happened, without waiting for Garp to speak, Sengoku stood up first.

Since he knew that there were scum naval officers who were tarnishing the image of the navy, as a naval admiral, he naturally could not sit idly by.

Naturally, he would not listen to Ike's one-sided words.

He first looked at the report written by Colonel Mouse.

The report said that Luffy was an extremely vicious pirate, and extremely powerful, and did not take the navy seriously. It also said that Captain Finbuddy of the East China Sea Navy Branch was in cahoots with the Straw Hat Pirates........

In short, it was all kinds of slander and smearing.

After reading the report, Zhan Guo immediately called the vice admiral of the Navy branch stationed in the East China Sea and asked him to investigate Kokosia Village, Colonel Mouse, and Captain Finbudi...........

Just after Zhan Guo gave the order, Garp also walked into his office.

"Karp....Tell me, what happened to your grandson?"

"Ah? My grandson! He admired me as a naval hero, so he aspired to become the king of the navy! But since he was still young, I let him go on his own adventure on the sea first, and gave him the identity of a private navy!"

Zhan Guo:.....

Sengoku was speechless at Garp's explanation, and then he slammed the table angrily.

"Asshole Garp, your navy is flying a skull flag?"

Seeing Zhan Guo so angry, Garp laughed a few times, then pointed at a dog-head navy warship in the harbor outside the window and said,"Yes!....My navy flies the crossbones flag!"

Zhan Guo looked in the direction of Garp's finger, and his nose almost got crooked with anger.

Garp's warship actually flew the crossbones flag, but the crossbones flag was a dog-headed skull.

"Hahaha...Our navy flies the skull and crossbones flag!"

"Bastard Karp.....you...you...."

Zhan Guo pointed at Garp and really didn't know what to say

"Don't be angry...."

As he spoke, Karp took out a piece of paper and began to scribble on it.

The content of Karp's doodle was a skull flag with a straw hat.

"Look, this is not just a skull flag, it actually has a hidden meaning....."

Seeing Garp's tone suddenly become serious, Sengoku frowned, then walked forward and began to observe this somewhat abstract straw hat skull pirate flag.

After looking at it for a long time, Sengoku didn't find any clues in it, and then asked curiously,"This flag is nothing special except that it is ugly...."

"well..."Garp pointed at the straw hat in the logo, looking like he didn't understand art, and explained,"Did you know that there is actually a sword in the straw hat, and the blade pierced through the skull's head.....This flag is a complete anti-pirate flag."

Zhan Guo:......

Zhan Guo thought that Garp had a good reason for suddenly becoming serious, but he didn't expect.....

"Bastard Karp....are you kidding me!!!!!"......

At the same time, at the Crescent Harbor of the Navy Headquarters, many people saw that Garp's warship had hoisted the dog-head skull flag....He did not take down the navy flag.

Many sailors stopped to watch this strange naval ship.

"Eh? Is this Vice Admiral Garp's warship? Why is it flying the pirate flag?"

"idiot....Do you think Vice Admiral Garp will become a pirate? Even if he does, will he park his ship in front of the Navy Headquarters?"

"I think.....Vice Admiral Garp: This is a brand new way to catch pirates! Put up the skull flag to let the pirates relax their vigilance, then get close, and finally sink the pirate ship with a big iron ball!"

After hearing someone's imagination, many navy officers nodded.

"Well! This is indeed a good idea, although it is a bit despicable, but....To eliminate pirates, no matter how despicable the means are, it is not too much."

"yes....I will also hang a skull and crossbones flag on my warship to see the effect".....

Sengoku, who was in his office, naturally didn't know about the discussion among the navy officers. If he knew, he would definitely be even more angry.

Maybe in a few days, the port of the navy headquarters would be full of navy warships flying the skull flag.

He couldn't do anything about Garp.

After all,....The Navy regulations do not state that navy ships cannot fly the skull and crossbones flag, and Garp is still quibbling, saying that this flag is actually an anti-piracy flag.....


Zhan Guo sighed and said,"I will not care about your grandson Luffy's affairs. When the investigation results come out, if your grandson has done nothing wrong, I will have his bounty removed."

"But there is one thing you have to remember....If Luffy really does something he shouldn't do, I will never tolerate it!"

Hearing this, Garp laughed and said,"Don't worry, Sengoku, I know my grandson. If he really does something he shouldn't do, I will let him experience what an iron fist full of love is!".......

Back to the Straw Hat Pirates

"Don't worry! It's probably a mistake on the Navy's part! In my opinion, it was that guy called Colonel Mouse who was causing trouble!"

Hearing Colonel Mouse's name, Nami gritted her teeth!

"so....My bounty is going to be gone soon, right?"

Luffy said weakly.

"Hello...."Luffy, do you really want to be rewarded?"

Nami hit Luffy on the head with a slap and roared.

Luffy, who was beaten up, immediately denied it.

At this moment, Zoro said helplessly,"In fact, even if the navy withdraws the bounty, we will probably still have a lot of trouble!"

"The Navy has withdrawn Luffy’s bounty and can only stop issuing new bounties. In the eyes of bounty hunters who don’t know the intelligence, Luffy is still a fat sheep worth 30 million!"

"Oh? Really?...."Luffy didn't care at all about being targeted by bounty hunters. Instead, he felt like eating something........

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