The port of Rogue Town.

There are four pirate ships anchored here.

Many pirates are carrying supplies to their own pirate ships.

Seeing their anxious looks, Ike knew that they should also know that this town has Smoker, the gatekeeper of the Grand Line.

But they knew it was dangerous, but they still chose to resupply supplies in Rogue Town, which was really a bit stupid.

Ike jumped onto the roof of the tower house in the port, and soon saw many sneaky people holding phone bugs staring at the pirates in the port.

Seeing this, Ike guessed that these should be spies of the navy, just reporting the situation of the pirates in the port to the higher-ups!......

"Move quickly, the white hunter will be here soon!"

"Captain, if you are so afraid of the White Hunter Smoker, why did you come to Rogue Town?"

Hearing his subordinate's words, the leader of the Extra Pirates slapped him and said,"Asshole, I am a pirate from the East China Sea going to the Grand Line, so of course I have to start from Rogue Town! This is the town where it all starts and ends!"

The pirates:....

Many pirate minions were speechless about their boss's brain circuit.

Not only this captain, but also other pirate captains.

It's like a student preparing for the college entrance examination. He knows that praying to God is useless, but still chooses to pray for a good grade. It

's just that their sense of ritual may result in their own life and property.......

Ike also heard the conversation between the pirates and their captain

"I didn't expect these pirates to have such a sense of ritual."

Just when Ike was about to jump down to deal with these pirates, he suddenly thought of the costume he had won in the lottery.

Thinking of this, Ike took out the homemade costume he had won.

After taking it out, it was a pure white T-shirt. Just put it on and imagine what the costume would look like.

However, this dress can only change its appearance once. If you accidentally lose your mind during the imagination, it will probably be useless.

What if you suddenly think of JK, maid clothes, stockings......

It would be embarrassing....Ike believes that it is impossible for him to be distracted......

Ike put on the large T-shirt without hesitation, and then began to imagine what the Fourth Hokage's divine robe looked like.

Soon, in Ike's imagination, the T-shirt turned into the same divine robe as the Fourth Hokage, which was put on the outside.

However, the words on the back of this divine robe were not"Fourth Hokage" but"In the Name of the People".

As for why it was"In the Name of the People",.....The main reason is that Ike was indeed a little distracted. The word"justice" is written on the navy's cloak, but they do not enforce justice for the people, but for the world government.

So Ike thought that his private navy is definitely the kind that enforces justice for the working people, that is, the people, in the name of the people.

Then he thought of"In the Name of the People", and then he thought of Secretary Dakang, and when he thought of Secretary Dakang, he thought of Hou Liangping. When he thought of Hou Liangping, he thought of Zhao Dehan

, and when he thought of Zhao Dehan, he thought of noodles with soybean paste. When he thought of noodles with soybean paste, Zhao Dehan eating fried noodles almost appeared on the royal robe. At this time, Ike just came back to his senses, but fortunately, in the end, Ike came back to his senses, and at the last moment, he changed Zhao Dehan eating noodles with soybean paste to"In the Name of the People".】.....

After putting on the royal robe, Ike's whole person instantly improved several levels.

After changing clothes, Ike jumped down from the tower.

At the same time,

Smoker was also rushing to the port because of a report from his subordinates. On the way, he bumped into a little girl, and his pants ate the ice cream in the girl's hand........

Ike's sudden appearance attracted the attention of many pirates with weapons.

Without waiting for the pirates to ask about Ike's identity, Ike pointed at the captain of the nearest pirate ship and said,"I am Admiral Ike of the Private Navy. You have been surrounded. Surrender!""

"Ike? I remember the white hunter was called Smoker...."

One of the pirate captains frowned and said

"The captain does not seem to be the White Hunter. Legend has it that the White Hunter has white hair and at least two cigars in his mouth.....It seems we are not surrounded!"

"Oh? So this guy is playing tricks on us....."

After muttering, the pirate whose head was worth seven million suddenly became ferocious, pointing at Ike and shouting,"Kill him!"

A large group of pirates rushed towards Ike with swords in hand after hearing their captain's order.

Ike stretched out his hand, and Lake Toya appeared out of thin air in his hand. Then he wrapped the airflow around Lake Toya and rushed out.

Every time Lake Toya was swung, several pirate minions would be blown away, and then hit the ground or the nearby wall, and their lives were unknown.

With Ike's current ability, he is definitely at the level of pirates in the early days of the Grand Line, and is not comparable to these little pirates who have not even entered the Grand Line.

The captain of the pirate group also noticed that Ike's strength was not something he could contend with, so he found the captains of the other three ships.

Because the other three pirate groups had heard what Ike said before, the other three pirate groups had no objection to fighting this powerful enemy together.

Seeing that the minions of the other three pirate groups were also besieging him, Ike took a deep breath and then fired a full-power [Dragon Roar].

The Dragon Roar with a diameter of several meters was simply a weapon to clear the field. In a blink of an eye, more than half of the pirate minions were cleared.

Justice points were also constantly added.

"Damn....This guy is too strong! Let's go together...."

The captains of the four pirate groups could not sit still. They knew that Ike could not be defeated by the human wave tactics.

In Ike's eyes, four million-level pirates were no different from minions.

Ike solved them all with the Sky Dragon Wing Attack.

The four rushed over very slowly, but flew back very fast. After the four people knocked down the four houses in the port, there was nothing else.

They were not dragons, and they had such a strong body that could withstand beatings. Ike probably made them lose all their health after being beaten by Ike.......

The marines who were monitoring the port saw everything and were somewhat shocked by Ike's strength. It was also the first time for them to see someone other than Colonel Smoker being able to deal with the pirate group so easily.

At the same time. At the entrance of the port, Smoker led a group of marines towards the port and happened to meet Luffy who was lost because of looking for the execution platform.

When Luffy saw a group of marines, he walked up to them very familiarly and said,"Excuse me, how do I get to the execution platform?"

"This town is so huge......I don't know why I walked to the harbor road."

Smoker looked at Luffy quietly and asked,"Why are you looking for the execution platform?"

Luffy smiled and said

""I want to see where the Pirate King died."

Luffy's words made Smoker stunned for a moment.

At that time, Smoker witnessed the execution of the Pirate King with his own eyes. The Pirate King's calmness in the face of the execution and the grin he gave him left a deep impression on him. The

Straw Hat Boy in front of him just now gave Smoker an illusion that he was....The Straw Hat Boy in front of him is the same type of person as the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.

If he became a pirate, he would be a big trouble.

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